Living With The Ex

I live with my ex. He rents a room from me as he is on disability and is waiting for public housing to come thought. Half the time I don't even like him and have no desire to be with him but don't want to see bombing the streets either.

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I lived with my ex the first semester of my junior year. He's an awesome, amazing person, though. We probably should not have dated, but he was/is there for me like no one else. Hence, he let me stay at his place.
Oh, and the point was to allow me to save money, look for a nice/safe place (as opposed to just moving anywhere just to move), and find a job. And he knew that I was eating and stuff and safe. It was a sacrifice for him and I really appreciate it.
The only time I have seen this with anyone that I know was a situation where they were waiting for the lease to be up.