He breaks up with you but he's the one acting salty???


Is this the Asian guy from the other thread?

Ladies thanks for your replies. I guess this will be one that will forever confuse me. I feel like I should be the salty one but I'm not. Sure I was hurt when we broke up because quite frankly I felt the relationship could have worked but one thing my momma always told me......don't ever beg no man to stay with you. If he wanna go then let him go and don't put up no fight..........I live by this. Thank God for Black Mothers!
Fine 4s said:
Yeah but when folks are hurt, the ego gets in the way. I wouldn't judge him too harshly. I know we like to support each other but let's be fair and honest.
The flip side is if he's not a nice person, why didn't OP do the breaking up?
I'm not really asking this question for a response but suggesting that we can flip it many ways. It's an unpleasant situation for both and that's that. Nothing in life is going to always be comfortable I guess...


Lmbo at asking am I the ex. No I'm just not anti-man. And I try to be aware of all sides. Not just the one I'm told.
I really don't see what the issue is. So what if you all agreed to be cordial. He has the right to change his mind and ignore you if he feels like it without being considered egotistical, narcissistic, or whatever.

I really think we as women over think things sometimes. Who knows if this man is even truly hurt over you all not being friends? He could have been having a bad day. Unless he pulled you to the side and told you exactly you why he ignored you, then you really don't know what is going on in his head. My point is whether he is salty or not is not really anything you should put thought into. He broke up with you...keep him out of your thoughts and keep it moving.
*clapping out the words*: KEEP. IT. MOVING.

He just wanted to keep playing little kid games is all. He's not worth your time. You made the right decision!
Hmm...maybe he didn't really want to break up, but wanted a break and planned to come back after he'd gotten what he wanted....expecting to have the relationship still bridged for him to walk back across...but you said let it burn.

Or maybe the break up was an ultimatum and he wanted you to acquiesce to some demand but...you said let it burn....:lachen:

I've known several men (or as I like to say women dressed as men) who pulled such ***** moves on me only to have it backfire in their faces because I did indeed let it burn. No one is going to give me an ultimatum and force me to dance...unless it's what I really wanted to do anyway.

He sounds butt hurt because he tried it and lost it all. Good job girl good job!
He probably wants you guys to be friends with all the extra benefits.
DING DING DING DING DING DING DING!!!! Tell her what she's won folks!!! :lol:

The whole thing is weird to me. Why would you want to keep an ex around? I mean if you can't be in a relationship with me then you don't deserve my company and besides that wouldn't be fair to my future mate.

OP your ex sounds like his pride and ego is more hurt than anything. He probably wanted to keep you as a "friend" on the side while he goes and does his own thing with other women.... :nono:

Good for you for not settling for a "friendship". I don't see anything wrong with being CORDIAL to an ex after you two have broken up, but I'm not going to pretend that we can still be "friends" after we've been together, been intimate, and goodness knows what else if HE was the one that broke up with ME. :nono: :hand:

He probably wasn't thinking you were going to take the breakup so "cool", and maybe wanted you to beg and plead for him back. :rolleyes: The fact that you're so "chill" about the breakup is throwing him off a little bit lol. :giggle:

Honestly, I think that's how ALL women should be if a man breaks up with them. If he breaks up and makes it CLEAR that he doesn't want a relationship with you, then the woman should just stay calm, don't make a scene in front of him, and just move on. He probably wasn't "The One" if he's breaking up with YOU. :nono: Even if you have to cry in your pillow at night, don't do it in front of him. :nono: It will just make him validate why he broke up with you in the first place, and it will feed his ego. But if you're okay with it, it will start making the wheels in his head turn a little bit. :yep: