Living with family while married??


New Member
Ok so, this eco crisis has hit very hard for me. With one full income and one part time income, things just werent adding up. So instead of trying to scrape pennies and not being able to properly feed my family, I decided the best thing to do was move to a less expensive place. My grandparents have a co-op up here and a house in NC. They are supposed to be leaving for good and leaving the co-op to my mom, but she doesn't want it b/c two bedrooms aren't enough for her. So she told them I could have it. We decided not to wait until our lease is up to move. Now we are there, and I'm really hoping that they are gone my the first of December b/c my grandmother is about to drive me frugging insane!! She just NEEDS to have something for complain about! I think she's bi-polar seriously. It's to the point where my mom isn't speaking to her, and my DH is struggling not to curse her out. So we've made a vow to ignore her crazy butt, and just pray for their swift departure back to their beautiful home not in NY!

Anybody else have any experience with issues like this??
My grandmother is a HEAVY complainer. Like she would invite her grandchildren over her house and in the same breath call her friend and say people always leaving their kids with her and she is going to start charging them :lachen::lachen:.

She aint happy unless she is complaining. She had invited my niece and my daughter to come to her for the weekend and i guarantee you without fail she will call my mother (her daughter) and tell her that she is tired of kids and that she too old to baby sit and we are using her :lachen::lachen:

I get her back by prank calling her phone :lachen: that aggrivates the **** out of her lol. I get friends to do it too :lachen:. I love my gramma :lachen:

back on topic: I couldnt do it :lachen:
My grandmother is a HEAVY complainer. Like she would invite her grandchildren over her house and in the same breath call her friend and say people always leaving their kids with her and she is going to start charging them :lachen::lachen:.

She aint happy unless she is complaining. She had invited my niece and my daughter to come to her for the weekend and i guarantee you without fail she will call my mother (her daughter) and tell her that she is tired of kids and that she too old to baby sit and we are using her :lachen::lachen:

I get her back by prank calling her phone :lachen: that aggrivates the **** out of her lol. I get friends to do it too :lachen:. I love my gramma :lachen:

back on topic: I couldnt do it :lachen:

You are sooooo wrong for that :lachen::lachen::lachen:
We used to do that to my old crazy aunt :lachen::lachen:
We lived with my Mom while engaged was a nightmare because if it's not cleaned her way then there's drama lol!!! the point was to stay there to have a nice wedding and get a property but she flipped out and ran us out. So were renting but i'm still tight because I really wanted to buy a property during that time.

But if she would've been cool we would probably have a house right now. Your grandmom is almost gone so try to be patient and ignore it til she leaves, look at it this way your going to be living in a co-op which is way better than regular apt rentals. Wish I had family and family that were considerate enough to pass their stuff on instead of being selfish.
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Living with family is a recipe for disaster after you've started your own.

It is tough enough moving back home by yourself after you've been out alone. Throw in-laws into the mix.:nono:

Unless we hit really hard, I don't see myself doing that any time soon. I hope we never need to.

Sorry you are going through this OP. At least it is temporary.