LHCF Members


To all you ladies at LHCF I was just curious about how your hair has grown since starting the forum. I've been a member for almost a month now and I've gotten fantastic advice and great tips that have done wonders for my hair, and I've went from 17" to 17.5"(and this is 9wks post relaxer) since starting and I just wanted to know the progress of others since their beginning at LHCF, because I think you all are absolutely wonderful.
I am also a big fan of this forum. Since starting my hair journey in August I have grown and RETAINED 4 inches of hair and Im loving every minute of it. Im looking forward to more advice and more growth as time passes!
Ditto about being a big fan of this forum! My hair is in the best shape that it's been in for a while. I am laying off of heat...and I have gained about three inches since I started my regimen in December (need to update my sig)
. Thanks for the tips and support!
My hair went from nape of neck to just past my shoulders in 9 months. I had a major setback in november, but even with that problem my hair is still longer than it EVER was.
My hair has gone from chin length to shoulder length
I have been a member for almost a year. I love the advise I have gotten from this forum.. I am sure I could not have grown my hair with out the ladys from this site. I hope to be at bra strap in by next summer.
i started lurking lhcf november 2002, but I didn't join until february 2003, because all the other forums were restricted to members only (and i loved to read the off-topic board, lol). I didn't have a regimen until february 03 also, so my progress so far is that i went from cheek length to a little below shoulders. Ultimate goal brastrap, I have been close to it before, but always had breakage. So my main reason on this board is to learn how to retain length and read gossip on off-topic board. So far so good.
My hair has grown from above my ear to ear lobe on the sides (tapered in the back) since January. My hair is definately a lot healthier than it's ever been and I have 100% less breakage. I've learned so many tips on how to establish a health regimin.
I joined Long Hair Care Forum when Beverley first created it. To answer your question, mytialpn, I cut my to an ear-length bob in October 2002, and now my hair reaches to my shoulder-blades.
queenofmean68 said:

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QOM, maybe we can offer helpful advice if you give the details of your regimen. I know it's frustrating and disappointing if you care for your hair and don't see noticeable length.

That happened to me too: I wanted to throw in the towel because my hair wasn't gaining noticeable length, but the beautiful women (at the time, I think the Board was entirely female) at LHCF encouraged me by pointing out that my hair was thicker, stronger, and healthier overall. Jade in particular predicted that my hair, now that it was healthy, would take off in growth. She was right. My hair has grown from a ear-length bob to my shoulder blades.

(And my hair grows s-l-o-w-l-y! Yet I have been able to accumulate considerable length in 1½ years.)
queenofmean68 said:

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Girl, I hear yuh. I came to the realization that I must do my own thing.
I joined the board in 2002. I went from a Halle Berry short tapered cut to just about two good inches from bra-clasp.
wow! your hair has come a long way in such a short period of time and it looks so healthy skegeesmb
ive been lurkin since early 2003, ive gone from barely shoulder length to 2 inches past underarm length. 2 inches from brastrap.
I love this forum! I'm a "newbie" so I can't attest much to gains in terms of inches yet, but my hair has certainly benefited. I had a nice head of healthy hair, but it was never the length I wanted, though it was always growing. I finally learned why I haven't reached my length goal and have found solutions that will help me be more successful. I also never thought I could live w/o heat, but I'm wondering now how often I will return. I'm incredibly grateful for that alone!