LHCF made me do this: LOOK!!!!


New Member
Now that I've made you look, I have to say I am loving my little TWA:spinning:
I did the BC yesterday 02-02-08, well my husband did it for me.
Natural ladies, you are all inspirations to me.
Please note that I will be stalking your fotki's:lachen:
Thank you LHCF ladies, lots of love for you here!

Ok, how do I attach pixs?:blush:
Thank you DozenRoses99! I am excited about the natural journey.
Guess you ladies will have to check out my fotki in the folder-Nappy hair journey since I can't seem to attach pixs here.
Sorry! Leave comments please. Will be putting in corn rows next week to continue the C&G challenge.
Congrats on cutting out the crack!!! I'm still getting high with my relaxer, but I'm glad you took the plunge and did ya thang. Your hair will thank you.
Congrats on cutting out the crack!!! I'm still getting high with my relaxer, but I'm glad you took the plunge and did ya thang. Your hair will thank you.

That made me burst out laughing!
You thinking of moving over to the other side?

Thank ladies! If anything I know I can always count on LHCF ladies for much needed encouragement!
Thank you ladies! My little chikita is my joy!
mrsjohnson75, your daughter's hair is beautiful, good job!