LHCF LadieS HavE YoU EveR.........


Well-Known Member
Had someone who tried to give you hair advice and they don't even take care of/or have hair??

They are either:

-Under a weave that doesn't match their hair texture or hair color.

-Have fried hair

-Have a hairline back to their ears, but rant about what you NEED and need not to do with your hair.

- A person who has never been natural (since they were like 3 yrs old) give you natural hair advice.

A person who believes that you NEED to cut an inch of hair every 4-6 weeks ( relaxed ladies ya'll know what I'm talking about)

- (Relaxed Ladies) A person who believes you NEED a perm every 3-6 weeks

Before going to Cosmetology school and not knowing any better about hair, I had a relative who would do my hair every month slapping a relaxer ALL OVER my head. I'm surprised I still had strands o my head!! The damage started showing when I graduated from Highschool noticing breakage, more dandruff, and dryness. So I addressed it to my relative and she would tell me, "You need another relaxer so it could eat up all that dandruff, moisturize and straightened your ends again" :perplexed: WTF?

Ever since then, I took my arse to :vette: Cosmo School. I realized my relative has NO IDEA what she was doing and doesn't have any healthy hair to prove it ( only glued in tracks). When I went natural, my relative HATED IT!! She would tell me that I need a texturizer, a relaxer etc. but for the many years that I have known her, she has NEVER had healthy hair. I learned so much there and more form different stylists, blogs websites etc. (sigh)

Please share your stories with me ladies I would love to hear :grin:
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People always offer unsolicited advice whether you want to hear it or not. I just smile and keep doing what I do esp if I notice their own personal disasters.
Yup, more often than I want. I used to smile and KIM but now I gave them a death look and KIM. :giggle:

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The woman who used to braid my hair is a nice gal I met through an internet ad. We're the same age and both french-speaking africans so we got along pretty quickly...

However, she had the most HORRIBLE hair I have ever seen in real life. I'm dead serious.

She had layers from scalp to ears, her hair was a weird dark orange-brown color, overprocessed, dry, broken off, she had see-through ends and a gone-to-heaven hairline a la Naomi Campbell.

Yet, since I just bc'ed and had about 1.5 inches of hair she attempted to sell me some magical stuff to "make my hair grow". Of course I declined.

Fast forward about 4 months later, she comes to my place again to braid my hair and notices that it's now longer than hers.

She asked me what I used on my hair to have it grown so "quickly". I tried to explain "protective styling", "retention vs growth", “moisture" but all she wanted to know about was the products I used...

"Suave conditioners, shea butter, a bit of EVOO and coconut oil" I said. :ohwell:

Then about 3 months later she comes back again (she's an excellent braider) and takes her own tools/products out of her bag: a medium tooth comb and some greasy smelly stuff ...you know the ones with spelling mistakes like "Doo Gro".

Even when I didn't know better I barely ever used that kind of stuff...

Anyway, I tell her that my hair has already been properly detangled /conditioned and that I usually use wide-tooth combs anyway to avoid pain & breakage.

She looks at me like I'm crazy and says: “But that stuff makes hair grow!”

I'm like "ok...:perplexed....:spinning:.....:look: but really, my hair grows "on its own" I just need to have it braided to be able to see it get longer..."


Then after she braided about half my head she asked me what I used to make it so soft even though it's natural.

"The same stuff I told you about last time" I said. I was willing to share my shea butter / oils mix with her but she responded that she only uses that blue sticky thing she brought.

I wanted to yell "What the hell does that thing do for you? Look at your hair!"

But I kept quiet. Some people just won't change their ways even if it obviously doesn't work for them....

and they'll try and convince you to use their stuff anyway :lachen:
The woman who used to braid my hair is a nice gal I met through an internet ad. We're the same age and both french-speaking africans so we got along pretty quickly...

However, she had the most HORRIBLE hair I have ever seen in real life. I'm dead serious.

She had layers from scalp to ears, her hair was a weird dark orange-brown color, overprocessed, dry, broken off, she had see-through ends and a gone-to-heaven hairline a la Naomi Campbell.


Yet, since I just bc'ed and had about 1.5 inches of hair she attempted to sell me some magical stuff to "make my hair grow". Of course I declined.

Fast forward about 4 months later, she comes to my place again to braid my hair and notices that it's now longer than hers.

She asked me what I used on my hair to have it grown so "quickly". I tried to explain "protective styling", "retention vs growth", “moisture" but all she wanted to know about was the products I used...

"Suave conditioners, shea butter, a bit of EVOO and coconut oil" I said. :ohwell:

Then about 3 months later she comes back again (she's an excellent braider) and takes her own tools/products out of her bag: a medium tooth comb and some greasy smelly stuff ...you know the ones with spelling mistakes like "Doo Gro".

Even when I didn't know better I barely ever used that kind of stuff...

Anyway, I tell her that my hair has already been properly detangled /conditioned and that I usually use wide-tooth combs anyway to avoid pain & breakage.

She looks at me like I'm crazy and says: “But that stuff makes hair grow!”

I'm like "ok...:perplexed....:spinning:.....:look: but really, my hair grows "on its own" I just need to have it braided to be able to see it get longer..."


Then after she braided about half my head she asked me what I used to make it so soft even though it's natural.

"The same stuff I told you about last time" I said. I was willing to share my shea butter / oils mix with her but she responded that she only uses that blue sticky thing she brought.

I wanted to yell "What the hell does that thing do for you? Look at your hair!"

But I kept quiet. Some people just won't change their ways even if it obviously doesn't work for them....

and they'll try and convince you to use their stuff anyway :lachen:

So, you still trust her with your hair even though she has horrible hair....?
Yep, almost every stylist that I have gone to. Whenever they give me the talk about "needing to cut my ends." Are my ends split? "No, but they need to be cut." That would be no.
Yes. I never go to stylists who themselves have poorly maintained hair or if I've never seen their real hair to be able to assess their care tactics.

I am home for the first time in a year and everyone, and I do mean everyone has noticed the change in my hair. Length, thickness, fullness, and health. THANK YOU HAIR BOARD LADIES! Anyways, during a conversation about my hair and what I am doing/using on it with someone at church....I mention how I started at NL. I wanted to encourage the ladies I was speaking to that I don't have a magic head of hair, its not my family genetics, nor have I ever had hair that is 1.5" from BSL ever before in life. So after saying well my hair started at NL and some pieces were EL this lady jumps in and says: "That's cause ya'll keep putting all them perms in ya'll head" :perplexed: Now...this lady had the most beautiful two-strand twists that had been braided out so they were crinkly/curly. I literally complimented her a million times when I first saw her. HOWEVER....her hair has been natural for like 10 years I think....and its still around SL, maybe a lil past. She started off as a natural NL and 10 years later your hair is only SL?!?!? My hair went from EL/NL to 1.5" from BSL and you're telling me its cause of my "perms"?! Gurl...bye! Which is precisely what I said in so many words or less. My answer: "My hair is still relaxed, I have never had a permanent - and it is very healthy and thick. So for me, I would say that was never the culprit." Sorry boo...and aint nobody even ask you! :lachen:

ETA: not a rant against naturals, just against this particular person.
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I go to braid shops a lot. Those girls can braid/weave the heck out of some hair but their hair is a hot mess. I don't get it. I wash/condition/straighten my hair beforehand so all they have to do is braid it.
I go to braid shops a lot. Those girls can braid/weave the heck out of some hair but their hair is a hot mess. I don't get it. I wash/condition/straighten my hair beforehand so all they have to do is braid it.

At a certain point, I used to comb through my own hair with my wide-tooth comb because I got sick of them ripping my hair out with their fine-tooth combs.