LHCF is your hair real?

I'm getting sooooooooooooo mad :mad: cos everyone i introduce to this site i.e.my friends and my aunt seem to think you ladies are all bald and have extensions please correct them some how...These hair tips actually work how can i convince them all you ladies got REAL LONG HAIR. And plus they just assume that if you hair is long you NOT black....wait till they see my waist length hair.....

Newbie btw...salaam all
Tell me about it! This type of thinking has got to stop. As if every lady on here with long hair has a weave and is in denial. And when they do see your waist length hair, give us an update on their reaction. Welcome!
Check out some of the members fotki's. You will be able to see their progress and you know that it is for real and not fake. If I were you I just wouldn't say anything about LHCF to them and you can be advertisment enough once you get your waistlength hair. When they ask you how you grew your hair so long, say I am a proud member of LHCF. Then they will believe you. I told my lil sis about lhcf and she was like yeah yeah. Now she has seen my progress and now she wants to know everything that I do for my hair;)
Some people just don't understand!!!
queenbee8687 said:
I'm getting sooooooooooooo mad :mad: cos everyone i introduce to this site i.e.my friends and my aunt seem to think you ladies are all bald and have extensions please correct them some how...These hair tips actually work how can i convince them all you ladies got REAL LONG HAIR. And plus they just assume that if you hair is long you NOT black....wait till they see my waist length hair.....

Newbie btw...salaam all
Welcome. My sis says the same thing. She likes me to tell her the tips but she will not lurk or join. Oh well, if the some ppl are wearing weaves they sure are purdy. :) Good luck on your journey to waistlength.
Don't worry about it. You'll get to show them. ;) Then they'll start on you. My hair's not even long, yet, and people have asked if I'm from the Dominican Republic. Another one asked if I was from Equador. I was like Equador?! Where did that come from?

You could also point them to Robin's C&G site. She demo's detangling and her hair is so obviously not a weave.
Welcome! Some people will never believe. I let a white co worker see my scalp and she still insisted it was weave:mad: We're not supposed to have hair, but LHCF proves them wrong:grin:
Welcome to LHCF, girl.

Yeah, a lot of folks have that misconception..... but now that you're a part of this great family, it's up to you to educate and enlighten them. They just dont know any better, is all. :)

Unfortunately, some are ignorant to the point that they truthfully believe that a (pure) black woman can't have long hair.
I don't worry about the haters and non-believers.

The same people that say those things are the same people that come to you later as your hair starts to look so wonderful. They want to know what you are doing.
queenbee8687 said:
I'm getting sooooooooooooo mad :mad: cos everyone i introduce to this site i.e.my friends and my aunt seem to think you ladies are all bald and have extensions please correct them some how...These hair tips actually work how can i convince them all you ladies got REAL LONG HAIR. And plus they just assume that if you hair is long you NOT black....wait till they see my waist length hair.....

Newbie btw...salaam all

This is why I don't tell people about LHCF or any other hair site I visit. It's like they don't understand but that's fine. Not everything is for everybody. I'm sure once they see your improvement they'll be asking questions.
Supergirl said:
Unfortunately, some are ignorant to the point that they truthfully believe that a (pure) black woman can't have long hair.

:lachen: LOL...either you have to be mixed or have "indian in your family"!
My mother said the same thing when I showed her pics of a couple of my inspiration's fotki's who went from SL to BSL. She was like "that can't be their hair". Then again...I wear protective styles everyday and always have it in a scarf at home and a couple a days ago i was talking about my hair and was like "im almost brastrap", she looked at me like I was smoking crack and said "in your dreams". I rollerset it and wore it down just for her this past weekend and all weekend she kept saying (after she asked if i had my clip ons in) "OMG I can't believe your hair grew that much...it is so long...do mine" I was yeah ok...now u believe me.:grin:
Hair Peace said:
:lachen: LOL...either you have to be mixed or have "indian in your family"!

yup, I always have to elaborate and say yes I'm black not mixed, both my parents are black and both of their parents were black..lol
queenbee8687 said:
I'm getting sooooooooooooo mad :mad: cos everyone i introduce to this site i.e.my friends and my aunt seem to think you ladies are all bald and have extensions please correct them some how...These hair tips actually work how can i convince them all you ladies got REAL LONG HAIR. And plus they just assume that if you hair is long you NOT black....wait till they see my waist length hair.....

Newbie btw...salaam all

don't worry the proof is in the pudding;)

the people i show are exactly the same! it's heartbreaking really!:(
My mom used to go as far as to say that everything I learn here was a bunch of bulls&^!, and that y'all didn't know what you were talkin' 'bout so watch out! :lol: But when she saw my hair creepin down my back, she stopped! :lol:

Proof is in the puddin' girlfriend!!!! Just wait til you start growin'!

Welcome to the LHCF!
queenbee8687 said:
I'm getting sooooooooooooo mad :mad: cos everyone i introduce to this site i.e.my friends and my aunt seem to think you ladies are all bald and have extensions please correct them some how...These hair tips actually work how can i convince them all you ladies got REAL LONG HAIR. And plus they just assume that if you hair is long you NOT black....wait till they see my waist length hair.....

Newbie btw...salaam all

You know I was a skeptic also. I've tried so many things to grow my hair that didn't work that when I began to lurk on this sight, I thought that's not real it's weave and they must be mixed because I never saw anyones face. But OH I messed around and saw Sistaslick's hair that looked like mine and I began to take notice. I stayed around long enough to get hooked and although my hair is not where I want it to be I'm convinced this is real and obtainable.

Proof is always in the pudding.
Welcome QB! Well girl....it looks like you have to show them what LHCF is all about! Just be patient and wait till they see your Waist length hair in a few years! I can relate cause my hubby thinks that all the ladies on this site are mixed. seriously. Normally i would be mad at the comment, but i love him too much and plus he's just too cute to offend me. :look:

queenbee8687 said:
I'm getting sooooooooooooo mad :mad: cos everyone i introduce to this site i.e.my friends and my aunt seem to think you ladies are all bald and have extensions please correct them some how...These hair tips actually work how can i convince them all you ladies got REAL LONG HAIR. And plus they just assume that if you hair is long you NOT black....wait till they see my waist length hair.....

Newbie btw...salaam all
Yeah I hate when people don't believe that black women can grow long healthy hair! I was in a Chinese Beauty Supply buying barettes for my daughters and the owner comes up to me going, "What inch is that you have in your hair?" I was shocked that her immediate thought was that it wasn't my hair! Ridiculous!
Thank you girls so much for such a welcome...I'm def a believer in these hair care techniques and can't wait to make me hair healthier than it's ever been inshallah...
I just don't tell people anything about this. I recently moved from California to Texas and me and my sons are staying with my Aunt. She tells me I'm obsessed with my hair all the time just because I condition it or moisturize it and go to the BSS sometimes (I am a product junkie, help!). It's getting on my nerves so bad and now my oldest son is saying it because he's been listening to her. She is constantly commenting on how Black women are obsessed with hair. I tell her that Black women aren't the only ones that are into their hair but she seems to think so. She says it's shallow and people who are so into their hair have no lives. I'm really begining to think she's jealous. In between the negative comments, she occasionally asks me what type of moisturizer or conditioner she should use. I wear phony ponies most of the time lately so it's not like I'm playing in my hair or anything. I would never tell her about this site because I'm sure I'd never here the end of it. I tell her there is nothing wrong with a woman taking care of her hair and wanting it to look nice but I hear this whole thing about how shallow it is and how Black women are so focused on our hair at least twice a week. I can't wait to get my own space.
Unfortunately, these are the same doubters that will see a black woman with long her in public and question her. So it goes beyond just doubting the pictures in albums.
Honestly, I believe that everyone else's hair is real, but sometimes I feel like it could never happen for me:(. I get discouraged easily although I do keep up my routine. I feel like you ladies are just blessed with the ability to grow your hair long even after the abuse and I just can't. I think I look at people's fotki's twice a week just to keep my regimen up and I think just maybe I could grow my hair long one day....
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Back when I would see girls at school with long hair they would always talk about their "indian" or "white" blood and so I never thought I could have long hair. It's strange though because if these same girls had neck length hair they would just be considered typical black girls. Now I know that black women can grow hair and being mixed is not a requirement for it.
redRiot said:
Back when I would see girls at school with long hair they would always talk about their "indian" or "white" blood and so I never thought I could have long hair. It's strange though because if these same girls had neck length hair they would just be considered typical black girls. Now I know that black women can grow hair and being mixed is not a requirement for it.
That whole thing gets on my nerves because most of us have some kind of Indian or White blood in us it just shows more in some that others. I have some of both and have never been able to get past armpit so obviously that doesn't have everything to do with it but I'm sure that when my hair finally gets past the length I've have now, someone will say it's because of my being mixed although I always deny being mixed with anything but it's kind of hard after people meet my parents or see pictures of my grandparents. Anyway, I think so many people accept certain lengths because of this belief and doing the same old things. I refuse to let people intimidate me about my hair any more. I've been going through it all my life.
I don't tell anybody which hair sites I go on other than my sisters because I already know what they're gonna say but I do give tips when I'm asked and I've never gotten a negative reply, yet.
I always believed the hair pics I saw when I first discovered LHCF and the other hair boards. Weave never crossed my mind and neither did thoughts of mixed races. I thought I found a giant pot of gold and started working on my head right away.

So what does it take to turn these myths about our hair around? I would say time but generations have gone by and these myths are still being passed down, in a whole new century! It seems to run deeper than just myths or mind-sets. I feel it's psychological and it gets reinforced on a regular basis by the media and by one another.
Isis said:
I always believed the hair pics I saw when I first discovered LHCF and the other hair boards. Weave never crossed my mind and neither did thoughts of mixed races. I thought I found a giant pot of gold and started working on my head right away.

So what does it take to turn these myths about our hair around? I would say time but generations have gone by and these myths are still being passed down, in a whole new century! It seems to run deeper than just myths or mind-sets. I feel it's psychological and it gets reinforced on a regular basis by the media and by one another.

You're right Isis. The women on this board is doing something that we as black women rarely see and that's have BSL hair. It's unheard of as a majority. And when you do see it you only see it on blacks that are mixed or half something, but I think the more of us grow our hair long and not be afraid to share our successes with others that's the only way to make believers out of skeptics.