Lets pray for our husbands-Challenge

I just read this :

After marriage, the biggest single influence on the development of the wife’s personality and character is the husband. When a man comes to me and complains that his wife has changed since they got married, I immediately respond, “Who do you supposed changed her?” In a sense, the wife a man has is the wife he has produced. If he has a monster, maybe he ought to examine his own nature.
In the Ephesians passage, it is clear that the husband is called to be the priest of his home. The man is responsible for the spiritual well-being of his wife. Her sanctification is his responsibility. There is probably no male task that has been more neglected than this one…
In seeking the sanctification of the church, there is a sense in which Christ seeks to change his wife. So the husband is called to change his wife. The change is to be toward a higher conformity to the image of Christ. We should seek to present our wives to Christ as holy and blameless, without spot or wrinkle!

I am floored. THIS is it. For years I told God I needed and desperately wanted a husband for this purpose. I was a single mother for years and I never felt good enough. I felt blemished. I prayed to God to help me stop feeling that way. When I met DH and he told me that I would be his wife, I felt like this was it! I knew in my mind that God has sent him to take care of me and lead me in the right way.

Then we got married and reality hit. My husband whom I thought God has sent me turned out to be just a regular imperfect human man. I believe deep down that I resent him because he is not the man whom this quote is talking about. I came to the conclusion, as a matter of fact, we came to the conclusion together, that maybe we shouldn't have gotten married in the first place, at least, not when we did.

This revelation of information is going to take some strong face time with God. Above even my love for DH and my loyalty to him, I take my marriage covenant seriously. I never ever intended to do it under false pretense and I only ever planned to do it once in this lifetime.

I do think that God can fix anything that we give over to him. I will continue to pray for my husband to be the man who is able to "cover" me, because at this point he isn't doing that. I will continue to pray that he is the man that God called him to be. I am, however, accepting today, that if God removes him from my life, that either A)there is someone out there whose heart aches for me(even if he hasn't met me yet) or B) I may be single for the rest of my life.

I'm fine with either, because I trust God. In the meantime. I'll hold on to the husband I have, for as long as God allows me to. and we'll see what happens from here.
I need to get more serious about praying for my husband. I have been offering up a cursory word here and there but today I need to pray hard for me to have enough strength and fortitude to pray for my DH the way he needs.

Right now he is frustrated and overwhelmed at work. I watched him go out the door to put in extra time at work this afternoon and he looked so exhausted and defeated that I cried for a good hour after he left. I couldn't find any words to make it better and there is nothing I can do to actually help him at work. All I can do is keep our home running tight and pray hard. It's going to be a long, long night.