Let's Discuss Breaking Spiritual Strongholds!


New Member
Okay, this is coming from the R.Kelly thread and addiction to porn. I also was thinking about this phenomenon in the black race of a high rate of single mothers and a low rate of marriages.

One I think that R.Kelly has a spiritual stronghold (and I mean strong) on him by the enemy in regards to sex, drugs, and pretty much whatever other bones (demons) he is hiding in his closet.

Now, for one most people don't know the strongholds or spiritual ties created by sex or any type of habitual sin but I will copy the post I put in the entertainment thread about this in regards to R. Kelly.

Where did you read that at? I am not surprised. I was telling my friend one day how men who watch porn usually become a slave to it. It opens up alot of doors and when your spirit is open or unguarded, alot of spirits can come in.

Like for instance...Robert Kelly was infatuated with sex likely just with females his age or maybe he always has been a pervert.

But let's assume he was just infatuated with sexual relations with people his age back in the late 80's early 90's. Okay, so he had no control or exercised no discretion because he's so "free" or "grown". Thinking he can do whatever he wants, so he does. Fornicates which creates soul ties with different people and those people had soul ties with other people. Maybe it was a transfer of evil spirits going around

So, he loves sex so much until he has no discretion about even the age of the woman. Listen to "Bump and Grind" and you will see that is the point where he stopped fighting his urges.

Now, he is to the point where he is such a slave to sex that he doesn't care if it is his wife, yet alone a woman of decent age, and now he goes with men. Just a whole lot of transfer of spirits going on in this situation.

For more information on breaking soul ties, do a search in this forum for "soulties" and it should come up. But lets look at the spiritual implications of sinning and how to stop it.
Or for instance, black men have a spirit of bondage over them because in the slavery days they were bondaged by chains but I believe the spirit has transferred over to this generation through the jail system.

Or the spirit of fatherlessness, we often wonder why there are so many black babies born out of wedlock and how we aren't that different than white people. Actually, our history is. They never dealt with abandonment and seperation on the level of African-Americans, this is a spirtual issue, possibly curse that needs to broken. You don't even see West Africans dealing with this issue and they are black. This is something spiritual that has happened to the generations or descendants of people in slavery.

We often forget as Christians that God set before the descendants of Abraham blessings and cursings. Is it true that he had the Hebrews stand on two sides of a mountain, split of equally and shout out blessings and cursings? I have to find the scripture which is should be in the old testament but just because you become saved doesn't mean you still can't have a curse on you.

We have to recognize these things for what they are and unless our race truly turns to God and breaks these curses, it will go on forever because of spiritual blindness.
Deut. 11:24-28

24"(A)Every place on which the sole of your foot treads shall be yours; (B)your border will be from the wilderness to Lebanon, and from the river, the river Euphrates, as far as [a]the western sea.
25"(C)No man will be able to stand before you; the LORD your God will lay the dread of you and the fear of you on all the land on which you set foot, as He has spoken to you.
26"(D)See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse:
27the (E)blessing, if you listen to the commandments of the LORD your God, which I am commanding you today; 28and the (F)curse, if you do not listen to the commandments of the LORD your God, but turn aside from the way which I am commanding you today, by following other gods which you have not known.
Or for instance, black men have a spirit of bondage over them because in the slavery days they were bondaged by chains but I believe the spirit has transferred over to this generation through the jail system.

Or the spirit of fatherlessness, we often wonder why there are so many black babies born out of wedlock and how we aren't that different than white people. Actually, our history is. They never dealt with abandonment and seperation on the level of African-Americans, this is a spirtual issue, possibly curse that needs to broken. You don't even see West Africans dealing with this issue and they are black. This is something spiritual that has happened to the generations or descendants of people in slavery.

We often forget as Christians that God set before the descendants of Abraham blessings and cursings. Is it true that he had the Hebrews stand on two sides of a mountain, split of equally and shout out blessings and cursings? I have to find the scripture which is should be in the old testament but just because you become saved doesn't mean you still can't have a curse on you.

We have to recognize these things for what they are and unless our race truly turns to God and breaks these curses, it will go on forever because of spiritual blindness.
WOW! I have been thinking a lot on this type of thing lately. I have become fed up with my surroundings, seeing children and women but no men. Women are now turning to faux "men" to compensate or agree to unspoken sharing. This has been bothering my spirit. I am going to begin praying over our community as I would pray for my family. I'm ashamed to say I haven't been doing that, but I just didn't know what to think.
Or for instance, black men have a spirit of bondage over them because in the slavery days they were bondaged by chains but I believe the spirit has transferred over to this generation through the jail system.

Or the spirit of fatherlessness, we often wonder why there are so many black babies born out of wedlock and how we aren't that different than white people. Actually, our history is. They never dealt with abandonment and seperation on the level of African-Americans, this is a spirtual issue, possibly curse that needs to broken. You don't even see West Africans dealing with this issue and they are black. This is something spiritual that has happened to the generations or descendants of people in slavery.

We often forget as Christians that God set before the descendants of Abraham blessings and cursings. Is it true that he had the Hebrews stand on two sides of a mountain, split of equally and shout out blessings and cursings? I have to find the scripture which is should be in the old testament but just because you become saved doesn't mean you still can't have a curse on you.

We have to recognize these things for what they are and unless our race truly turns to God and breaks these curses, it will go on forever because of spiritual blindness.

Good point. There is also a stronghold of lack of responsibility that is on a lot of our black men. This too is tied to slavery. A lot of black men were forced to do nothing but the most backbreaking work, and to breed. They didn't have the luxury of raising their families and being good husbands and fathers. They were responsible for only two things: making their master's money, and making their master new workers.

Black women also have some strongholds attached from slavery days. Slavery taught us that we were loose and only to be seen as caregivers and sexual objects. So, now a lot of us have either one of both of those mentalities. We will do everything in our power to take care of our family, but sometimes in excess and to the point that we neglect ourselves. Also, we find love in the bed of men, whether one man or multiple men. That is where many of us feel wanted and loved.

The funny thing is that as Christians, we all "know" in our minds that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ cleansed us of all impurities in the eyes of God. The problem is that we can't seem to get that same message to our hearts and and spirits. We still live life through the eyes of man and not through the eyes of God. That has been one of my regular prayers lately. I want to see other people and myself, the same way that God does. This will break so many strongholds if we could all begin to see things God's way. He sees the blood of Jesus on all of us who accept him. And therefore, we are worth so much more than we give ourselves credit for. We try to get better at the natural things, when if we would accept our spiritual rights, then that would spill over in our natural lives in ways that we can't even imagine. I want this so badly and I feel I am so close, but I am also personally bound by some strongholds, but I am relying on God to loose me from those strongholds.