Length vs. style


Well-Known Member
Are they mutually exclusive? What I mean is, I see many of you ladies are very fashion conscious and stlyish. I love the way you sport your make up, outfits and accessories. It looks great.

I know when I grew my hair out fairly decent (before my big chop the latter part of last year) I felt a bit stunted in that I really only pulled it back in a pony puff. Which is ok but day in and day out - sort of BORING and predictable.

I am watching a talk show with Jenny McCarthy and she has the CUTEST and flyest chin-length bob cut and I am like "now that is cute and stylish" but as you can read - it is chin length which is opposite of wanting to grow out hair to BSL. I do not think that style would look as good if it were longer than say shoulder length (at best).

So it started me to thinking - ladies do you believe length and a fashionable hairstyle are mutually exclusive? If you go for waistlength you only can wear it braided out, straight or pulled up or do you think there are creative things you can do with hair that length? Do you find the more stylish hairstyles are at shorter lengths?

Let's chat!
What a great post! ;)

Girl I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. For as the longer my hair gets, the more predictable I am as well in regards to how I'm going to be wearing it. 99.9% of the time it's the BUN. It has become so boring for me as well, and had gotten me to thinking about the very same question that you are asking.

For when I look online at pics for inspiration for a new style, and when I look in hair magazines and etc., it does sometimes feel as though the most eye-catching hair STYLES are on ladies who have a shorter length of hair than I do.

But then I also think to myself that surely I can have just as nice of a style (not necessarily the SAME style) with long hair. I think it just takes a bit of creativity.
In my oppinion I believe when your hair is shoulder length and shorter the styles look hotter and you have a lot of option but I also see some chicks with longer hair do some funky thangs, so its really up to how creative the individual is, I had shoulder length hair all my life I done did it all I want the long loose look now that's why I'm growing it out, but even at this length I'm beginning to get bored so further more when its longer, I don't no I'll just wait and see
I've never been a terribly stylish person, but I don't think long hair keeps one from being fashionable.

There are gorgeous and elegant crowns or braids and intricate braided up-dos that I would love to learn how to do. I am also really loving the "wash and go" that so many ladies here like. I cowash my hair with Aveda conditioner when it's hot out, smooth in a dab of leave in and a few drops of oil and go. I let it air dry loose as I go about my work for the day. It dries super curly and cute.

I think longer hair is more versatile and has more styling options. Of course, the longer your hair is the more tired your arms become while styling it.And the more likely that makes me to pull it up into a bun:look:
With the incorporation of style on lengthier hair does that mean one has to compromise health of that long hair due to more manipulation to create the style? My girl asked me why I cut my hair last year and I told her b/c I was tired of wearing pony tails or taking 20 minutes to "style" it in a bun which just wasn't exciting. When I wore my puff my husband called it the "magic mushroom" which means he really didn't care for it that much and didn't think it looked that hot. And I want to look hot for my hubby.
Oh and yet another part of my question - I thought about this as I was sitting in the stylist's chair yesterday, if you go with more stylish styles doesn't that sort of change the types of products you use to create that style and does there tend to be a conflict with natural products vs. more synthetic products to create the "look"?

Do any of you see that as another "battle" per se? My stylist styled my hair with foaming pomade which works as a GREAT product BUT the 2nd and 3rd ingredients ARE mineral oil and petrolatum BUT when you apply that to wet hair and scrunch and let it air dry it dries soft, unhard, uncrunchy and holds the shape of the scrunched curls providing you an extraordinary look that natural products just can't duplicate.

Would you be willing to use more synthetic products (more cones, petro ingredients) to achieve those stylish looks as well?
No they're not mutually exclusive. A great style is a great style. But some do look better at one length versus another. I see fierce short hair cuts all the time. To be honest, I think really long hair is kind of boring. Most people don't do anything with it but wear it down or put it up in a ponytail. You have more versatility with shoulder length versus waist length.
camellia said:
I don't know how much manipulation is required for some of these styles, but I just love the braids.

Those are some seriously complicated braids!:eek:

Personally, I think long hair can be just as stylish as short hair, but like someone posted earlier, it depends on the creativity/patience of the individual. I have never had "long" hair, so I'm looking forward to hitting APL or BSL because I feel I can do more versatile styles at those lengths. In the end, it really depends on the person. I don't think you have to sacrifice style for length or vice versa.
See for me, I don't consider those braided styles very stylish. They remind me of women with extremely long hair who braid it to keep it out of the way who wear those dress jumpers I see shopping in the grocery store. I guess I am thinking more along the lines of sophisticated style when I say stylish and I don't consider those braids that (for ME).

They look like great low manipulation styles though. If I had the patience I would search the net to try and find some hairstyles I would consider stylish. But Jenny McCarthy on the talk show today had very stylish hair. It looked good.

camellia said:
I don't know how much manipulation is required for some of these styles, but I just love the braids.
CurleeDST said:
Are they mutually exclusive? What I mean is, I see many of you ladies are very fashion conscious and stlyish. I love the way you sport your make up, outfits and accessories. It looks great.

I know when I grew my hair out fairly decent (before my big chop the latter part of last year) I felt a bit stunted in that I really only pulled it back in a pony puff. Which is ok but day in and day out - sort of BORING and predictable.

I am watching a talk show with Jenny McCarthy and she has the CUTEST and flyest chin-length bob cut and I am like "now that is cute and stylish" but as you can read - it is chin length which is opposite of wanting to grow out hair to BSL. I do not think that style would look as good if it were longer than say shoulder length (at best).

So it started me to thinking - ladies do you believe length and a fashionable hairstyle are mutually exclusive? If you go for waistlength you only can wear it braided out, straight or pulled up or do you think there are creative things you can do with hair that length? Do you find the more stylish hairstyles are at shorter lengths?

Let's chat!

Great thread. I know that when I get weaves and falls that I go for the long ones because I love long hair, however the styles that I do with them are limited. Ponytails, buns, etc. But I believe for me its about starting different styles now. There are some styles that I have in mind that I know would look so much better when I am bsl. I want the fuller buns, long french braids, etc. I believe that even the simpliest hair styles can be perfectly accented with the right hair accessories. So I am not looking for shock'em hair styles just something complimenting to me and I know the power of hair accessories and how they can even make the plainest braid or ponytail look so elegant and nice.
You are right. I guess with any hairstyle if you dress it up with accessories, the right outfit and hair accessories you can make it go from blah to GLAM! I guess the right makeup would hook it up as well.

I am so boring and uncreative at times which is why I really struggle with this and then not wanting to spend a lot of time on my hair I think I get stuck in a rut and I dont' want to look like I am in a rut once I grow my hair back out again.

Blackoutzangel05 said:
Great thread. I know that when I get weaves and falls that I go for the long ones because I love long hair, however the styles that I do with them are limited. Ponytails, buns, etc. But I believe for me its about starting different styles now. There are some styles that I have in mind that I know would look so much better when I am bsl. I want the fuller buns, long french braids, etc. I believe that even the simpliest hair styles can be perfectly accented with the right hair accessories. So I am not looking for shock'em hair styles just something complimenting to me and I know the power of hair accessories and how they can even make the plainest braid or ponytail look so elegant and nice.
CurleeDST said:
See for me, I don't consider those braided styles very stylish. They remind me of women with extremely long hair who braid it to keep it out of the way who wear those dress jumpers I see shopping in the grocery store. I guess I am thinking more along the lines of sophisticated style when I say stylish and I don't consider those braids that (for ME).

They look like great low manipulation styles though. If I had the patience I would search the net to try and find some hairstyles I would consider stylish. But Jenny McCarthy on the talk show today had very stylish hair. It looked good.

That's hilarious, but I do agree I don't think those braids are stylish at all
Let me just say I truly appreciate everyone's contribution to this thread and do not mean to offend ANYONE. I guess more than just how the hair is actually styled - you have to consider the big pictures (outfit, make up and accessories).

Now do you have to care more about the styling products vs. the health maintenance products for stylish hair? And when I say stylish I am trying to figure out the best way to articulate it - I mean stylish where it requires a certain cut for the right 360 angles.
I think certain styles probably need "synthetic" products to be maintained. For a short, spiky style, you'd probably need some form of styling wax, spritz, etc. that would be hard to find with all natural ingredients. Personally, I think my hair does fine with natural products and I feel better using them. I still have some products with cones/parabens/etc. in them, though, because they help me achieve certain styles.
CurleeDST said:
Are they mutually exclusive? What I mean is, I see many of you ladies are very fashion conscious and stlyish. I love the way you sport your make up, outfits and accessories. It looks great.

I know when I grew my hair out fairly decent (before my big chop the latter part of last year) I felt a bit stunted in that I really only pulled it back in a pony puff. Which is ok but day in and day out - sort of BORING and predictable.

I am watching a talk show with Jenny McCarthy and she has the CUTEST and flyest chin-length bob cut and I am like "now that is cute and stylish" but as you can read - it is chin length which is opposite of wanting to grow out hair to BSL. I do not think that style would look as good if it were longer than say shoulder length (at best).

So it started me to thinking - ladies do you believe length and a fashionable hairstyle are mutually exclusive? If you go for waistlength you only can wear it braided out, straight or pulled up or do you think there are creative things you can do with hair that length? Do you find the more stylish hairstyles are at shorter lengths?

Let's chat!

You can definitely have style at any length. So short hair can be stylish or not stylish and the same for long hair. Now some ppl who have a lot of length don't want to trim or shape it and those are the little things that need to be done in order to create a style. Also it's not stylish to hang on to thinning ends just to say that you're at a particular length. I don't have long hair yet but when I get there I have no problem trimming and inch or so to maintain a particular look.
CurleeDST said:
See for me, I don't consider those braided styles very stylish. They remind me of women with extremely long hair who braid it to keep it out of the way who wear those dress jumpers I see shopping in the grocery store. I guess I am thinking more along the lines of sophisticated style when I say stylish and I don't consider those braids that (for ME).

They look like great low manipulation styles though. If I had the patience I would search the net to try and find some hairstyles I would consider stylish. But Jenny McCarthy on the talk show today had very stylish hair. It looked good.

See! I told you I'm not a stylish person!:lol:

I don't think I'd be caught dead in one of those "mom" jumpers but I wish I could figure out how to do the 5 strand double braid.
I agree with you - natural products are great for maintenance but synthetic products seem to be the way to go to achieve "the look".
You know when I wore my hair in a barber cut I found it stylish but it came with high maintenance! Who knew 2 inches could require so much maintenance with products and with regular trims to maintain the shape and to edge me up in the back.

Now as the hair gets longer I imagine it is high maintenance to be stylish b/c some of us have hair that tends to grow a certain way, the hair tends to grow out of its shape which means you have to get it cut or trimmed back into that shape b/c sometimes, no matter how good the products are, they fail to do their job because the hair's shape isn't there.

I think my dilemma is trying to be what I consider stylish without having to be up in the stylist's chair every 2 weeks or 1nce a month to get my hair shaped up which sounds like inevitably will "slow down" length progress.
I think a great hairstyle soley depends on the shape of the persons face and how well they can carry that look. I love rocking the bob w/ the the side bangs. Its one of my favs. But when I go back to pics when I wore micro braids I think to myself that I cant wait till my hair reaches that length. Updos look better on me w/ longer hair. I like big hair, tight curls and thats what I look forward too with long hair. Agree w/ everyone else that it depends on the person and how they style their length of hair.
bablou00 said:
I think a great hairstyle soley depends on the shape of the persons face and how well they can carry that look. I love rocking the bob w/ the the side bangs. Its one of my favs. But when I go back to pics when I wore micro braids I think to myself that I cant wait till my hair reaches that length. Updos look better on me w/ longer hair. I like big hair, tight curls and thats what I look forward too with long hair. Agree w/ everyone else that it depends on the person and how they style their length of hair.

OT, but you look STUNNING in your siggy pic! Love it!:D
Great Thread!

Here are my thoughts.

Shorter hair can be sexy sassy and stylish.
Longer hair can be sexy and styish too. But for my hair and for me to feel like "that girl" a style would include hair that is cut and shaped framed for the face. Some nice long layers. Many who grow out their hair may not want layers though they would like to have all even blunt ends. Layers take time to manage.

Currently my hair is totally boring and today I am wearing it in a pony tail.
I can opt for an updo for a classy look at my current length or go for a funky casual look with a braid out or lottsa curls and a hair clip. Give me some big hoop earings and tada! I "little bit" of style. :)

If I get to waist Length, I am contemplating getting my hair cut and styled in the front and leaving the length in the back. We will see, I have a ways to go.

preciousjewel76 said:
OT, but you look STUNNING in your siggy pic! Love it!:D

Ohhhh thanks. That was my 25th heading out on the town. I was so worried about wearing my hair out all night, because if its going to rub my clothes usually its up. If it was longer I wouldnt have to worry about that:lol: ...but its getting there slowly!!! NEwayz that was a treat to myself on my birthday...Thanks again for the compliment;). I love your braid out it looks so full and shiney
bablou00 said:
Ohhhh thanks. That was my 25th heading out on the town. I was so worried about wearing my hair out all night, because if its going to rub my clothes usually its up. If it was longer I wouldnt have to worry about that:lol: ...but its getting there slowly!!! NEwayz that was a treat to myself on my birthday...Thanks again for the compliment;). I love your braid out it looks so full and shiney

I completely understand! I tried my first twistout about a week ago, and it looked really cute, but I was too scared to wear it "out" (I'm on the HYH Challenge anyway). I wound up pulling it back into a bun. Destroyed all the hard work I put into those twists, but I just couldn't have my ends exposed.:look:
This is a great discussion.

Here's what I think-

I think the longer the hair is, the more thought has to be put into the way you would wear your hair.

I think ppl that have longer hair (BSL) tend to not want to cut it at all. The only way it can be worn is in an updo or ponytail, bun, etc.

But if they entertained the idea, a layered cut would look really nice, up-to-date, & can be easy to care for.

I don't think that most ladies want to do anything else with that hair because it would mean disturbing the length. And most have worked too hard to gain & retain the length to then 'cut' it!

I personally despise buns & ponytails ALL THE TIME! I wear my hair down most of the time & have been able to retain most of the length. My dilemma now is whether to get layers so that my hair isn't so BLAH.

If I have to use a synthetic product or two that works well & doesn't damage my hair in order to keep "the look", then yes, I would.
CurleeDST said:
See for me, I don't consider those braided styles very stylish.

I agree. I feel like a style is when your hair is done. You can tell the different between when somebody went to the salon and when they did their hair themself. Just growing neverending hair with no shape or movement isn't stylish. It's just letting your hair do what it does.
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LOL I ain't mad b/c neither am I really. I am trying to overhaul that and hope it doesn't conflict with my effort to grow out the length of my hair again.

Thanks everyone for your input - feel free to continue.

camellia said:
See! I told you I'm not a stylish person!:lol:

I don't think I'd be caught dead in one of those "mom" jumpers but I wish I could figure out how to do the 5 strand double braid.
I think that it just depends on your lifestyle and what you want/like at the time. Short hair requires more maniputlation and maintenance if you ask me, it needs to be done weekly without a doubt and depending on how short sometimes every 4 days to keep the curl. Now if your natural there are more options as far as wearing it straight or curly, but still if your a person who never wears it straight or vice versa over time your just as limited to what you can do as a person w/really long hair.

At this point in my life I need the option of making a pony tail and slapping on a cute hair accessory and I'm good to go if I'm pressed for time, but if my hair was shoulder or chin length I wouldn't have that option if I'm pressed for time. So again it really depends on the lifestyle or what that person desires at that time.

Also what's stylish to one may not be to others, since I don't really care for braids to much there were only a few of the braid styles I would actually try.

My hair actually loves products with mineral oil and petroleum, as long it doesn't have to go directly on the scalp. I know i can't find that PM foaming pomade for the life of me.
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AKA-Tude said:
This is a great discussion.

Here's what I think-

I think the longer the hair is, the more thought has to be put into the way you would wear your hair.

I think ppl that have longer hair (BSL) tend to not want to cut it at all. The only way it can be worn is in an updo or ponytail, bun, etc.

But if they entertained the idea, a layered cut would look really nice, up-to-date, & can be easy to care for.

I don't think that most ladies want to do anything else with that hair because it would mean disturbing the length. And most have worked too hard to gain & retain the length to then 'cut' it!

I personally despise buns & ponytails ALL THE TIME! I wear my hair down most of the time & have been able to retain most of the length. My dilemma now is whether to get layers so that my hair isn't so BLAH.

If I have to use a synthetic product or two that works well & doesn't damage my hair in order to keep "the look", then yes, I would.

ITA w/bolded parts of your statement. I do think I am in the minority in terms of wanting long layers. My hair is in layers now and I really like it!

Back to the OP: I think you can most certainly have style and length. I will agree with whoever said it does take some creativity, more time and maybe a change in products (even if temporary)...the results could be beautiful and stylish.
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I think APL - BSL - MID BACK
are the perfect lengths...
you have lots of options
where style is concerned.
In my OPINION... :p
anything longer than
that looks "homely",
blah, and boring.
