Layers...Yay or Nay


sliding under the radar
I'm thinking about getting some layers put in my hair to give it more body and bounce. What do you ladies think about layers. Should i get them should i not. Is it hard to get your hair even again? He're my hair currently. Excuse the poor paint job, i was trying to hide my photos that were captured in the pic. Positve and negative feedback welcomed. :yep:

I think layers are fun, my hair grows in layers and they are pretty cute. You can always grow them out, I say layer the front though and not all the way around.
I've had layers forever and I find it very hard growing them out - my hair grows at different rates. I loved them when I wasn't transitioning, now I want them gone and one length
lol, as long as ur hair can swang layers will make it I guess appear more swinging since it's not one uniform length. I don't know if I phrased that correctly, lol.
I've had layers forever and I find it very hard growing them out - my hair grows at different rates. I loved them when I wasn't transitioning, now I want them gone and one length

My hair grows like that too, so I just embraced the layers and enhanced them a little more, sometimes I played around and had a bang with them or just grew out the bang and had a long swoop.
I suggest light layers done with a razor. My layers look a lot more natural, and not as "edgy" when done this way.... Ooh, and it gives better "swang" IMO.
I love layers- they give a lotta bounce & body. I love that my hair can still look good even w/o any curls. Don't have them now but have had them 3 times and yes.. they took a long time to grow out. But eventually they do and if you like them- you might not care so much. If you decide to get them- especially on your entire head- make sure you go to someone who does very precise cuts. It can be very obvious if it's not cut right and then you will have to spend more time and $ finding someone to fix it for you. Good luck!
Layers hurt my soul. I love blunt hair. But if your hair needs some lift, go for it...but maybe take it slow and see how you like it and do more if you're enjoying the result.
I think long layers are beautiful (and sexy). They give the hair movement and body, but they have to be done by a real hair-cutting pro, or else they'll just look wack.
I think layers are good for limp hair
so if your hair is limp layers will give it more volume
but they are annoying as hell to grow out
It depends on what you are trying to acheive with your hair. If you are currently growing your hair, layers are not the way to go. But if you have acheived your goal or a little longer then yes. I had layers several times, I enjoyed them, but as others have said before, they are a pain to grow out. My last layered cut was about 2 years ago and mine took about 16 months to get to one even lenght again. Now I'm growing for length and won't get layers again until my goal of BSL in obtained. Move cautiously and make sure a professional does your layers and yes a razor cut (layers) looks better. HTH!!
I had my hair layered all over. I loved it, especially when it was either curly or slightly bumped under. All of my layers have pretty much grown out except for the front where I keep them long. I'll probably get longer ones cut in at the end of the summer.
I love layers for swang no doubt. My hair is very, very thick so I let the stylist "thin" it out and add layers for swang. My hair can be very heavy and bulky and I think I look much younger without all that.
I had layers and I didn't like them. They made my hair look thin and stringy. My hair didn't look right while stretching my relaxers either. I cut my hair even shoulder-length a couple years ago and now I"m (slowly) making my way to MBL, which it was before I got the layers. If I ever get layers again, I'll probably get them up front.
be careful. Layers not cut properly or too many layers can make your hair look thin, especially if your hair is already fine/medium.
I'm looking at this post and just realized i never got the layers. I still want to try them but i am still nervous. Two years later and still deciding. I really want more swang though.