Ladies would you still go (Long post)


New Member
To a night club if your husband did not want you to.

I'm asking because a cousin of mine who i am close enough then others is having a 30th birthday party at a club. He does not want his wife in a night club. I have never in my 28 years been to a night club. She wants me to go and support her (her words) Now my and her relationship has been i'll say one sided and at times i feel like just cutting her off. It was one of those she was under minding my happiness at one time i would make a statement about something small and she would reply negative. Anything i had to say that was good about my home life she was silent on the phone but if there was anything negative there was a big reaction. Example we where taking all the kids all 7 on a lil family vacation to kings dominion. For a few days ( than ages 19 on down to 4 ) she made no reply not a have a good time or anything. When i told her we where not going her reply was a loud GTFOAH there have been a lot of these types of situations. Our relationship has not been peaches she has burned me a few times over money and such and the only reason why i have not let her go is because she is blood.

But husbs wants me to stay home he does not go to clubs either only time is new years which those i don't go to (with his company) this year was his last I did tell him he could go this year.

now we are newly married but we have been together 13 years if we where not married i would more than likely go.
Because of the years invested i don't want my marriage to end because of a party. But i'm pissed because he is making me choose in a way. Truthfully i don't want to go because of where she is having the party. At first it was in the county but now it is at a club in the city. Which there where 3 murders across the street last year alone. Now because of my husbands field of work he is familiar with this club and area so he says that drug dealers and yo boys attend it. The club is also 21 and over not 25 and over like the club she first selected.

Now she knows without me telling her that this will cause a problem in my marriage if i go. I would sit here and type the ups and downs she had past 4 almost 5 years with her baby daddy but why. I'll just say it's one of those don't seek advice from someone who has never had a drink of water in there life. If you want married advice go to someone who is married or money advice get it from someone with a nice bank account or at least good investments.

My thing with her is one of those if i do something she has to go do it. (sometimes behind my back)

1 thing i never understood. When i first was talking about going to school and becoming a medical assistant. My kids where only either 1 and 2 years old. My cousin made every excuse in the book why I would not be able to handle doing the 1 year school. But than she went to the same school and applied but she did not tell me. She only told me when she failed the intro exam did not tell me she was going or anything. But the kicker is she has 3 kids her youngest is the same age as my youngest so both our kids where infants but she told me all these different reasons but i guess they did not apply.

It's like if you get something done before her she gets pissed or depressed.

I guess this is a vent and question thread lol

sorry this is so long.

I should also add that if she had a dinner at a resturant or something there would be no issue. Hubs would not care but clubs are not his thing.
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Do you want to go? If so, then I would go. Surely, your husband couldn't be that dang insecure. Besides, did you say he went to a New Year's party at the club? If so, how can he justify him going to a club and don't want you to go to your cousin's b-day just because it's at a club?

Your husband is not being reasonable. If it was me, I would go, but then again, I know my hubby ain't going no dang place. He'll be mad, but he'll get over it.

Do you want to go? If so, then I would go. Surely, your husband couldn't be that dang insecure. Besides, did you say he went to a New Year's party at the club? If so, how can he justify him going to a club and don't want you to go to your cousin's b-day just because it's at a club?

Your husband is not being reasonable. If it was me, I would go, but then again, I know my hubby ain't going no dang place. He'll be mad, but he'll get over it.

LoL your right he would be mad but oh well
and his thing for the new years party was it's was more for work reasons and he left after he called me at 12 and came home and i told him he could go.

When i think of it it really is the same situation he and his boss are really tight he was at our wedding (civil ceremony) so it's almost the same type of thing.

But since she changed the spot she was having the party no i don't want to go now. I don't feel like being around at bunch of hoppers lol.

But i could go for spite but why cause tension.

It's like she knows how i am but she wants me to say forget how i feel come out for her.
This whole thing goes alot deeper than just a club thing since i feel my family have never done anything for me when i needed it and they have done nothing for my kids. No birthday gifts or christmas gifts no you want to come spend time with your other cousins/family.

It is a lot more to it she was just the 1 i was closer to and we did things together children wise.

She says we are not on cousin level but best friend level
And wants me to attend her party.
if you don't want to go, don't go...

i'm not understanding the issue... i see that your husband doesn't want you to go to that club, but if you don't want to go to that club either, i don't see why there's even a question....

from what you've said, this cousin doesn't do anything positive where you're concerned... i wouldn't waste my energies going back and forth about this in my head... she'll get over it i'm sure...
if you don't want to go, don't go...

i'm not understanding the issue... i see that your husband doesn't want you to go to that club, but if you don't want to go to that club either, i don't see why there's even a question....

from what you've said, this cousin doesn't do anything positive where you're concerned... i wouldn't waste my energies going back and forth about this in my head... she'll get over it i'm sure...

I guess i was just more pissed than anything at the situation. And her reaction to my telling her i was not going to that club.
It sounds like you don't want to go have given more than enough reasons to stay home so I say stay home and don't get shot!

Now correct me if I'm wrong but I think you not going is more about making a sacrifice for your cousin (i.e. going even though your husband doesn't like it) where she would not do it for you. I don't think you should feel bad about it though, you sound like you have plenty of valid reasons. I could sit here and say it's family, you should go but I doubt you'd even have fun because of everything you mentioned in your initial post.

If you feel bad about not going, perhaps you could do something else during the day with her (nice restaurant, spa day or something) and she can move onto the club afterwards.

I wouldn't go either :nono:
To a night club if your husband did not want you to.

I'm asking because a cousin of mine who i am close enough then others is having a 30th birthday party at a club. He does not want his wife in a night club. I have never in my 28 years been to a night club. She wants me to go and support her (her words) Now my and her relationship has been i'll say one sided and at times i feel like just cutting her off. It was one of those she was under minding my happiness at one time i would make a statement about something small and she would reply negative. Anything i had to say that was good about my home life she was silent on the phone but if there was anything negative there was a big reaction. Example we where taking all the kids all 7 on a lil family vacation to kings dominion. For a few days ( than ages 19 on down to 4 ) she made no reply not a have a good time or anything. When i told her we where not going her reply was a loud GTFOAH there have been a lot of these types of situations. Our relationship has not been peaches she has burned me a few times over money and such and the only reason why i have not let her go is because she is blood.

But husbs wants me to stay home he does not go to clubs either only time is new years which those i don't go to (with his company) this year was his last I did tell him he could go this year.

now we are newly married but we have been together 13 years if we where not married i would more than likely go.
Because of the years invested i don't want my marriage to end because of a party. But i'm pissed because he is making me choose in a way. Truthfully i don't want to go because of where she is having the party. At first it was in the county but now it is at a club in the city. Which there where 3 murders across the street last year alone. Now because of my husbands field of work he is familiar with this club and area so he says that drug dealers and yo boys attend it. The club is also 21 and over not 25 and over like the club she first selected.

Now she knows without me telling her that this will cause a problem in my marriage if i go. I would sit here and type the ups and downs she had past 4 almost 5 years with her baby daddy but why. I'll just say it's one of those don't seek advice from someone who has never had a drink of water in there life. If you want married advice go to someone who is married or money advice get it from someone with a nice bank account or at least good investments.

My thing with her is one of those if i do something she has to go do it. (sometimes behind my back)

1 thing i never understood. When i first was talking about going to school and becoming a medical assistant. My kids where only either 1 and 2 years old. My cousin made every excuse in the book why I would not be able to handle doing the 1 year school. But than she went to the same school and applied but she did not tell me. She only told me when she failed the intro exam did not tell me she was going or anything. But the kicker is she has 3 kids her youngest is the same age as my youngest so both our kids where infants but she told me all these different reasons but i guess they did not apply.

It's like if you get something done before her she gets pissed or depressed.

I guess this is a vent and question thread lol

sorry this is so long.

I should also add that if she had a dinner at a resturant or something there would be no issue. Hubs would not care but clubs are not his thing.

about the bolded, your "blood" doesn't always your best interests at heart. just because you think family should always stay together and do right by each other doesn't mean that other family members feel this way. there are countless stories of people being done really, really wrong by their parents/siblings/cousins etc. imo, the saying "blood is thicker than water," holds little importance these days.

you need to look at how an individual is treating you and if you want that person in your life whether they are blood or "water". don't be afraid to let someone go just because you are blood related if they are not contributing anything positive in your life.

i've seen people detach themselves from their own siblings that they have grown up with because they were manipulators and users. i can recall on person's brother actually being totally sarcastic and arrogant and saying something like, "you'll not get your money back," when they asked when they would be paid back for the £700 they had borrowed them. you'd think a sibling, someone in your immediate family (not cousin etc), of all people would want to pay back money that they have borrowed instead of being content to know that their sister was struggling financially and money would have been a big help. but unfortunately not. this person has since stopped talking to their brother after that episode. such is life. the person in question is happier, better and richer for it.

from your post, your cousin doesn't seem to want to the best for you. from "burning" you over money, to only getting excited over the bad news and never the good, from discouraging you from following your career goals...what are you still doing around this person? i'm not saying disown her but please at least distance yourself. if i were you, i would not go to the club with her.
You guys are so correct. No she would not do the same for me. I have made several posts in a online journel about the things she has done. It is time for me to focus on other things.
Do you want to go? If so, then I would go. Surely, your husband couldn't be that dang insecure. Besides, did you say he went to a New Year's party at the club? If so, how can he justify him going to a club and don't want you to go to your cousin's b-day just because it's at a club?

Your husband is not being reasonable. If it was me, I would go, but then again, I know my hubby ain't going no dang place. He'll be mad, but he'll get over it.

I agree with this. If you want to go, I'd say go. He went to a club once for work, well this is your family and it's just once. Maybe he thinks that since you've never been to a club you might like it and want to go more often? IDK. Also, It seems like to me you're on the fence about going as it is because of your history with the cousin. Trust me I've been there. :ohwell: Don't feel obligated just because she's family.
I say dont go but not because of him but because of the situation. I don't do parties in the hood because you never know what can happen. And I would say tell your husband this not like a jerk (like I probably would) but just explain to him that you would have gone if it were a better situation and maybe he'll see it as you just wanting to have a good time and not just club hopping.

I had planned on going to the first club since it was in a way better area. But when she told me where the new club was at. My first thought was hell no, no thank you. Than she said it was 21 and over. The first club was 25 and over. It's just out of my comfort zone.
if you don't want to go, don't go...

i'm not understanding the issue... i see that your husband doesn't want you to go to that club, but if you don't want to go to that club either, i don't see why there's even a question....

from what you've said, this cousin doesn't do anything positive where you're concerned... i wouldn't waste my energies going back and forth about this in my head... she'll get over it i'm sure...

I agree. It sounds like you don't want to go anyway. :confused: