Ladies with BSL hair and longer, do you detangle.......

Do you detangle...?

  • wet hair

    Votes: 43 25.6%
  • dry hair

    Votes: 10 6.0%
  • in shower

    Votes: 62 36.9%
  • out of shower

    Votes: 39 23.2%
  • other

    Votes: 14 8.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Now that I am BSL I no longer detangle in the shower because it takes longer. Its not that there are more tangles, there aren't, but I just prefer to detangle out of the shower now. What about you?

*Sorry to discriminate against ladies with hair shorter than BSL, there will be a spinoff, I promise. :yep:

ETA: Sorry ladies, I meant to allow multiple poll options :wallbash:
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*sneaks in*

I'm barely shoulder, and I've always detangled out of the shower. :look: Not trying to use up alla my hot water.

*dashes back out*
I detangle out of the shower. Never thought to do it in the shower but it's easy to detangle while wet, not a problem yet. I know the pic looks like I'm APL but in the shower the water stretches it to BSL...
i do it lightly in the shower because it is easier to do it under water. if i'm doing a rollerset set i comb through more thoroughly after while i'm setting. any other style, i only comb through lightly.
First, I detangle dry hair with my fingers. Then, while rinsing out the conditioner in the shower, I fingercomb my hair under the shower spray (just for a minute or two, though) to remove any shed hairs that are "hiding." I'm like JustKiya...gotta conserve the hot water.
I voted other because I do both. It just depends on my mood. If my hair is super tangled I will do it out of the shower on dry hair so I can take my time. I actually prefer to do it this way but if it's not really tangled I'll go ahead and detangle in the shower. I find that in the shower I feel more rushed so I'm prone to breaking off hair unnecessarily where as with dry hair I can take my time and work out each tangle. Actually when I detangle on dry hair out of the shower it really isn't dry because I'll slather it in conditioner and spritz with water if I need to. I don't think I'd be able to detangle without doing that.
I think that's why I detangle out of the shower, I can take my time. This has changed, when I s tarted I would always detangle in the shower, but the closer I got to BSL, the more I wanted to be sure that I wasn't tugging and just getting shed hair.
Usually in the shower. Occasionally I do it out of the shower, but I like the help of the shower spray.
I don't detangle in the shower. Didn't do it when I was natural either.

ETA: Both states I washed my hair in sections and detangled each section out of the shower with leave in conditioner
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***Sneaks in the room just to hear what the BSL ladies have to say***.

I have about 2 inches to go before I get there, so of course I'm picking up tips now:grin:. It always pays to be prepared ahead of time, you know:yep:?
I chose in the shower. I either DC or pre-poo, allow the conditioner to penetrate then rinse in sections and finger detangle. After shampooing and conditioning I then comb/detangle under the shower stream.
I typically wash my hair in the sink (detangle with a wide/long-tooth comb), and let my conditioner set. Then I do my MAJOR detangling in the shower (the pressure from the water detangles my hair effortlessly)
Now that I am BSL I no longer detangle in the shower because it takes longer. Its not that there are more tangles, there aren't, but I just prefer to detangle out of the shower now. What about you?

*Sorry to discriminate against ladies with hair shorter than BSL, there will be a spinoff, I promise. :yep:

ETA: Sorry ladies, I meant to allow multiple poll options :wallbash:
Always in. Always! Viva in the shower!:yawn:
Depends on how long it's been since the last detangling session. If I don't have a lot to do, I do it in the shower. Otherwise, I need to sit down in front of a mirror.
I detangle my hair everyday with a wide tooth comb....I will be nixing this starting today.....but on wash day I detangle in the shower while rinsing on my conditioner
I voted dry hair. I pre-poo with olive oil before my washes overnight. I can then detangle quite easily before I wash and I don't get any breakage.
The best time for me to detangle my hair is when it has conditioner in it. It's wet, the conditioner provides slipability, and it's easier to detange with a pick.
My water pressure is low so I don't detangle in the shower. I detangle after I shampoo, towel blot, and apply my Kenra MC. I detangle as soon as I massage it in, section by section (before DCing with heat) because Kenra MC lathers on clean hair and is very slippy at this point (well for me, anyways). I have litttle to no breakage this way and it helps to further distribute the condtioner prior to dcing:yep:
I try to in the shower but it's not really working. If anyone knows what works with Velcro/glue-like hair strands please PM me STAT!
I use to detangle only in the shower but as of late I've been having trouble doing this. Everytime I comb a section it just knots/tangles back up before I can even finish detangling my hair. It's weird. Now I'm finding it easier to detangle while my hair is wet but not under the shower.
I chose other because I wash and detangle in the bathtub under the faucet. The water pressure from a tub faucet is much stronger than my shower head. I also wash/detangle my hair in three sections; I use hair clips to separate each section and only wash/detangle one section at a time.

I used to have the worst tangles in the WORLD (well, at least in my world :lachen:) and it would take me more than an hour to detangle and I would lose three or four fistfuls of hair with each wash/detangling session!:nono:

Now, I don't detangle until wash day and only after I've had my deep cond on for 30 minutes. When I rinse it out under the faucet, I gently wiggle the comb through and VOILA, no tangles due to the cond and high water pressure.

After I get out the tub, I spray in my leave-in and very little detangling is needed at this point. These techniques have been lifesavers for me! I now lose very few hairs on wash day.
I try to in the shower but it's not really working. If anyone knows what works with Velcro/glue-like hair strands please PM me STAT!

When you get the answer can you PM me please? :rolleyes: You described my youngest daughter's hair. :wallbash:
I detangle under the shower water...But that is after DCing...For an hour or two.... I just started doing this... It was the denman, it was dry hair.... Under the shower strem is best now..... Too much hair...
I was using the Qhemet detangler on dry hair.. But the new stuff does not work at all...
So I am back in the shower.

Also - My hair is twisted/plaited 99% of the time....
I chose other because I wash and detangle in the bathtub under the faucet. The water pressure from a tub faucet is much stronger than my shower head. I also wash/detangle my hair in three sections; I use hair clips to separate each section and only wash/detangle one section at a time.

I used to have the worst tangles in the WORLD (well, at least in my world :lachen:) and it would take me more than an hour to detangle and I would lose three or four fistfuls of hair with each wash/detangling session!:nono:

Now, I don't detangle until wash day and only after I've had my deep cond on for 30 minutes. When I rinse it out under the faucet, I gently wiggle the comb through and VOILA, no tangles due to the cond and high water pressure.

After I get out the tub, I spray in my leave-in and very little detangling is needed at this point. These techniques have been lifesavers for me! I now lose very few hairs on wash day.

Right.... This is best... After I have DC'd, and just before I get under the shower head.....