*SPINOFF:Ladies with hair Shoulder length to BSL, do you detangle....*

Do you detangle......?

  • wet hair

    Votes: 62 68.1%
  • dry hair

    Votes: 6 6.6%
  • in the shower

    Votes: 40 44.0%
  • out of the shower

    Votes: 34 37.4%
  • other

    Votes: 3 3.3%

  • Total voters
I'm BSL on my way to MBL natural with fine 4 hair.

I detangle my hair in sections (preferably 6 or more). I take each section saturated with a conditioner (deep or shallow), let the water hit that section and with my Denman brush I start from the bottom up and gently detangle that section then braid it back up. It takes me about 30-40 mns to do my whole head but the detangling process is very easy and last night I fell in love with my hair all over again...

Sometimes, she pisses me off though.
I chose in the shower because the detangling process goes so much more smoothly (especially when I have a lot of NG) when I'm in the shower with a head full of conditioner and water running through my strands. I will comb my hair wet after I get out of the shower, but that's more for separating the strands so they don't dry clumped together.
Yes, I detangle majority of the time I detangle in the shower. Only time I don't detangle in the shower is when I use the sink to wash my hair. I must say when I dentagle in the shower it is much easier. I part my hair in four section, apply conditioner to a section and use a big tooth comb. And after tangles are combed out of section I rinse conditioner out and proceed to next section.
I used to detangle in the shower but because it was taking so long and I wasn't being careful, I now detangle out of the shower with a shower comb on soaking wet hair drenched in conditioner. Then I hop in the shower and rinse 5 or 6 sections using my denman under running water.

I think detangling out of the shower lets me take my time and I get less breakage and less clogs in my tub. :grin:
I detangle wet hair out of the shower, with some moisturizer and/or leave in, sealed with a serum to provide slip. I only detangle on wash days, any other time, my hair's in a bun and doesn't need detangling because it's already been detangled on washday :D

See, that doesn't work for me anymore. I figured if I detangle *thoroughly*, in small sections on wash-day, then that should keep my hair copasetic til next wash day. Wroooong! Dreads, tangling, matting, clumping, *even* with daily finger-combing. It doesn't help that I seem to be shedding a couple hundred strands per day. That adds enormously to the tangles.

So now I'm going to be trying to detangle daily, in the shower (because doing it dry would just turn my hair into a huge brittle puff ball). Who knows if my strands will survive the onslaught, or how long this experiment will last... maybe just one day...

ETA: I found that as my hair got longer it was easier to detangle out of the shower, because the weight of the hair seemed to make it too stretched and fragile under the shower stream.
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