Ladies who didn't BC, does your hair grow down?


New Member
When I went natural the first time, I big chopped into a TWA and my hair grew straight up and out, never down. This time I am growing out without the BC and so far my hair is growing down. Should I expect this to continue or is it going to stand up once I cut off the texlaxed part?
When I went natural the first time, I big chopped into a TWA and my hair grew straight up and out, never down. This time I am growing out without the BC and so far my hair is growing down. Should I expect this to continue or is it going to stand up once I cut off the texlaxed part?
When i transitioned my hair grew down probably because of the relaxed ends. But once it was all said and done it no longer really grew down. I would think that your hair is going to be the same as it was the 1st time you went natural.
When i transitioned my hair grew down probably because of the relaxed ends. But once it was all said and done it no longer really grew down. I would think that your hair is going to be the same as it was the 1st time you went natural.

Thanks chica. Part of me was hoping that somehow I was training my hair. I love my hair even though it looks like Cornel West's/Don King's. Oh well. :rolleyes: