Ladies who CW frequently, how do you get your hair to dry straight?


Genius never dies!
I want to step up my condition washes because I've seen good results with thickness, moisture and overall health.

But I have two issues:

First, my hair takes FOREVER to dry. No matter what I do; whether I sit under the dryer or air dry, my hair takes so long to dry.

Secondly, when air drying I have no idea on how to wear my hair such that it doesn't break or create stress. So, how do you air dry in a style? I find that braiding while wet is too much manipulation. Putting the hair in a bun caused breakage when I stretched for 6 months last year.

Thanks a bunch.

SP :kiss:
plopping is a great way to speed up hair drying time. i have a video of how i plop my hair in my Fotki (yes, shameless self-promotion :lachen: ) but you have to be a member of Fotki to view it.

otherwise, i have step-by-step photos:

if i'm going to straighten my hair, i detangle well in the shower in sections and braid up each section as i go along. then i will plop and let my hair air dry the rest of the way. or you could plop and then braid your hair up afterwards while it is damp/moist, but not sopping wet. HTH
I twist my hair when airdrying. My hair dries pretty fast, but I don't know why. It did not dry as fast when I was relaxed. Wish I can tell you more.
i normally airdry my hair unless i want sleeky straightness then i'll blow dry and flat iron.

~use a creamy leavin,one the smoothes and softens i like sunsilk right now
~add serum, i use fantasia IC, or oil
~comb through with shower comb,
~let it dry in hanging down at least 80%,
~you can tie a scarf around the front to lay the edges down,
~put in a low bun before bed, and let it completely dry over night
~in the morning nice aridried hair with body, i wear down or clip up in a pony or updo
~this works really well after a relaxer too, hair is straighter