Ladies... What would you do?

My dad works at a prestigious non-profit and has many of these friends that have great families, great jobs, managing, etc.
One of these such friends got caught on his job messaging a young white chick there... she was 25, he 52. He was a manager, she a temp...
Eventually the ca-ca hit the fan and the white girl claims she tells him to stop... she gets to keep her job but he must resign.
He has a wife and kids... I know one of the daughters...
What would you do if you were the wife or the daughter?
The dad is now out of work at age 52 in this horrendous economy cuz he couldn't stop cheating... Yes I call it cheating...
I am just amazed right now :nono:
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There is nothing to do. He cheated, lost his job over nonsense, and he is now unemployed. Why should they do anything but tell him to get another job?
Wow what a shame.....If I was his daughter I would truly tell him how disappointing it is that I have a father who is not only acting inappropriate at work but has embarrassed himself and our family for what......too roll around with someone half his age. Dad get a clue your too old for stupidness like that.

OP my question is why would they ask him too resign? Did this type of thing happen before?
If I were the wife, I'd whoop his behind. Maybe not literally, but I'm sorry that is the ultimate disrespect. Not only did you run around behind my back,cheating on me, but you also lost your job, losing your livlihood and now I have to suffer b/c of your foolishness? I dont think so
Wow what a shame.....If I was his daughter I would truly tell him how disappointing it is that I have a father who is not only acting inappropriate at work but has embarrassed himself and our family for what......too roll around with someone half his age. Dad get a clue your too old for stupidness like that.

OP my question is why would they ask him too resign? Did this type of thing happen before?

i think it was against work policies...
my dad thinks its cuz he's black...
i have a feeling it went to the next level, not sure though
Its a shame but he gambled and loss. More than likely it was because of sexual harrassment. Which basically is unwanted attention. If she alleges she told him to stop and he didn't, it becomes unwanted. Now they must have had some proof of something. You only have one side of the story.

So far as what I would do, I would be so disappointed. I honestly don't have an answer. Hopefully he has learned his lesson and HOPEFULLY they will let him keep his pension. Since he resigned, more than likely he was politely told you either quit or be fired, mainly to keep his pension.
What would I do? Help him find a "room"! If he was my husband and he lost his job for such foolishness, he would have to find somewhere else to live. A 50 something year old man who doesn't know his place in the work world. :nono::nono::nono:

I most certainly would not be supporting him (eating food I worked to buy, and using my lights, air conditioning, water, etc) since he can no longer foot the bills.:nono::nono::nono:

I know me, and I would not be able to live under the same roof with such a fool.:nono::nono::nono:

He jeopardized his family relationship....if he didn't care, then I wouldn't care!
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It's called sexual harassment. I don't think it was racial given the few facts (assuming he is not lying) that he shared with your friend.

There is nothing his wife & kids can do except help him put his resume together and send it to every place that is hiring. He needs to use his network to find a new position ASAP. Hopefully he can still get a good reference from his old job.

His family must be disappointed in him as well as angry that he allowed this to happen, but he needs a job so that should be the focus right now.
Wow what a shame.....If I was his daughter I would truly tell him how disappointing it is that I have a father who is not only acting inappropriate at work but has embarrassed himself and our family for what......too roll around with someone half his age. Dad get a clue your too old for stupidness like that.

OP my question is why would they ask him too resign? Did this type of thing happen before?

Really? I don't think I could ever tell my Dad that. I love him. Faults and all. But, he's been a great father so, I guess I can't relate. Maybe the ole fart was going through a mid-life crisis? It happens....often. At least he didn't physically cheat....bless his heart....he got busted just trying! :lol:
since I don't like cheaters, I want to say I'd leave him...butttttttttttttt

I don't have kids, so maybe if I had children I'd stay until they turned 18 lol
Really? I don't think I could ever tell my Dad that. I love him. Faults and all. But, he's been a great father so, I guess I can't relate. Maybe the ole fart was going through a mid-life crisis? It happens....often. At least he didn't physically cheat....bless his heart....he got busted just trying! :lol:

Yes I would and for the record I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEE my Daddy. I feel there is a way to express your disappointment in someone without being disrespectful. What I said is how I would communicate it with my Dad and anyone else I loved and cared for who did something so irresponsible and inappropriate.