Ladies that use MOTIONS CPR Treatment


New Member
Hi Ladies,
I started using the MOTIONS CPR Treatment again Six months ago. I use it every week for Deep Conditioning. However 4 weeks ago i noticed that my Hair was breaking, because i had been using way too much protein on my hair. In orderwards it needed MOISTURE.

So i started using NEXXUS Humectress and this put my hair back on Track. My hair has stopped breaking.

However i would like to start using the MOTIONS CPR Treatment again but i was wondering if you ladies could suggest something that i can mix with it so that i have that MOISTURE/PROTEIN Balance whenever i deep condition my hair . . . . . .

Would be looking forward to your suggestions Ladies.

When I use Motions CPR Treament, I don't mix anything with it, but I do follow immediatedly with a moisturizing DC (Motions Moisture Plus).
When I use Motions CPR Treament, I don't mix anything with it, but I do follow immediatedly with a moisturizing DC (Motions Moisture Plus).

When I first starting taking care of my hair due to bad breakage, this is what I did too. I used the motions recipe for breakage that's on their site. What else were you using b/c Motions CPR is a mixture of moisture and protein.......maybe your hair just needed more.
I alternate, motions CPR with motions moisture plus. 3 days on 3 days off. I use a creamy leave-in and tie my hair down with a scarf (*thanks sylver2*) :yep:
I love Motions CPR, but I use it in moderation. I wash my hair ever 3-4 days, but I'll only use the CPR every third wash or so, while I use a moisturizing conditioner the other 2 times.

I don't mix it with anything, but I'll either use it as a pre-poo on dry hair, or if I use it after shampooing I'll follow it up with a moisturizing conditioner.
I used to use it regularly for bi weekly protein treatments. When I had really bad breakage I even mixed an egg with it. Breakage stopped within a week. I usually followed treatment with Pantene conditioner just to put back in some sort of moisture.
CPR (jar) helped me with a period of breakage on more than one occasion. It may be moisturizing but it is still a protein treatment and these should ALWAYS be followed up with a moisturizing conditioner. :yep: That is one of the most important lessons I have learned from the Board.
I used this tonight and my hair loved it. I have been doing so many co-washes that my hair really needed protein. I did not follow up with a moisturizing conditioner, but my hair still feels soft. It's not mushy like it usually is, just a manageable softness.
Thank you ladies for all your suggestions.

I do realize that it would best to have a deep moisturing treatment after using the CPR however i was wondering if there was another product you could suggest that i can mix with the CPR so that i don't have to deep condition my hair twice the same day.

Would be looking forward to your responses.

I don't know what you could mix it with but I would probably try any moisturizing conditioner like Nexxus Humectress or something. I use Motions CPR but I don't mix it or follow up w/ a moisturizing conditioner because I don't see the point since I use a leave-in moisturizer afterwards. HTH.

Thank you ladies for all your suggestions.

I do realize that it would best to have a deep moisturing treatment after using the CPR however i was wondering if there was another product you could suggest that i can mix with the CPR so that i don't have to deep condition my hair twice the same day.

Would be looking forward to your responses.

When I used Motions CPR I followed it up with Moisturising Conditioner by Pantene. It's not a deep conditioner. I just comb it through and leave it on for 3 mins and wash it out. It puts back in moisture. Also I alternated the CPR treatments and the DC treatments at every wash. So if I used CPR this wash, the next wash I'd just do a DC w/ heat. If I really wanted hard protein treatment I'd mix the CPR with an egg but normally I never mixed it with anything.
Thank you ladies for all your suggestions.

I do realize that it would best to have a deep moisturing treatment after using the CPR however i was wondering if there was another product you could suggest that i can mix with the CPR so that i don't have to deep condition my hair twice the same day.

Would be looking forward to your responses.


You can mix your moisturizing conditioner with it:) HTH
Thank you ladies for all your suggestions.

I do realize that it would best to have a deep moisturing treatment after using the CPR however i was wondering if there was another product you could suggest that i can mix with the CPR so that i don't have to deep condition my hair twice the same day.

Would be looking forward to your responses.


My stylist alternates the Motions CPR with the Motions Moisture Plus as deep conditioners. Or he mixes Motions CPR with the Motions Moisture Plus as a deep conditioning treatment.