Ladies, I've got to get back on track...


New Member
I really did it this time...I totally fell off. I feel like I don't even know what I'm doing anymore with my hair and I have to go back to the basics and do my research. This might be extreme, but I really feel frustrated right now.

First of all, I work so much I don't feel like taking the time out for my hair. I stopped taking vits.; stopped surging; stopped using DooGro MegaThick for my edges; not keeping my NG moisturized; and I don't always wear a bun/baggy leaving my ends out to damage; and I stopped massaging. The only thing I do is throw on some Mizani Rose H20 or JCS Nourish&Shine for my ends- just to keep my hair on my head. I also shampoo and DC once a week and CW once or twice.

Here's where the problem lies. My ends are looking scraggley and thin and I didn't plan on trimming until my next relaxer (probably September). My edges, the WEAKEST (hereditary) part of my hair, are breaking off again; and my hair simply looks dry. I'm thinking of setting up a calendar for a hair schedule to get me back on track. I was having good growth and all and then I just stopped. I feel so frustrated, thanks for letting me vent.
That calendar is a good idea! I bet a few protein treatments and lots of deep conditioning will get you back on track in no time.
But you know what? You know what to do to get back on track, and you've got the resources....all of these long haired, healthy haired ladies on board. So, get back on the wagon and do what works for you! Hey, you know you are not in this battle alone either...;)
Thanks for your help and support. It's a relief to know that I'm really not in this alone. The calendar will help in MAKING me stick to a regimen i.e. protein treatments, deep conditioning, and vits. I know when to do them but writing it down will help me actually practice healthy hair habits.:)

Has anyone else experienced this? How did you nurse your hair back to health?
You're definitely not alone. I have fallen off the wagon with haircare every now and then because I'm just too dang tired working 40+ hours. Lawyers are a trip! When I do the bare minimum, my hair does suffer and I know it's time to get my act together. Just wanted to wish you good luck in getting back on track! :)
I'm going through the same thing. This summer I was on crutches for 2 months, which meant the only way i could wash my hair was at a salon or in the bath tub which made washing harder than it should be. I hated to wash my hair and rarely DCed. Now that I'm walking again I feel like i've forgotten how to pamper my hair!
Kristenxdollface said:
I'm going through the same thing. This summer I was on crutches for 2 months, which meant the only way i could wash my hair was at a salon or in the bath tub which made washing harder than it should be. I hated to wash my hair and rarely DCed. Now that I'm walking again I feel like i've forgotten how to pamper my hair!

Aww, I hope you feel better. I feel like I've forgotten how to pamper my hair also, but I will get it back. My goal is to be APL by the end of this year.:yay:
Don't feel bad I was like that the other day too. I thought I fell so far off the wagon there was no recovery. But there is. Hang in there. You made alot of progress so far. Nice pictures.