Ladies indulge me for a second.


Well-Known Member
Why do men get super uber upset when they realize that they are falling or have fallen in love with you? I thought it's supposed to be a joyous occasion.

Case in point: I have two pals Beau (guy) and Belle (lady). I have known both of them separately for a number of years. Sometime last year they met at a party and are now in a loving relationship.

Recently, I ran into Belle outside Borders and we chatted a little bit just to catch up and the "Are you seeing anyone?" question came up.

Me: No, you?
Belle: Yeah :giggle: . In fact he knows you very well.
Me: Who? Do tell
Belle: So what's the story with Beau. Is he legit? Will he play me? etc etc..
Me: :grin: Cool, He's a really nice stand up guy, personality, respectful, hard working etc etc.......

Fast forward a few weeks later. My bro throws a little get together and Beau stops by briefly. Belle has the flu so she's not able to make it. We sit down to chat just to catch up.

Beau: How have you been....etc etc
Me: Good, and you.... etc etc
Beau: Belle told me she ran into you a few weeks ago.
Me: Yeah. I'm so happy for you. How are you guys doing?

This question sent this man on a miserably long rant. I mean he looked pitiful like somebody stole his mama.

Beau::nono: Maaaan, where do I begin?
Me: :blush: What do you mean?
Beau:We have so much fun together :blah: when I met her I just knew I had to say something :blah: she's meeting my family next week :blah: she just doesn't fit the picture I had in my head :blah: I miss her so much when she's not with me :blah:
Me: :perplexed :giggle: :lol: :lachen:
Beau: What are you laughing at?
Me: You're falling in love and you are upset about it :lol:
Beau: :perplexed No way. It can't be. Really? :nono: Oh Crap!!!
He took his beer and slowly walked away shaking his head in total disbelief.

Ladies what gives? Have you ever witnessed or experienced the above? It boggles my mind.
My cousin is this way. He gets really upset because he is afraid he will lose his ability to make rational decisions and he also realizes he is now in a vulnerable position. :lol:
Me: You're falling in love and you are upset about it :lol:
Beau: :perplexed No way. It can't be. Really? :nono: Oh Crap!!!
He took his beer and slowly walked away shaking his head in total disbelief.

Ladies what gives? Have you ever witnessed or experienced the above? It boggles my mind.

What is he, twelve? :lachen:
I'll go out on a limb and say that a lot of men don't like the feeling of being vulnerable...falling in love is as vulnerable as a man will probably ever get so it scares and upsets the crap out of some of them:lol:
I think its because men have this notion that women are emotional (read: can't control our emotions) while they are not (meaning they can control their emotions). And aside from shedding unexpected tears, "falling in love" for men is one of the clearest instances that they're not in control of their emotions. And they don't like it.

Its funny when you catch a dude off guard saying something uber sweet about a girl he's "just dating" don't have to say a word. If you just smile in the right way they'll start "awww, no, I'm not in love n stuff" "ya know, I'm just " "nah, man" "man, stop smiling at me like that". :lol::lol:

They get uncomfortable and its cute.