Ladies I came home from school yesterday to find my mothers hair ravaged by the "beautician" she's been seeing. Her edges are chewed up and she is BALD in some places! The woman had glued weave into her scalp and then pretty much ripped it out when removing it. Also the weave was in for waaaaayyy to long and my mother wasn't washing her hair properly. I'm so upset because my mom used to have amazing hair and now it's ruined. Even her widows peak has started balding because of this rough treatment she's received. I'm at a loss because even when my hair was damaged it was never this bad. I will post pictures in a bit but what should I do? Also I tried to tell my mom I could grow it out and take care of it for the summer but she's not listening to me because and I quote she "wants her hair to look nice". I told her to lay off the relaxers for a while. Right now she's wearing a wig and washing her hair every two weeks if but with all the wrong products. Can anyone give me some ideas on beginning treatment for her hair? I mean I know to wash and DC but I really think she needs more at this point.
I am tearing up reading this, because when things like this happen to a loved one, it effects you more then, if it was your own.

I am at lost myself, but I just wanted to say sorry you all are going through this and I know you came to the right place for answers.
I'm sorry to hear this. Maybe some of the hair gurus will chime in. I think you should talk to your Mom again and explain to her that you are just trying to help. First, let her know that she needs to "baby" her hair. Maybe daily co-washing with Motions CPR will help. No relaxers for a while and NO MORE GLUE. Try wigs, half-wigs, or even a lace front until she can strengthen hair.

Hope this helps.
Yes definitely no more glue - I told her no more weaves for a long time. I'm not sure what I should do I'm going to try and talk to her again when she gets up. Any other advice ladies? I know others have had experiences with bad damage before :sad:
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She may need a protein treatment like Aphogee to strengthen her hair. Also, you may want to introduce her to methods like pre-poo'ing with coconut milk & lime. Also, many sistas here have great progress with Ayurvedic (Indian) products. I'm sure she's like my Mom and stuck in her ways but encourage her by offering to create a regimen for her. She may frown on things like daily co-washing but tell her "Mom, please try it. If it doesn't work, we'll try something else. You'll never know if ou don't try it".:yep: Also, take pics. Maybe you can get her a photo album and update the pics from time to time so she can see that the advice you're giving really works.

Hopefully someone can chime in with other ideas.
Please ladies I really need your help - I don't think I've ever seen damage this bad. I'm not sure what I should do - I know others have had experiences with damage before! :sad:

Im sooo sorry.. These beauticians are starting to get on my nerves with this garbage. first thing first. Get her:

A good pre-poo (virgin coconut oil or Grapeseed oil)

A good DC for starters (cholesterol)

A good Moisturizing poo and conditioner


BT or MN (for the bald spots it has worked wonders for me check my fotki) or hair fertilizer.

Rosemary Oil to massage her edges with.

A good water based moisturizer

Show her how to moisturize and seal with oil

Hair needs to be washed at least once a week. If you can convince her to co-wash it would be great.

Sleep with a satin or silk cap or scarf.

Use only Satin or silk pillow cases.

Best advice : Stay the Bleep away from that stylist.. Im so mad for you. Im so sorry.
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Im sooo sorry.. These beauticians are starting to get on my nerves with this garbage. first thing first. Get her:

A good pre-poo (virgin coconut oil or Grapeseed oil)

A good DC for starters (cholesterol)

A good Moisturizing poo and conditioner


BT or MN (for the bald spots it has worked wonders for me check my fotki) or hair fertilizer.

Rosemary Oil tom massage her edges with.

A good water based moisturizer

Show her how to moisturize and seal with oil

Hair needs to be washed at least once a week. If you can convince her to co-wash it would be great.

Sleep with a satin or silk cap or scarf.

Use only Satin or silk pillow cases.

Best advice : Stay the Bleep away from that stylist.. Im so mad for you. Im so sorry.

ITA! Excellent advice!:yep:
Which Aphogee - the 5 min reconstructor or the intensive one? To be honest the intensive one scares me...I had a bad experience with it myself. Do you think I could use the Joico Intensive Reconstructor instead? I have that one but I'm finding I don't need it anymore with my natural hair but when I was relaxing it worked wonders. I will try to convince her of weekly washing. She's definitely from the school where washing you hair a lot will lead to breakage...she uses motions CPR currently as her DC but I think maybe she needs something more moisturizing since I think CPR is heavy on protein...
you should take her products now: empty them and pour the new ones you get for her in the bottles: then if she talks about how lovely they are: tell her you switched the product and listen to me
Lol - yeah she's so stubborn about everything. :spinning: She said she's willing to go to the BSS and indian store with me on monday. I'll get her some products and whip up a batch of my homemade whipped shea butter for her and I'll see about some BT as well. The edges are the worse. My mom had a beautiful thick head of hair. I just don't know how it could have gotten so out of control in one year!
Lol - yeah she's so stubborn about everything. :spinning: She said she's willing to go to the BSS and indian store with me on monday. I'll get her some products and whip up a batch of my homemade whipped shea butter for her and I'll see about some BT as well. The edges are the worse. My mom had a beautiful thick head of hair. I just don't know how it could have gotten so out of control in one year!

it doesn't take long to get outta control when you got "hair haters" on the loose, and all she wants is to "look good". but im glad she's at least willing to try. once her hair starts lookin like a lhcf member again, she be thanking and spoiling you!
Longdayinthepark's advice is great.

I'm glad that your mom said she'll go shopping with you tomorrow. I'm sorry that the stylist was so careless and thoughtless.

I prepooed my mom's hair with coconut oil and then washed her hair with CON ultra moisturizing (the green bottle). She desperately needed a protein treatment so I mixed Lustrsilk Cholesterol with honey, castor oil, vatika, and an egg. I DC'ed her 45 min with heat rinsed it out and braided it up. She's let me convince her to continue wearing the wig for the summer to prevent her from relaxing. I will start an album dedicated to her hair in my Fotki. I have also decided to purchase BT for her edges which are horribly broken and bald in some patches. Thanks for all the advice ladies. I'll keep you updated as she progresses. FYI it was very hard to convince her even to let me try that DC on her because she thought i was trying to make a "glaze" for her head lol :spinning:
I'm happy that's she's willing to let you help her. I missed your question the other day but I'm glad you found a solution.:yep:
Im so glad she let you do her hair. Im now trying to introduce my mom to the art of haircare. Slow I just buy the stuff and say use it. She does.