Ladies! I Have A CONFESSION To Make......


New Member
I Relaxed my hair:eek: When I first went Natural it was because I wanted to see what my natural hair can do, I never experienced breakage or damaged hair with my relaxer and my hair grew as well, But this was like my 3rd time. But I come here and I see all the beautiful relaxed hair and I missed that, so I relaxed mine. I had got some really really harsh words from other Naturals but their reason for going natural was totally different from mine.

I Love myself whether I have straight hair or curly hair.
I still have to Deal with Racisim whether I have Straight hair or curly. I still have my Self Pride and I make my hair my hair don't make me.

But anyway I am gonna post pictures of my Progress whenever I get a camera I am bad on doing that, My hair grows so fast, I haven't really set a hair goal as of yet.

Thanks Ladies For Accepting Me Either Way!!
Awww, we'll support you no matter what you decided to do. :kiss: That's one of the reasons I love it here; unconditional healthy hair love. So any-ways, how's it look? Do you like the new doo?
sareca said:
Awww, we'll support you no matter what you decided to do. :kiss: That's one of the reasons I love it here; unconditional healthy hair love. So any-ways, how's it look? Do you like the new doo?

Co-signing, anyway, you still beautiful!!
Guuurrl, I've had this same hair dilema for years. I've been natural 3 times!!! and each time over one year. Well, my aunt broke it down to me and said that some ppl just like change and I'm one of them. I actually have pictures in my Fotki of the day when I went fully back to the relaxer. Now my hair is past my shoulders and my friend looks at me like :nuts: when I tell her I'll probably go natural again in a few years when I reach my goal of midback.

check out pic taken yesterday
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OT:Wow, Ms Portugal! Your hair is really coming along! It looks so pretty! Is it texturized? I like that look on you! Very pretty!

NappyParadise, dont worry. It is all love here on LHCF. I am glad that u are happy with your hair.
thanks its texturized but if you look in my album it looks very similar to my natural hair it only looks like that because of my cornrow braidout
It is all up to you. It's your hair, girl! I understand what U R going thru now. I've BCD 3Xs as well. I hope you are successful on your journey. This site is not as hard on naturals who relax, so you don't have to feel guilty.:rosebud:
Wow!! Thanks Ladies!! No I won't change my screen name lol!!! I do like change and I like different hair styles and I have always taken care of my own hair and with tips from here it always grows back long and healthy, My Husband just shakes his head and says that he wish I make up my mind. But he supports me on whichever way I want my hair.

I will get those pictures very soon!!!!!:D
I understand you completely. I've done the BC once and I am transitioning again :lol: ( 1 yr 2 months). Somehow I have the paitence to go through this, but just the other day I thought of relaxing again. I agree that some people just change and as long as you are happy, that's all that matters. Many of us have been where you are & ITA that LHCF is sooo cool when it comes to hair love :grin: GL to you.
hi and welcome back to the land of relaxers! my hair is so thick, course and hard to manage. i was debating on going natural but now that i'm stretching i think not.

to relax or not relax is your own personal preference not others. can't wait to see your pics!
I'm glad you understand that your hair doesn't define who you are...militant natural scare me :nono:

Anyway, you and your hair, in whatever state it's in, are welcome here!

Can't wait to see the pics!
Just wanted to say that I've bc'd three times also. I never had problems with relaxers either. I luv my hair both ways. I like making goals, meeting them, and then doing something else. I'm always changing and my hubby go's along with it becuz he gets to feel like he's cheating! LOL You gots to do you! Looking forward to pics. :)
NappyParadise said:
I Relaxed my hair:eek: When I first went Natural it was because I wanted to see what my natural hair can do, I never experienced breakage or damaged hair with my relaxer and my hair grew as well, But this was like my 3rd time. But I come here and I see all the beautiful relaxed hair and I missed that, so I relaxed mine. I had got some really really harsh words from other Naturals but their reason for going natural was totally different from mine.

I Love myself whether I have straight hair or curly hair.
I still have to Deal with Racisim whether I have Straight hair or curly. I still have my Self Pride and I make my hair my hair don't make me.

But anyway I am gonna post pictures of my Progress whenever I get a camera I am bad on doing that, My hair grows so fast, I haven't really set a hair goal as of yet.

Thanks Ladies For Accepting Me Either Way!!
I wish people would just sod off and let folks do what they want with their hair. I'm sure you look great. Don't mind them :) It's your head and your choice.
You do you!! If you dont like it you can always change again. I've been thinking of relaxing again myself, but then I think about why I decided to go natural in the first place and I don't do it. The fact that the option is open for me helps too. Anyway, good luck with your relaxed journey!! :)
Congrats on your decision. I don't get why other people would give you hell about what you're doing to a part of your body--to each his (or her) own! All that matters is that you're happy with however you choose to wear your hair.

Relaxed or Natural hair doesn't prove your "blackness". My hair is relaxed, and I know damn sure that I'm a proud Black woman! Why some people might feel that relaxed hair is wanting to be "more White" is beyond me...

NappyParadise said:
I Relaxed my hair:eek: When I first went Natural it was because I wanted to see what my natural hair can do, I never experienced breakage or damaged hair with my relaxer and my hair grew as well, But this was like my 3rd time. But I come here and I see all the beautiful relaxed hair and I missed that, so I relaxed mine. I had got some really really harsh words from other Naturals but their reason for going natural was totally different from mine.

I Love myself whether I have straight hair or curly hair.
I still have to Deal with Racisim whether I have Straight hair or curly. I still have my Self Pride and I make my hair my hair don't make me.

But anyway I am gonna post pictures of my Progress whenever I get a camera I am bad on doing that, My hair grows so fast, I haven't really set a hair goal as of yet.

Thanks Ladies For Accepting Me Either Way!!
No big deal. I relaxed my virgin hair last year. I just didn't know what else to do with it. It was super thick and I had like four inches of shrinkage and only wore it braids. The only think I hate is that my jet black natural hair turn a dirty brown reddish color with relaxers.

Anywho, it your hair you can do whatever you want with it.
well, welcome to the board, the awsome thing about LHCF is we accept everyone, natural to relaxed and everything inbetween! we care about and support all of our sisters journey's! Good luck with ur new relaxer and keep the posts coming!
DDtexlaxd said:
This site is not as hard on naturals who relax, so you don't have to feel guilty.:rosebud:

Now if you were to go on the OTHER hair board and announce there what you said here, girl they will hunt you down and darn near do a lynching! :lachen:
But for real, I am glad that you decided to do what you want to do with your own head of hair. You sound a lot like me. I do what strikes my fancy at the time. Whomever it was that was getting on your case about relaxing, tell them to relax and be quiet. They are not the ones who have to do your hair!
I BC'd my relaxed hair 3X when it was bras strap leangth and I had to just about put a gun to my hairstylists head to get her to do it each time! I was like, its mine, I deal with it on a day to day, so cut it! I am sure your hair is beautiful and I can't wait for the pics!
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