Ladies.....I did it. I'm officially natural!


New Member
Ladies.....I did it. I'm officially natural!(pics)

I did the Big Chop. I'm so happy that I finally did it!! The pics are kind of small but check out that gorgeous TWA!!

THE BC Jan 23 2008 (2)small.jpg

THE BC Jan 23 2008 (5)small.jpg

THE BC Jan 23 2008 (7)small.jpg

THE BC Jan 23 2008 (8)small.jpg

I only transitioned for three months and I just couldn't take it anymore. I HAD to cut off the relaxed hair. I've been stalking Lauren450's fotki and last night her pics inspired me to just do it. I chopped my hair off at 4am this morning and while I'm still in shock and a little scared, I feel this huge sense of relief. I'm also so curious about this brand new hair journey I'm about to begin. I'm officially NATURAL!!:superbanana:
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Thank you. I did it while my SO was asleep and when he woke up he was like:huh:When did this happen?!:lachen:
He knows you are still a stunner! I to cut my hair about that low back in 2000. Have fun with the feeling of the shower on your scalp:yep:, its great but fleeting.
That cut is very becoming on you, but then again, you're so pretty, you probably look good with any 'do! :yep:

Congrats on the cut! :)
He knows you are still a stunner! I to cut my hair about that low back in 2000. Have fun with the feeling of the shower on your scalp:yep:, its great but fleeting.

He told me today that he loves it, I guess he's in shock too, especially since I didn't warn him. I was thinking today about how I can't wait to take a shower! I'm going to hop in pretty soon.

ETA: Thank you Lotus and justsimply, and everyone who has responded so far!
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He knows you are still a stunner! I to cut my hair about that low back in 2000. Have fun with the feeling of the shower on your scalp:yep:, its great but fleeting.

Oh so true, enjoy that gorgeous twa as much as you can...because your scalp is gonna start sprouting out hair so quick you won't know what's going on! Congratulations! You look beautiful.
You look so cute. Welcome to the natural side