Ladies How Much "Time" Do You Put Into Your Hair Dailey?

How much time and effort do you spend on your hair?

  • Less than 15 minutes a day

    Votes: 172 63.9%
  • 20-30 minutes a day

    Votes: 60 22.3%
  • 30 min-1hr a day

    Votes: 25 9.3%
  • 1-2hrs a day

    Votes: 8 3.0%
  • I don't spend anytime with my hair

    Votes: 4 1.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I usually sleep with a loose bun of some sort, so in the morning before work i just finger comb that bun and re-do it to make it neater. Between that, and taking my hair vits, i voted less than 15 min.

When im being VERY good i moisturize in the evenings.... that is about 5-10 minutes, tops.
I have a sew in right now and it takes me 5 minutes each morning and night to moisturize and fluff up the curls.

When my hair was loose it took the same amount of time because I moisturized, baggied, and bunned.

Wash days are a different story though!
I chose less than 15 minutes a day, because the majority of the time, that is what I spend. Monday-Friday, 15 minutes tops, combining morning and night activities. Wash day is a little longer because of deep conditioning. Sunday I put my twists in and that takes a little less than 2 hours.
Maybe around 5 minutes on hair. I'll get my roots blown out, then pin curl the first two nights. After that, I just make sure to sleep with a scarf for the next 10 days or so (no need to set my hair anymore). Around the two week mark I co-wash for a couple of days, then get another set.

I'm loving my new routine :grin:
I usually sleep with a loose bun of some sort, so in the morning before work i just finger comb that bun and re-do it to make it neater. Between that, and taking my hair vits, i voted less than 15 min.

When im being VERY good i moisturize in the evenings.... that is about 5-10 minutes, tops.

This is exactly what I do.:yep:
I have been pressing my hair every 2 weeks and with the wash, condition, and pressing that takes about 3 hours but for the rest of the days I just slap in a bun or a jaw clip and go so I voted 15 minutes or less.
My hair is shorter so it takes more time and effort to make by braids look curly, crinkly, straight, pony tail, etc.
Definitely under fifteen minutes. 2-4 braids/pincurls or bantu knots that are moisturized/sealed as needed. Mornings, take them down/ moisturize/seal as needed and blend or put up. If it takes longer, I am doing other things like talking on the phone.
Not counting wash days? 1-15 minutes. When I'm in twists, braids, or a small twistout, all I do is fluff and go. I might put on some product. If it's a puff or a chunky twistout, it might take a few minutes longer.
A few minutes a day (like 5-10) and once a week when I straighten it takes around an hour to wash/condition, a half hour to blowdy, and an hour to straighten, so like 2 and a half hours or 3 hours tops. Then every day after that I just wake up, comb, spray then go.

In high school it would take me 2 hours daily. :nono:

I figure when I'm done transitioning I will be down to 2 or less hours straightening once a week... hopefully.
Way under 15 minutes, more like 5 minutes now. If I pin curled the night before, I just remove the Good Hair Days pins and shake out or fluff my hair. If I braided my hair the night before, I just unbraid for a braidout. If I want to wear an updo or a bun, that takes about 5 minutes also. If it's going to be a humid day, I'll apply some Aveda Anti-Humectant.

Like many of the ladies here, most of the time is spent on wash day with deep conditioning and airdrying.
I spend about 10 minutes at night .. daily co-washing, applying product and tying down. About 5 minutes in the morning .. smoothing hair and putting into a bun. It took me about 5 minutes just to get the bun right this morning.
IMO - I think the shorter your hair is, the longer it takes to care for your hair on a daily basis.

If it can't go into a ponytail then you can't simply pull it back.
It depends...if I co-wash then it takes about 15-20 minutes to wash, stop the drippies, moisturize, gel and shape it. If not about half that...I'll spray, moisturize, gel a bit and more shaping.

Back when I was relaxed with short hair it would take me about 90 minutes every day. I had to heat up those curling irons before I got in the shower....
I voted less than 15 minutes on a regular day. I wear my hair up a lot so in the morning I just moisturize and seal focusing on the ends of course and put it up in one of my many hair accessories and I'm good to go. 5 minutes tops. I do scalp massages w/ and with out my growth oil daily and those don't last longer than 5 minutes. Viola!
On non-wash days it takes me about 5 minutes. All I do it take my ponytail down, moisturize wiht Surge Moisture Aide, seal with Castor Oil, smooth with hands, hit my edges with a brush and tie down with a silk scarf. On wash days it's take me about 1-3.25 hours depending on the look I'm going for, if I'm just pre-poo, washing, deep conditioning and put it up in a ponytail about an hour. If it rollersetting it takes about 3.25 hours, 1 hour for pre-poo, wash, deep condition. 45 minutes to set and 1.5 hours under the dryer.

I've been pin curling my hair so all I do in the mornings is take the bobby pins out and pull my hair apart with my fingers...takes less than 15-minutes.
I am not sure.

Most mornings, I Caruso set my hair which takes a little bit of time depending on how many rollers I need. I finger comb it out and keep stepping. Sometimes I take the scarf off and don't need to Carusos at all - love mornings like that.

At night, I hardly spend any time. I rarely moisturize daily, but if I do it it onlt a tiny bit on my ends. Part down the middle and put it into two pin curls on each side and tie down for bed. That takes 5 min, tops.
Now that I keep my hair in twists constantly, aside from the 3 hour style time, barely 5 minutes a day. I'll put a bit of oil or hair butter on them if they're dry, but other than that it's simply, unwrap and go.
I voted 15 mins. or less. At night I twist my hair in sections (about 10 twists total), moisturize and apply oils. In the morning I unravel the twists and style, which usually only takes about 5 mins. tops.

On wash days my hair typically takes about 2 hours to do.