Ladies, How Did You Know You Were Ready To Have Sex

I lost mine at 19 because I thought I was in love and he loved me...I had ALWAYS planned on remaining a virgin until marriage but I got caught up! We ended up being together for almost 6 years and we were engaged to be married but I wish I wouldve taken the time to let the dust settle and pick up the signs of the type of person that he was before I went down that road. It may sound weird but I had an emotional connection to my virginity and I ended up forgiving him for all the craziness he put me through and wasting a lot of years on him because of it...LESSON LEARNED! So with all that being said, dont let lust blind you and take the time to really learn him before you give yourself to him.
I thought it was prime time to get it over with :look: I've never thought of the experience as anything special and I'm happy that I will never see that person again.
Im still a virgin... 21 yrs old
Had many opportunities
I actually dont have a reason why im waiting other than perhaps i want to love that person and that person love me..... And ive never been in love ....all my ex's were just someone to hang out with