ladies/ guys from Dominica


New Member
I never posted in the off topic forum but I think that this is the suitable forum to post this. I have a very close relative who just traveled to Dominica for a temporary project. He does not know anyone there and certainly does not know anything there like people, places etc....
I recently called to see how he is doing there and for the most part he is fine there. His main concern there is women, he told me that he got to know some women from there (bank tellers, insurance, shop owners etc...) as friends nothing more he is not into relationships, he is only going there for work and that's about it but he is lonely and needed some friends so he got to know these ladies from there. He was telling me bout this lady that was coming over for dinner and also wet out with him to a show there and after a few times of going out she told him that no one should see them together outside because she has a boy friend and if he sees him with her he would harm him, he told her that you never told me you have a boy friend and that you should not go out with me anymore if that's the case then she was a little pissed from that and left, let me tell you about this lady she made him pay for everything when they went out to expensive restaurants and shows, even her gym membership so she was using him pretty good but any who he is just concerned for his safety because the lady that works at the insurance co. told him to file a police report because that boy friend can harm him and that there is alot of fighting that happens here.
Can you guys/ ladies from Dominica tell me how can he deal with these women there, he does not really know alot there. Tell me about the living there, people, security etc.. please
My whole family is from DA and I've visited a few times. Here's my advice:

Living - Dominica is very safe. Most people leave their doors unlocked. Since your friend is new, he should lock his just in case some petty thieves are curious about what a foreigner may have in his home. Also, everyone is super friendly, so he should just wave and say hi to his neighbors and introduce himself.

Women - I think Dominican women, the ones I know, are like any other type of women - likes to be treated well, wants respect, doesn't like games, etc. To meet women, perhaps he should try the happy hours at Fort Young Hotel on Fridays (not sure if they're still going on, but last time I was there, that was the spot to go to).

Security - Um, if I were him, I wouldn't really involve the police, b/c they probably wouldn't be able to do anything. Moreover, 9 out of 10 times the police probably knows the person in question (island is super small), so he may give the boyfriend the heads up about your friend's past involvement with his girl (something the boyfriend may or may not know about).