Ladies - Get Yo Butts Out There - It's Rainin' Men!!!!


New Member
No, seriously. That whole thing about being more social, varying your routine, being friendly and talking to random people while out and about?


I decided to finally really and truly take that advice to heart, and be more social and active, and holy crap! I've been meeting a LOT of guys!

As an example...

Last night, I was going to go meet a friend for a beer around 9pm. I was going to have dinner at home, but I thought "Eh, it's nice out. I'll just run down the way and have dinner out." So I went to this cute little place a few blocks away that has dining at the bar.

I'm making myself comfortable after placing my order and in walks this REALLY handsome guy. He sees that my bag is in one of the chairs and asks if anyone is sitting there. I tell him no, and that he's more than welcome to sit if he likes. So, he takes a seat and starts flipping through the menu.

Now, admittedly, in case ya'll haven't picked this up from my posts - I'm talkative :lachen: So, I struck up a conversation with him. It was something random - I was googling to find out if something really cool that someone told me about my new apartment was actually true. This led to him asking if I was new to the neighborhood, and then we started chatting.

We basically ended up having dinner together right then and there at the bar. We really hit it off and had a great conversation. I had to cut it short (unfortunately) to meet my friend, but before I ran off, I said to him, "This was very nice meeting you here like this. I enjoyed it!" Him: "Yeah, I really liked it, maybe you might want to do it again another time???" Me: "I was hoping you'd ask that" :grin:

We exchanged numbers and he texted me this afternoon. YAY!!!! :woot:

Make the effort - get out, go to places that are different but that you think you'd really enjoy. Don't be afraid to go alone! Even if you don't meet a guy, you can still have a great time and discover some really great places!!!
I'm so glad for you NY...and besides, with the warm weather, etc., more men are going to be out...on da prowl :grin:

I ALWAYS go out alone. I dine alone, etc. Not all the time, but the majority of the time.

You'd be surprised. To me, when a woman is alone, most men may read that as being sure of herself, very confident and daring.....

I've had this happen recently when I went to this lil jazz spot called Half Notes in Bowie, Maryland. Girl...da men!!! OMG....
Oh, I believe you. I've met 3 men these last two weeks. I've realized that those who kept telling me to smile more, lose the shades (I wear my sunglasses everywhere), and speak a little, are right. I decided to change and take their advice and voila, I met two at the grocery store and one at school.
Men tell me to smile at least 2x a week. When I'm out and about, I have a blank look on my face. I just don't want anyone to bug and harass me, unless they're cute.
I love this thread and thanks so much for the reminder! Once I get these annoying finals outta my way I'll definitely be having dinner in nice restaurants in the city on my own....I really need to get back to my social butterfly ways....its so gorgeous out I may as well make the most of it!

The restaurant in question was in the West Village. Now, full disclosure - many of the guys that I've been meeting are White. However, I have noticed a number of Black men around as well, very professional ones at that.
Wow! Cool story NY! :up:

Keep us posted on what happens w/you and "dinner dude". :)

I agree that looking approachable will have more men feeling more daring to talk to you or approach you. :yep:
No, seriously. That whole thing about being more social, varying your routine, being friendly and talking to random people while out and about?


Glad to have some more testimony to this idea!

But, um, weren't you involved with someone a few months ago? What happened to him?
great story, girl! :up:

i go out alone aaallllllll the time (i actually prefer it :look:) but i admit a always keep to myself when i do

your story was inspiring...maybe i'll try to open up a bit :yep:
Yeah my friend keeps telling me to go out by myself more often and I will meet more guys that way. And I think i have to smile more cause i always 95% have my nyc screw face on, and sometimes im starting to think it might be permanant because even my freinds and fam say i always look mad :lachen:. But really im a nice person but I just don't want to attract the wrong guys. But since it worked for you and my friend keeps telling me to try it maybe i should. Thanks for the advice. Hope everything works out for all the single ladies in this thread.
great story, girl! :up:

i go out alone aaallllllll the time (i actually prefer it :look:) but i admit a always keep to myself when i do

your story was inspiring...maybe i'll try to open up a bit :yep:[/QUOTE

I usually take myself out to dinner and or a movie...
I'm all for it! I just moved into an area I LOVE!!! I think I'm going to Cozymels (mexican restaurant) on a Thursday night.

For me, I find it's sometimes better to go out like on a Wednesday or Thursday. Because guys are generally alone anyways sitting at a bar, or whatever. Or mid afternoon on a Saturday to a movie.
great story, girl! :up:

i go out alone aaallllllll the time (i actually prefer it :look:) but i admit a always keep to myself when i do

your story was inspiring...maybe i'll try to open up a bit :yep:

Same here! I'm always so occupied in my mind so I kind of zone out when a guy is trying to make eye contact or trying to establish some sort of "go" signal with me. Or maybe not :look:
Good luck with the cutie!

One of my goals this spring/summer is to go out by myself more frequently, get rid of my Ice Queen face, and send out more smiles. My sister had me practicing one day when we were walking downtown to just smile at guys (....mind you, this was for practice sake, so I only smiled at guys I wasn't interested in), and boy their ears perked up like a dog! Point of story, be approachable and you will be approached....of course use discretion to weed out the undesirables.

It's so easy to be closed off from people, esp. in a big city. Great advice NYLN!
Thanks for the post NY.

The best thing I have done over the past year is learn to go out by myself.

I've said this on before but it's a waste of energy and time trying to get your friends to attend things with you. Just go out on your own. You work hard you deserve it.

The weather is so nice and yes it is raining men :-).
Wanted to co-sign on the going out alone thing. Men are more likely to approach you then. It's a little more intimidating to approach a woman when she's surrounded by 3 of her girlfriends. Plus, why create competition for yourself :look::grin:
Same here! I'm always so occupied in my mind so I kind of zone out when a guy is trying to make eye contact or trying to establish some sort of "go" signal with me. Or maybe not :look:

This is me. I always have a million things on my mind and I think I sometimes might be missing out on whats going on around me cause I'm lost in my own world. I really need to loosen up and pay better attention.....oh, and smile more too. :look:
But, um, weren't you involved with someone a few months ago? What happened to him?

How did you miss my past posts about how that crashed and burned, and dude ended up NOT AT ALL being the person I thought he was??? :lachen:

But as you can tell, it didn't leave me discouraged. Instead, I saw that there were important lessons to be learned and moved on from it.

Most importantly, I learned that, for a lot of women, it really is best to date around a bit until you find someone who is worthy of committing to. And also, that you really have to give yourself time to get to know someone before deciding they're the only one you want to date. There are certain questions you've got to ask yourself and have answered by him before you can really know if a dude is worth forgoing other men.