Ladies get in here.....Need help to get to WL!


New Member
I have been focusing on my hair since sep 2007 and i was APL. Then i joined LHCF on 10/08 and i have learned somethings but i have been doing the basics like DC and Roller sets all my life.

So I would love to reach WL by OCT 2009 and here is my regimen...Please offer advice that will help me.

Night before i wash i apply--EVOO and or Avocado oil...Go to sleep

Wash weekly with a gentle shampoo (2 shampoos)---Currently Aphogee

Light protein like--Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor

DC--I love Alter ego garlic, NTM, Silicone Mix, ORS (i love these)....I DC between 30-3 hours depends

Leave ins- CHI, Herbal essenses LT relationship.

Roller Set, Dryer, If i have roots blow dry my roots(with heat protectant), wrap...

I keep my hair loose 2-3 days....pony 2, and bun 2. Every couple of weeks i do Nexxus Emergencee ( strong protein), and i always stretch my relaxer between 12-14 weeks.

So am i on the right track???????????
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Beautiful hair! I can't tell where exactly WL would be on you but it doesn't look to be too far.

You seem to be on the right track to me but I'm not relaxed so what do I know? lol The only advice I have is to be careful with your protein. If you're doing light protein every week, then Dc'ing with ORS (which is light protein), and doing Emergencee every couple of weeks that may be too much. But you know your hair so just pay attention to how your hair responds to it. Some people's hair loves protein so it might be just fine.

Happy Hair Growing!
Thank you so much...You are right on the protein i don't want to overload. my hair reacts fine to emergencee but other hard protein does make my hair feel super rough.
If you've gone from apl to near mbl in a little over 1 years, looks like you already know what you are doing. Just keep doing it!
Seems like you have a good regi down, and it doesn't require a lot of work. I would say you could make it by Spring of 2009 because you aren't that far. Only thing i say is to pick a really good moisturizing deep conditioner. I use 2 min recon weekly and i use Queen Helene as my dc. ;)
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Whatever you're doing now, I'd say keep doing because your hair is gorgeous! :love: It looks super healthy!
Thanks all.....

Shunta i have been drooling over your hair for months!

The only thing i want to get more serious about is putting it up more... my hair stays softer.
Keep doing what you're doing cuz your hair is beautiful. :yep: Our hair agrees with a lot of the same products.

What's your current length? From the looks of it, you'll be WSL way before Oct.
I cant help cause I am not on your long hair level but your hair looks nice, keep up the good work.
Yea I'd say just stick to what is working from you... and by the looks of your siggy it is definitely working :wink2:
Keep doing what you're doing cuz your hair is beautiful. :yep: Our hair agrees with a lot of the same products.

What's your current length? From the looks of it, you'll be WSL way before Oct.

My current lenght is i guess BSL since the tip of my hair ends at the bottom of my bra.