Hair Cut - from WL back to BS

I :love: the blunt ends. Your hair is sooo thick! Beautiful. I love your YT and blog btw. i would love to see your self-relax method :yep:
Here is a picture of my current length
Beautiful hair!! I just watched your videos and enjoyed all of them. I feel you on the blunt ends. I went from MBL to a little above BSL last week with a blunt cut and I'm loving it. My hair and ends looks super healthy now, and my hair is so easy to comb now with less tangles. And when my hair gets too long, it seems to age me anyway, so I think I look a little younger now. :yep: No regrets whatsoever. Keep up the great work!

:drool: :thud:
Stick a fork in me I'm done

BTW your hair looks MBL, not BSL

I never really got where MBL was lol. All of my ends hit the bottom of my brastrap. I always thought if the ends touch the bra, then you're at brastrap length and once it goes below the brastrap then you're closer to MBL.
Yeah, your mbl. You should change the thread title... women on this site take you at your word for everything. LOL! Great cut!!!!!
I never really got where MBL was lol. All of my ends hit the bottom of my brastrap. I always thought if the ends touch the bra, then you're at brastrap length and once it goes below the brastrap then you're closer to MBL.

Well I guess you would know better than me since its your hair :grin: Maybe because its so pretty and blunt it looks MBL to me. Its beautiful regardless.
:blush: :shocked: Are you kidding me?! I had to come out of hiding just to say how B.E.A utiful your hair is. I definitely need to step my game up...sheesh :perplexed
Yeah, your mbl. You should change the thread title... women on this site take you at your word for everything. LOL! Great cut!!!!!

LOL I hear you.

Gorgeous!!! :love: it does look longer than brastrap. You prob wear your bra low like a few of us do :lol:

I do wear my bra pretty low. Since I show my face now lol I decided to stop posting pictures in my bra (I'll leave up the old pics since they are all I have). But I'm full brastrap with my ends hitting the bottom of my bra. That may also be why I never really know where MBL is on me b/c my bra is so low.