Ladies...can You Help Me With My Hair? Suggestions Appreciated

What would you do if you were me?

  • Lacefront (natural or blow out/straightened look but either way natural looking)

    Votes: 5 83.3%
  • Get a natural weave no flatiron needed (leave out just enough of the edges) and kim

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Get a full weave and closure (Whatever style it just needs to look natural) sew in

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Something else innovative that I did not mention that would work great! (But then please post!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies!

Some are aware that I have had health issues and hospitalizations in the past year (like over 12 and two at over 6 weeks at a time) including a visit to the mayo clinic and surgery. This includes MAJOR steroids in the form of PRednisone and pain medication which were necessary.

This plus anethesia has wrecked a little havoc on my hair. It fought the good fight until month 9 of health issues and then it rebelled and said," PEACE! You think you're thick and waist length, no my sista, your edges are thinning and so is the rest of your hair. Ah hah hahahaha! We are coming out by the handful woman! Oh and here is some prednisone induced eczema for your edges. Take that!" Lucky for me only the edges had the eczema condition and it's gone now. . The doc inspected it and said, "Well that's the side effects of steroids it will grow back" like it was no big deal. Ok, doc great thanks.

Results: I have thinning, but growing back edges and thinner overall hair (I have enough hair to blend the edges but I don't want to necessarily manipulate them over and over again). I used to have enough hair for three people, now I have enough for a person who has thinner looking hair overall. I've waited several months and the scalp has healed so it's not a problem but I still don't want to put undue stress on my hair which brings me to the question of the perfect leave it alone protective style/no manipulation:

Lace front vs. Weave?

I will do either one of these for at least half a year, and reassess and probably cut off 4-5 good inches more (I've already lobbed off enough to get me at about two inches from MBL bs from waist and then I've kept it at the same length these past few months cutting off any new growth)

No matter what I won't let anyone braid tight so no worries there. Oh and I definitely won't let them glue anything period.

Questions feel free to answer one or copy paste and go to town with all of them. Please note that whatever look, I want to be able to do a high bun or ponytail without it looking fake. So any help is much appreciated. I just want it to look like it could be my hair...
  1. Lacefront: Does anyone know where to get a good one that you don't glue that looks real? Please include tips for making it look super real including if you put it up in a pony tail. Should I dare to leave out any hair around it? Does that lace rub at the scalp thus defeating the point?
  2. )Any recommendations or videos that anyone can point me in the direction? On anything you suggest...
  3. )Any hair links (websites) of places to purchase it from if you think I should go lacefront? I have installed a weave before but never a lacefront. I may go to my tried and true and have them install as I will be back in NY later this month, but even so, I want to have a clue and I usually have to bring hair, etc. Any advice you can give will be wonderful.
  4. Do you think I should do a weave with a closure instead of a lacefront and what kind of closure do you recommend (please list any links/videos or websites. I need all the help I can get)?
  5. How long do you keep in a lace front? Is it similar to an install? How many months?
  6. Tips for the best hair but at a great price. I like real hair but of course if you know of something that looks just as good and super natural and you've used it and it works I am not one for changing something that works so please still give suggestions.
  7. If you're in NYC area do you know of anyone who does these lacefronts well and natural looking and who do you recommend? And what do they cost?
  8. Something I haven't considered: Interlocking, some other weave technique, some quick weave thing or whatever...but not just leave it alone because I can't walk around like that right now :lol: ? Please let me know what.

What I don't want:
To end up with Naomi Campbell edges.

Bless her but no!

Sorry for so many questions but I need help :giggle: Just copy paste those suckers and answer one by one. Oh and I also have a poll: Lacefront, Weave? TIA
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I voted for a natural looking lace front, but a full wig might be better for your edges. I usually purchase my wigs from local beauty supplies. I ordered a lace from aliexpress once and lacewigtrend a couple times. Make sure to wash and dc your hair at least weekly, and detangle to remove shed strands. Keep your hair in plaits or cornrows so that the wig lies flat on your head.

I'm no expert at slaying lace wigs, but I'm sure you can learn a thing or 2 from youtube. Lately I have been wanting to try a 360 lace wig from wowafrican hair. The 360 wigs allow you to wear buns and ponytails since the lace goes around the perimeter. A good quality lace wig isn't cheap, so do some research. Read reviews, watch videos, etc. Good luck!
I voted for a natural looking lace front, but a full wig might be better for your edges. I usually purchase my wigs from local beauty supplies. I ordered a lace from aliexpress once and lacewigtrend a couple times. Make sure to wash and dc your hair at least weekly, and detangle to remove shed strands. Keep your hair in plaits or cornrows so that the wig lies flat on your head.

I'm no expert at slaying lace wigs, but I'm sure you can learn a thing or 2 from youtube. Lately I have been wanting to try a 360 lace wig from wowafrican hair. The 360 wigs allow you to wear buns and ponytails since the lace goes around the perimeter. A good quality lace wig isn't cheap, so do some research. Read reviews, watch videos, etc. Good luck!
Thanks so much for your advice.

Hmmm a full wig. I thought about that too but just didn't want to touch my hair weekly. I want to wash it but in braids (like when I have used weaves in the past to grow out my hair) so I'm not manipulating the hair with my hands as it lies flat to the head. That was the only reason I didn't think of a full wig. Plus I always imagine them shifting or something else horrible. I wrote a screenplay where this old lady has a "tilted wig" :giggle: hopefully the universe isn't getting back at me :look:

What's a good price for a lacefront (a good quality)? Or rather what's a good price range?
@luckiestdestiny has the best prices. If you catch them during a sale you can save am additional 15%. I paid $130 for a yaki straight, 16 inch lace front. It was actually longer when I received it.

My aliexpress wig was inexpensive too, but the cut and color were nothing like the picture. I had to tone and cut the wig myself.
Someone mentioned interlocking weaves as better for the hair...does anyone know anything about that?
@luckiestdestiny has the best prices. If you catch them during a sale you can save am additional 15%. I paid $130 for a yaki straight, 16 inch lace front. It was actually longer when I received it.

My aliexpress wig was inexpensive too, but the cut and color were nothing like the picture. I had to tone and cut the wig myself.
Do you remove your lacefront weekly?
Congrats on all the length goals you have accomplished so far! IMO sometimes you just have to let it go. I think you should BC and grow it out at an even length. I wish you the best on both you health and hair journey.
I would do that if it were me. If it's just a small spot that needs work, ok. But if it's various spots all around, I will chop in a minute and not think twice.
Please ladies. Anything is helpful. I'd love to hear from you
I don't glue mine. I get glueless ones with straps, so that I can remove daily. It's important for me to let my scalp get air. I live in a very hot, humid place...
So much to learn. Straps. I swear it's like you're speaking another language :lol:

I would not do glue no matter what but I'm going to research this strap thing to see what that's about. This is what scares me because I don't want more problems. I am familiar with weaves but this whole wig thing confuses me. I wonder how the scalp breathes, how to prevent fungi or other problems, etc. I know with a weave I would wash weekly a kim and let it dry. Then there's the whole pressure thing. The point is to put less stress on the hair. I wish there were an ideal solution of the perfect leave it alone no manipulation style for a month at a time with the exception of washing and conditioning it every once and a while. It seems like it would be more interaction with a wig which would defeat the purpose. :thought:I just don't know. Maybe the lacefront thing is out....
Congrats on all the length goals you have accomplished so far! IMO sometimes you just have to let it go. I think you should BC and grow it out at an even length. I wish you the best on both you health and hair journey.
I see what you're saying but I've been there and done that. I've actually buzzed it to my head before at the beginning of my journey just because. And when I found out I had thyroid disease, I cut it to a twa before, and also I've cut it to a shoulder length style and still managed to grow it back to WL . I'm not down for another round this time and I am at a point where I want what I want now. I've been patient over and over (first for thyroid disease [Grave's] now with this health issue) with my hair and my health. I'm alive and I'm like yay!...but again...I want some joy. I want something that makes me happy. I want something the way I want it to work out and I'm going to have that gosh darn it! Not sure if I'm making any sense, but I've had the patience of a monk and that time is come and gone. All I want is to have my hair look decent, and the way I want it to look. I just want to look like my regular self. It's much like a cancer patient would get a wig to look more like themselves. I understand that more than anything now. I am resolving health issues, yes, and I'm grateful...but now I'm trying to whip myself and my life back into shape. With all of that said, pit appears that my hair would only need to be cut to apl to get it's thickness back because it has been growing back out throughout this ordeal (and has been braided down). And I'm down for doing that in a few months (cutting it). I just want it to rest for a while longer because of all it's been through before straightening and cutting it. So I'm trying to find the best way to let my hair rest for the longest period. This will help me also health wise. I'm not interested in long sessions on my hair. I'm also not interested in my hair looking ham. I have some major meetings coming up and I need to look like my best self.

Thanks for the good wishes.
I would do that if it were me. If it's just a small spot that needs work, ok. But if it's various spots all around, I will chop in a minute and not think twice.
I know. They're small spots around the edges mostly. Again it's not see through but it's just me. I like things to be in tip top shape and the thing is, prednisone doesn't care about my healthy hair practices. It went through my hair with a quickness. I cut off at least 6 inches already. I was actually about to chop the rest off. I had my scissors out and my mom was like NOOOO! Like I said I had enough hair for three people in reference to density (amount of hairs per area) and really nice length, now I have enough for one (density wise). Other people would have no idea that my hair is thinner whatsoever. I can still wear my hair in a nice size ponytail. My edges, are growing back so they can be easily blended into the hair and no one knows. It's just me. I know.
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I would just braid my hair under and go with a full wig. No heavy tension styles. You need to incorporate some scalp massages and have as much access to your scalp as possible.
I'm thinking I may just do this with the exception to a scalp massage. I'm not a fan, never have been. No matter how soft, I get migraines after doing them. Maybe I will just break down and wig it. My only issues as mentioned above is that will mean more manipulation than I'd like. Darn it I might just weave it and leave out the edges and just let them do their thing. Get a natural weave and let the texture blend. The edges are growing out. I just want all the hair to look good together without much styling necessary (or manipulation). I mention low manipulation not just for my hair but my health. I am still recovering. I had a major surgery this summer, and I am still getting over recent flare up from Crohn's plus the Mayo clinic diagnosed me with a rare illness with a ridiculously long name that caused all this crap in the first place (it's hereditary and until treated can cause mayhem later in life when it rears its ugly head). The docs are thinking this is why I had grave's and now this. So with continued treatment, hopefully, no other things will pop up and I will get my health back. But meanwhile, I am washed out physically in addition to just wanting to have my hair rest. So I'm not up for a bunch of stuff done to my hair on a weekly basis. I need the quick basics and I know what works (like I said my hair is turning around as the steroids lower [prednisone] ) it's just a matter of time. So I just want something to help me to look good while I ride it out (time wise), get treatments for health, and just live my life so to speak.
If I slicked them down my edges are even thicker than these in her after pic. I'm trying to find something online that is similar. But again, my hair is so thick that hairstylists have had to sit down and collect themselves before getting back up to begin again (and sit down again and again), so even with hair's just looks like a regular head of hair. If I put my hands into my edges I still have to push to get through to the scalp, so it's not as thin as here where it's still close to scalp. I'm going to go and take a pic so you can see and you'll probably say, I don't see the problem...but again, my edges were the super long, like I didn't have short edges at all. They were the length of the rest of my hair.
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I'm liking the idea of a well done, natural textured weave/ leave-out. If your texture isn't difficult to match, I'd go for that option. That way you can worry less about tension/ rubbing on your hairline. I've worn wigs as a means to an end, as opposed to being purely a style choice. In those instances, I preferred all my hair to be covered so that the lace/ seam wasn't resting on my hairline (at least not at the front).
Please do not quote. I just made the pic smaller so you can see my edges. The rest of my hair is in corn rows so I'm just pulling back the headscarf to reveal the edges because otherwise you will not see the density. I did not braid the edges as I want them to grow out. I just lifted this and took a quick pic as I don't like to show my face online or anything anyways so I just did a quick pick of the edges so you can understand it's not like I should chuck it all. I'm just letting them be wild and free. That's how I grew them out last time (and the hair in the back in the kitchen. I grew that out by keeping it braided down and moisturized. The edges, I'm just moisturizing them and also using my nettle tea to strengthen the roots). I just didn't braid up my edges. I have nosy relatives looking at me from the corner of their eyes lol, as I pulled up my head scarf quickly and snapped a pic. I do appreciate them helping me out though health wise but sometimes you need privacy :look: . I can't wait to be back at my place for that reason :lol:


As you can see this is not as bad as it could be. Some would say I have good edges, I just know that my edges were actually the length of the rest of my hair. I grew them completely out. So now they are just doing their thing. I'm like cool do your thing edges, but again... what style do I work with you?
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I see what you're saying but I've been there and done that. I've actually buzzed it to my head before at the beginning of my journey just because. And when I found out I had thyroid disease, I cut it to a twa before, and also I've cut it to a shoulder length style and still managed to grow it back to WL . I'm not down for another round this time and I am at a point where I want what I want now. I've been patient over and over (first for thyroid disease [Grave's] now with this health issue) with my hair and my health. I'm alive and I'm like yay!...but again...I want some joy. I want something that makes me happy. I want something the way I want it to work out and I'm going to have that gosh darn it! Not sure if I'm making any sense, but I've had the patience of a monk and that time is come and gone. All I want is to have my hair look decent, and the way I want it to look. I just want to look like my regular self. It's much like a cancer patient would get a wig to look more like themselves. I understand that more than anything now. I am resolving health issues, yes, and I'm grateful...but now I'm trying to whip myself and my life back into shape. With all of that said, pit appears that my hair would only need to be cut to apl to get it's thickness back because it has been growing back out throughout this ordeal (and has been braided down). And I'm down for doing that in a few months (cutting it). I just want it to rest for a while longer because of all it's been through before straightening and cutting it. So I'm trying to find the best way to let my hair rest for the longest period. This will help me also health wise. I'm not interested in long sessions on my hair. I'm also not interested in my hair looking ham. I have some major meetings coming up and I need to look like my best self.

Thanks for the good wishes.

You're a trooper. You're definitely making sense. Can you make a Chinese bang?
I'm liking the idea of a well done, natural textured weave/ leave-out. If your texture isn't difficult to match, I'd go for that option. That way you can worry less about tension/ rubbing on your hairline. I've worn wigs as a means to an end, as opposed to being purely a style choice. In those instances, I preferred all my hair to be covered so that the lace/ seam wasn't resting on my hairline (at least not at the front).
Exactly. I'm thinking that I've had it braided this whole time so I'm thinking it can take the weight of a weave. I've also strengthened it in the last couple months with deep conditioners, custom mixes, and nettle tea rinses, etc.

If you or any of the lhcf ladies know of nice textured weave hair please post it here. I'm so down for it. I'm thinking this is just what I'm going to do and leave it alone.
The more I hear, the more I'm thinking this is the best solution. I already know someone who does healthy hair practices and I'm going to be back in Ny mid month so I can find (two) some that I know there who have done my weaves before. I am also down with doing them too. One does them with a net and one without.

Which do you think would be better for this purpose? I've only had the net once before. Some say it's better for the hair, some say its worse wear and tear long term. I didn't wear it long enough to see a difference. But now that I'm trying to baby it...I definitely need to consider both sides of the coin on this.
You're a trooper. You're definitely making sense. Can you make a Chinese bang?

You mean on my hair in general? Like cut bangs? I was thinking of that or the french bangs (where they are a little longer on the side. But then I'd have to straighten it all the time. That was the reason I opted out of that because long term, it doesn't allow the hair to rest if I am constantly flat ironing it.
You mean on my hair in general? Like cut bangs? I was thinking of that or the french bangs (where they are a little longer on the side. But then I'd have to straighten it all the time. That was the reason I opted out of that because long term, it doesn't allow the hair to rest if I am constantly flat ironing it.

In every sense. You're a trooper in overcoming every obstacle and bouncing back. :bighug: If you go the weave route Golden Swish has nice textured hair.
Exactly. I'm thinking that I've had it braided this whole time so I'm thinking it can take the weight of a weave. I've also strengthened it in the last couple months with deep conditioners, custom mixes, and nettle tea rinses, etc.

If you or any of the lhcf ladies know of nice textured weave hair please post it here. I'm so down for it. I'm thinking this is just what I'm going to do and leave it alone.
The more I hear, the more I'm thinking this is the best solution. I already know someone who does healthy hair practices and I'm going to be back in Ny mid month so I can find (two) some that I know there who have done my weaves before. I am also down with doing them too. One does them with a net and one without.

Which do you think would be better for this purpose? I've only had the net once before. Some say it's better for the hair, some say its worse wear and tear long term. I didn't wear it long enough to see a difference. But now that I'm trying to baby it...I definitely need to consider both sides of the coin on this.

I'm leaning towards no net, maybe so that scalp access is less problematic. I'm not familiar with your texture/ coil/curl patern but if you're in the 3s/4s, @Britt had some lovely looking hair I was repeeping just today in the Everyday hair thread. Maybe she will pop in:look: and mention how it performed, but I'll have another look because she does mention the vendor there.

ETA: Heat Free Hair for Koils post #7836 (I don't know how to link it). Ah! I didn't see your pic before I commented:giggle:
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Maybe I will do french bangs and then they can be curly or straight then I can weave up the rest and leave out some for this look or ( a kinkier texture but this shape and similar length):

with this style (cut/shape) my edges on the sides can be free! ^^^ and I can still have a natural look.

And when straightened the hair can look like these french bangs but a little longer. love them. Maybe it'll give me an excuse to do bangs. I like hers a lot except maybe I will have them be a little longer in the front so that when curly they don't spring up too much, and not so far up (cut) so that it can blend easier if I want it curly without having a poodle look in the front.



and when it's in a bun the bangs will look kinda like this if I just do bantu knots mini

I will say though that I love these looks too which appears to be a bantu knot out but the first one is clip ons (but they have weaves too)

and this one

or just letting it out


I know it's without bangs (argh).

I'm just trying to think of the perfect cut and then I could just have my own hair out anways. I'll probably tbh just still braid it up because I do want it to rest, but I'd love to have a nice shape. If I do bangs then the sides can recover...The more I type it seems like my best bet. If I make sure to cut them closer to the front then when my hair is curly, it won't look crazy. Or I can just do bantu knots on them if they are left out and blend them into the other natural hair.
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In every sense. You're a trooper in overcoming every obstacle and bouncing back. :bighug: If you go the weave route Golden Swish has nice textured hair.
Off to check them out.

And I do roller set on natural hair so I could roller set the bangs and if I straigtene them and cut the sides, I can have bangs similar to what I posted above. I'd keep everything else long so that it blends when curly. And of course I'd weave most of it up anyways. Now that I think about it
Thanks so much ladies. Even typing this out and listening to other point of views is helping me to come to a solution. If you have any pics that can go with where I'm headed for inspiration, please let me see them as I'm all for it! Or if you have any other ideas please chime in.

I'm definitely thinking heading in this direction is the right way to go. Now I'm just trying to get the shape right. It will be long and textured. It needs to blend with my hair.
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I'm concerned if your hair is strong enough for a weave? If you were to get cornrows and leave them in 3-4 weeks, would that be ok? I would get a consultation, and see what the stylist suggest, unless you are gonna do the install yourself?
I would only go to someone who knows what they're doing or I'd do it myself. I grew out my hair in weaves or braids. Very low manipulation has been my go to forever. My only concern is this time there is another element at bay. But I do not think I'd do anything to it if I didn't think it could handle it. I do need to baby it though.
I'm leaning towards no net, maybe so that scalp access is less problematic. I'm not familiar with your texture/ coil/curl patern but if you're in the 3s/4s, @Britt had some lovely looking hair I was repeeping just today in the Everyday hair thread. Maybe she will pop in:look: and mention how it performed, but I'll have another look because she does mention the vendor there.

ETA: Heat Free Hair for Koils post #7836 (I don't know how to link it). Ah! I didn't see your pic before I commented:giggle:
I'm a combo of 3/4 with my edges being a lot looser. Maybe @Britt will post pics or you can provide a link?

I think you're right and no net. I really want the scalp to breathe.