Lacefront Wigs: My Review (VERY VERY LONG)

Atlien, I would not even know that in the pic you're wearing a wig, had you indicated it under your avatar.

It looks great! It looks so much like your own hair. Very pretty, chicka. :)

OT, I had no idea that wigs cost that much, let alone having to have it applied, etc.! :eek:
I wish I knew a stylist that sold LFs. I will most likely order mine from hisandhers. But the Amber wig has two types of hair and I don't know which one will look like relaxed hair.
imani97 said:
Beautiful! I was about to throw mine out, but you've given me hope. Mine is in my fotki too. I had it thinned out, but it isn't thin enough. Any suggestions?

Imani, which Amber wig did you get? Does it look like relaxed hair or does it look really straight in real life?
atlien11 said:
Thanks! Can you post
1. where you got your glue from
2. How much it cost
3. What supplies do you need to remove the glue ( i heard acetone works). Thanks!! :D

I purchased my supplies from and, and the lace release from coolpiece works great to remove the wig. As far as pricing goes i cant remember exactly how much each item was but spent about $100 on everything, from the alcohol the q-tips, stocking cap and all of that. also you should purchase GooGone wich can be bought at target, or walmart, or a hardware store which removes the glue from the wig and your skin it has a lemon scent and is a citrus based solvent and its used for a lot of other things but i found a lot of the women on BHM use it to remove the glue from the wig and i have used it myself and it works really came in handy when i glue my damn fingers together trying to apply my wig :lachen:
if you have any other questions just give me a holla
naturaline said:
wow it look great! ~smiles~ Do you have to wear make up to make it look real?
No makeup needed, just because u dont really see my hair line except where my bang is parted at.

Tayw29 said:
I purchased my supplies from and, and the lace release from coolpiece works great to remove the wig. As far as pricing goes i cant remember exactly how much each item was but spent about $100 on everything, from the alcohol the q-tips, stocking cap and all of that. also you should purchase GooGone wich can be bought at target, or walmart, or a hardware store which removes the glue from the wig and your skin it has a lemon scent and is a citrus based solvent and its used for a lot of other things but i found a lot of the women on BHM use it to remove the glue from the wig and i have used it myself and it works really came in handy when i glue my damn fingers together trying to apply my wig :lachen:
if you have any other questions just give me a holla
Thanks! Im going to check this out. I actually removed my unit last night because i needed to give my hair a good wash and that glue was all up in my hairline :mad: . I think im going to stick to using tape. Im getting my hair rebraided this afternoon and in the meantime i just bun-up and put the LF back on with the tape. Its a lot less messy.
classimami713 said:
Imani, which Amber wig did you get? Does it look like relaxed hair or does it look really straight in real life?

I apologize, I didn't see this question. I got the natural perm texture. It was too straight to me, but I didn't wash it so it may end up looking different once I do that. If I had to do it over, I may have did what atlien did and had someone to measure my head and do all of that stuff. My LF was cheaper, but I don't really know what to do with it. :lol: