Lace front #3....


New Member
Well I ordered this lace front back in January....ITs a custom from HairSystemDesigns....

Overall, IT took forever to get to me...
It wasnt exactly what I wanted...
I like the color....the length is WAYYY to long but I wanted that so i can cut and style it how i wanted....

Lol i just dont know how to style it...if anyone has ideas please let me know show pictures something....

It is REALLY REALLY THICK:ohwell: it has to be thinned...

AND it has this weird swirly thing going on at the i guess I have to wet and brush it out so it can go back instead of in a

here are the pics...

The lace is much finer than the his and hers...the hair is a little more the color is what i wanted....
Very nice! You have a knack for working these wigs! I have no idea how you would cut it tho' except to maybe do a V cut past brastrap:confused:

D-SHY you are officially the Lace Front Queen of LHCF! When I finally decide to get one, I'll be PM'ing you!:grin:
natalied said:
Very nice! You have a knack for working these wigs! I have no idea how you would cut it tho' except to maybe do a V cut past brastrap:confused:

D-SHY you are officially the Lace Front Queen of LHCF! When I finally decide to get one, I'll be PM'ing you!:grin:

Haha no problem Pm me anytime...;)

I have two more about 2-3 weeks...

ONe is a black curly one and the other is something Ill probably end up selling....
I like it. D-Shy you must be loaded :D (or have a really nice sugar daddy) :lol:. Dang girl I am trying to save up for one :yep: and you already have three! I think I like the dark lace front the best because it doesn't take away from your features and really brings out your eyes. As for this one I reccomend taking it to a stylist.

P.S. the one you think you may end up selling. . . . . I CLAIM FIRST DIBS :yep: SERIOUSLY
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aquarian1252004 said:
I like it. D-Shy you must be loaded :D (or have a really nice sugar daddy) :lol:. Dang girl I am trying to save up for one :yep: and you already have three! I think I like the dark lace front the best because it doesn't take away from your features and really brings out your eyes. As for this one I reccomend taking it to a stylist.

P.S. the one you think you may end up selling. . . . . I CLAIM FIRST DIBS :yep: SERIOUSLY

lol k girl I got black one from MJM the hair quality was horrible it was like it did make me loook like an old
this one is great i say keep it as long as possible the color looks good too
only thing i would do is thin it a bit, resisting the urge again!
Thanks Baileys Cream:)
Ms P. you think i should leave it that long really?? I will try doing what you said...I will thin it good at doing that...than i will flat iron it...

oglorious1 I got the second one from its called the amber the third one is from HairSystemDesign on me if you need more info...
OK, I like this color better, but I love the way you styled the his and her one. Where did you get a black curly one from?
carrie said:
OK, I like this color better, but I love the way you styled the his and her one. Where did you get a black curly one from?
I didnt get it its being made I think....

Thanks everyone...
You're makin me want a lace front so I can just let my hair totally rest. One day I think I'll invest. Yours look so good. Better than Beyonce's IMHO.
I really like it, DShy! I got one from HSD, too. I had mine cut in long layers. I'm going to get one of those scissor comb thingys so I can just run the comb through and thin it out some. It's a LOT OF HAIR!!!! lol. I'll take some pics of it someday, lol.

I'm seriously considering ordering her yaki lace front. Have you seen it, DShy? It looks pretty good! She has thin skin fronts, too instead of the lace.
I can't wait to see your curly lace front. I think they all look great on you. I want a wig, but I want it to be shorter than my natural hair. That way I have a short look without cutting my hair.
TigerLily said:
I really like it, DShy! I got one from HSD, too. I had mine cut in long layers. I'm going to get one of those scissor comb thingys so I can just run the comb through and thin it out some. It's a LOT OF HAIR!!!! lol. I'll take some pics of it someday, lol.

I'm seriously considering ordering her yaki lace front. Have you seen it, DShy? It looks pretty good! She has thin skin fronts, too instead of the lace.

Thanks everyone....

I cant wait to see yours ...Im sending mine to a stylist so they can take care of it i dont want to mess it up...I saw the yaki and the thin skin...I like the thin skin as well...
I want one too. I like this one better than the last one. The color and texture of the hair is better. But all of that length. I would get it cut also.
would you say that the extra $100 made a difference between the wig from his and hers and this one?
karezone said:
would you say that the extra $100 made a difference between the wig from his and hers and this one?

yes...because it was custom made to fit my big head...:lachen:

but i do like the his and hers one...I wore it out today...
Looking good girlie!
I'm thinking of getting the one from his and hers since it's cheaper, and if I don't like it, it wouldn't be THAT big of a deal. . .
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i like the way this one looks best. the his and hers in nice but this one is definiatly custom made. I am not sure what I would do with the length. It is nice. The color is perfect on you too.

Rock that miss lady. The lace on this one is far superior!

keep the pictures coming!
Which one are you the most happy with, as far as the quality? Which one is most real looking to you? I want to order me one but I dont want to be looking all false up close.
the thing that has kept me from getting one at this point is how we are always detecting someones lace front wig, (like Beyonce, Tyra, Serena) it just makes me think if they have professionals doing theirs and they cant pull it off how can I expect to look real with it??