LA Product Swap meet up...who's up for it?

Divine Inspiration

Well-Known Member
Hey ladies,

Over the past few weeks, I realized that I have quite a few products that I need to get rid of. I missed the last LA meeting, but I'd love to meet up for a product swap.

I know the LA ladies had a Spring meeting, but we can always plan for an early summer early May or June. I mean, can you ever have too many meet ups when it comes to hair and fabulous women? I think not. :lol:

So...if anyone's interested, please say so, and I'll start a thread in the meeting forum for us to coordinate a weekend when everyone can make it as well as a time and location. I know it's kind of early to plan something that far away, but I want to be sure more of us can make it this time.

Maybe this can finally be our coffee date :lol:

I have a 90% full bottle of thoroughly clean facewash that you can have. I can also give you some nice sized samples of miss jessie's products and a few other Dominican products that I brought back from home.
Me me me!
I would love to meet up. I've actually been trying out some new products, so I have some products to swap this time!
Browndilocks said:
Maybe this can finally be our coffee date :lol:

I have a 90% full bottle of thoroughly clean facewash that you can have. I can also give you some nice sized samples of miss jessie's products and a few other Dominican products that I brought back from home.

Yeah, it can.

Sounds like you've got some good stuff. I have a bunch of random conditioners I've experiemented with (when will I learn?) and a LOT of Daily Defense conditioners.

I need to get rid of a curling iron too.
KEWLKAT103 said:
Me me me!
I would love to meet up. I've actually been trying out some new products, so I have some products to swap this time!


Ok ladies, let's start throwing dates out there...

I'm good the first 3 weekends in May and the first couple of weekends in June as well.
Divine Inspiration said:
Hey ladies,

Over the past few weeks, I realized that I have quite a few products that I need to get rid of. I missed the last LA meeting, but I'd love to meet up for a product swap.

I know the LA ladies had a Spring meeting, but we can always plan for an early summer early May or June. I mean, can you ever have too many meet ups when it comes to hair and fabulous women? I think not. :lol:

So...if anyone's interested, please say so, and I'll start a thread in the meeting forum for us to coordinate a weekend when everyone can make it as well as a time and location. I know it's kind of early to plan something that far away, but I want to be sure more of us can make it this time.


:wave:I'm in. . . by then maybe, I'll have something to swap. It would be nice to meet everyone.
I'm in but PLEASE DON'T MAKE IT FOR MAY 5TH, my hubby is going out on deployment again and I won't be fit for socializing! :cry3:

I've got LOTS of stuff to swap! :lol:
June I don't know about yet. I'm in for any weekend in May, so whatever date you ladies choose is cool with me!
I am in for it also. Only been with the board for 3 months and got products that didn't work for me.

In May any weekend...just not memorial weekend. In June, I don't know...too soon to regulate.
Divine Inspiration said:
That's an understatement. :lol: You DEFINITELY have to come and bring ALL of those accumulated goodies you're not using.

Which dates are good for you in May?

Oh Snap!! :lol:

I'm good for all other weekends! :kiss: Thanks for taking that into consideration ladies, I'd REALLY like to come to a meeting before I leave Cali next year...

Maybe I can get WillieWonka to come too! :eyebrows2
grnidmonster said:
I wanna go but, I love all my products. They are my babies, I'm not ready to part with them. Can I come anyway?

If we come in at the same time, I can give you one of one will ever know! :lol:
Awwww man. I really don't want to miss this but I won't be home from Iraq until the second week of June. Dang!
awww, I wish I could join and meet all of you ladies.:( But my sisters and I are going to take my mom out for Mother's Day on Saturday the 12th. But definitely next time, I have a few products that could use a new home :) .
pinkskates said:
Hi ladies, I'm an LA newbie and a recovering product junkie. I would love to meet all of you and product swap!:)

Welcome and I look forward to meeting you! I love you screen name, it's so cute!