LA Product Swap meet up...who's up for it?

Divine Inspiration said:
Yeah, we definitely need to get a count. I'm going to PM all the people who participated in this thread, and we'll use whatever number we have at 9 AM tomorrow.


Please add me...just me. :D

I look forward to meeting you all!
Alright so this is what we've got for now:

JCoily + 1

Pinkskates + 1
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Hey Ladies,

I hope it's not too late to RSVP, I've been having trouble posting. I will be there tomorrow too at 1:00pm at the Grove. I look forward to seeing all of you.
LadyJ76 said:
Hey Ladies,

I hope it's not too late to RSVP, I've been having trouble posting. I will be there tomorrow too at 1:00pm at the Grove. I look forward to seeing all of you.

You're counted...see ya tomorrow!
Alright, final count as of 9 :15 AM:

JCoily + 1

Pinkskates +1

We'll reserve a table for 15, just in case there are surprises. :)
Hey errbody, I just wanted to say that it was lovely seeing you all again and I am enjoying the NINE THOUSAND products that I lugged back home.

BTW - I told my mother about the 'singing' container of Holy Ghost Grease and she couldn't stop laughing! :eek: :lachen:
OK... How bout I am SO MAD I didn't look at this thread before!! I'm such a jerk I can' t believe I missed this. I live in the Valley and for most of Saturday I was in my bed taking an extended nap. I would have LOVED to meet you guys. Awww man! :cry2:

Well, I'll pay more attention to the board now and maybe I'll be able to catch you ladies next time.

PS... yeah I know my location says NJ but I've been out here for a little more than a year now. Guess I need to change that. lol
JCoily said:
Hey errbody, I just wanted to say that it was lovely seeing you all again and I am enjoying the NINE THOUSAND products that I lugged back home.

BTW - I told my mother about the 'singing' container of Holy Ghost Grease and she couldn't stop laughing! :eek: :lachen:

Likewise. It was good seeing you and your hair in all its glory.

We had a wonderful time...I'll send you guys the pics...eventually. :look:
SO UNFAIR!!!!!!! I am having a temper tantrum over here. I just bought my computer and this is one of my first days back officially in a few months and this is how I am welcomed!!??!?!?!?!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :lachen:
*Bre~Bre* said:
SO UNFAIR!!!!!!! I am having a temper tantrum over here. I just bought my computer and this is one of my first days back officially in a few months and this is how I am welcomed!!??!?!?!?!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :lachen:

Well you and Lil Mama were certainly missed!:D
Ladies who attended: please let me know if you don't want your photo visible in the photos. I'm planning to post them in the OT section in the next day or two so if you want your face blurred, please say so here or PM me.