Unethical practices are not what I call business savy.
what i'm saying is that we need to get rid of this sense of entitlement. They are not going to sell to us if they don't want to,.. so what are we going to do about it... we came up with protesting and yes that might work for a while, but in 5 years it could all go back to the starting situation. The reason being is because you are trying to force a Producer, to abide by the wants of a secondary supplier and a customer. Basic economics teaches of supply (primary) and demand. If the demand of a product stays constant (and realistically it will over the long term), who has the control?
Unless we want to forever be hanging on to someone elses shoe strings we need to become the
producer. When you are the producer you don't have to worry about "how long before the other party changes his mind".
Lets think global and lets analyze how a country handles situations like these. Look at the Oil situation. The US has been very dependent on oil, however we are not the major producers of oil. Other countries who are the major producers set the price for oil. When it goes down,.. the stock market flourishes,.. when prices go up... everyone gets nervous. The US also plays kiss a$$ to these countries so as not to upset them.
US Solution (still a work in progress)
- Going Green.
- Self producing alternative energy sources
they sell the idea as something for the environment but to washington, its something for the budget.
They mandate city busses to run off of compressed natural gas,.. now going towards hybrid. tax breaks on hybrid cars
Places like NJ have big solar energy project
increase in wind-mill energy
Paying people to change out their oil furnaces
big tax breaks for businesses who use renewable energy
millions given to research on alternatives to gas
not so green... searching for oil in Alaska and down south
Black businesses or the community in general obviously doesnt have the kind of capital that the US government does but we can learn from their principles. Be independent. Its not a bad thing to expose shameful practices, but the only long term solution is to be the producer. Don't waste too much energy trying to force someone else to do something for you.