Ladies I just wanted to share something that I read recently which appears to make sense.
For the ladies trying to grow back your delicate edges it may actually be more favorable to
"hold off" on the massages and instead adopt the technique of pressing your Castor oil or other growth aid into the scalp with "gentle" pressure. The rationale for this is that if your have young immature hairs growing in this area you may actually be
pulling them out from their immature follicles which are recovering thereby defeating the purpose of the massage.
Instead what I do now is dab the tips of my fingers into some JCBO mixture in a small dish and press this along my temples and edges lightly repeating this for a few minutes.
I am also stepping up my protein and moisture treatments on my edges so that what ever growth I am getting along my edges is being strengthened and retained.
I have VERY BAD edges so have a very long way to go, hence why I am being very gentle with mine. I started this after I realized that when I was gently combing an detangling my edges that immature baby hairs would often be left in the comb.