KINKY CURLY CURLING CUSTARD(anyone adding oil to prevent crunch/dryness?)


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies I have purchased KCCC. I have done a search and found that some use oil on top of the KCCC to avoid dryness/crunch. I just wanted to know those who do, do you add the oil when the hair is wet or dry? I have read that the KCCC is moisturizing but my hair can get dry easily so I planned on using the Knot today and KCCC with a little JBCO b/c i have a feeling just the knot today and KCCC will not be enough for moisture. I just would like some feedback b/c I would not like to wake up the next day with dry hair.:nono:
I love this stuff. My trick is to use lots of leave in. My hair comes out great, especially for that "Night out on the town" hair :grin: HTH

BTW I use Paul Mitchell The Conditioner as a leave in (Sally's has a generic that works just as well)
I add a butter or oil when I'm applying the product. I didn't do this the first time and my scalp itched like mad and I had hard crunchy hair. Everyone said it looked nice but I was tortured with itchiness and I hated the way it felt.

With the oil/butter, it's less crunchy but I never have been successful in getting really soft hair with the product. I have pics of my two trials with the product in my photobucket site (link and password in profile).

I feel kind of 'meh' about the product. I like the way it looks with the product but I still like my hair to feel silky and soft. I usually wear my hair up anyway. I do want to try it again in the warmer months and see how my hair reacts.


edited to add: I have not been successful getting 2nd day hair either. But I know others haven't had problems.
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I didnt get cruncy hair, I used the Knot Today leave-in with it, but i'm sure any good creamy leave-in would do the trick. For budget friendly, I like HE Long Term Relationship or Sunsilk defrizz 24/7 cream.
Thank you for the responses, I will be doing twists this weekend for a twist out using knot today, KCCC and most likely JBCO with it i hate crunchy hair with a passion. Oh Brockstar, Wavesncurlz I lurve both heads of hair
Hmmmmmm ... using an oil or a butter is a good idea. I used KCCC and Knot Today last month for a wash-no-go and ended up with really crunchy hair. It looked OK, but just like Wavez said, I definitely prefer softer hair.


I think I may have to try to use a butter or oil next time.
thanks. I'm beginning to wonder if I was too heavy handed. I have a lot of hair so I tend to use a lot of product. It could be that I don't need as much. But definitely use some kind of oil with it.
I use oil after my hair has set and dried with the KCCC. I get a hard "set" feeling, but I don't get the crunchy feeling I hear people complain about and once I run some oil through after... it's super soft. It's my holy grail hair product and I'm still on my first jar and I've had it for a year. I think a lot of people are just really heavy handed with it. Maybe try adding aloe vera to the KCCC in your hand like half and half before you smooth it through your hair.
The best crunch less style came when I used Hawaiin silky 14 in 1 moisturizer before KT and KCCC. It was gorgeous. I get even better curl def using ecostyler gel. :yep:
I use oil with KCC. I apply an ample amount of Giovanni Leave in, apply a little bit of KCC, and then smooth with Carol's Daughter Tui Hair Oil. The oil keeps my hair from feeling dry. I've never had crunchy hair with KCC, but I never used much of it anyway. I little bit really goes a long way.

Without the oil my hair feels dry!!! It does not look dry due to the shine, but it feels dry.
I've added jojoba in my spray bottle (more jojoba to water) and spritz on when I'm done! Works wonders. Still has hold but not crunchy.
Looking forward to your outcome...I plan on giving KCCC a try after seeing pics and reviews...

I just put mine in.I don't think I'll be posting any results. I think I used way too much product....But anyway look at youtube they have tons of videos on KCC.
My avatar pic is with KCCC. My hair never gets dry with KCCC. I find it very moisturizing. I do get a tad bit of crunchiness sometimes (not all the time) and when I do I either take a pea size amount of Castor Oil and srunch it out or the same amount of Jane Carter Nourish & Shine. Then my hair will be uber soft and bouncy. I get tons of compliments and no one can believe how soft it is!! Great stuff.
I just use a leave in and seal with an oil like always. Sometimes I add before sometimes after. What I realized though is when your hair gets that hard feeling it's just your hair setting. I realized on day number two is when you still have some defintion but your hair is soft. I think when KCCC is COMPLETLY dry it dries soft.
I just put mine in.I don't think I'll be posting any results. I think I used way too much product....But anyway look at youtube they have tons of videos on KCC.

You really have to be careful about how much product you put in with KCCC. Too much is, well, too much, and it's obvious. I have good results layering KCCC on top of a conditioner with oil (like Hawaiian Silky), or on top of a leave-in sealed with oil, like KBB with an Afroveda oil on top. It is one of my few staple products; I always have a tub around.
Ive never had crunchyness with KCCC, I use a LI under (knot today) or just straight and use the spiral spritz to maintain
I add glycerin to mine to up the moisturizing properties and eliminate the crunchiness.

I buy the big jar of KCC from Whole Foods and put about 4 heaping tbs into my old 8oz KCC jar then add about 2 heaping tbs of glycerin. Adding the glycerin completely eliminates the crunch, my hair LOVES glycerin and I live in a climate that supports the year-round use of glycerin for optimal moisture.