Kinks vs Tangles vs Knots .....


Well-Known Member
Rough definitions -
Tangle = twisted and bound around each other, but not tied together.
Kink = lots of bends, but no tangles - the strands don't really 'interact' because the 'curls' aren't consistent enough.
Knot = two or more strands tied together

I was detangling my hair the other week, and realized that the differences that I see might be one of the reasons that so many other 4/ab ladies have issues with their hair tangling/knotting - even though we all 'technically' have the same hair type.

I have three 'zones' of hair on my head - the front, from my front hairline to the front of my ears. The middle/crown - a band from ear to ear, about as wide as my ears. The back - from the back of my ears, to my back hairline.

Now, while I claim 4/ab for my whole head, each 'zone' acts - differently.

The front, does not tangle, does not knot, and usually isn't all that kinky - I can practically comb it straight. Little to no curl definition possible. Middling density. Middling Shrinkage

The middle, on the other hand, is kinky as hell, and while it does not knot, it tangles, something terrible. Tight, tiny curls. Densest part of my hair. Max Shrinkage

The back, is the softest section, and it's curly, rather than kinky, and it knots like MAD - but it doesn't tangle. Looser curls and sometimes waves. Thinnest part of my hair. Low Shrinkage

If my entire head was like the middle section - I would most likely HATE dealing with my hair. And it's interesting, because that section is the most tangly, but the least knotty of all - but if I'm going to break a comb, it's going to be in that zone of my hair. So, while I can get a comb through it - top to bottom - within 4.5 seconds of me pulling a comb through it, it's like I didn't comb it at all - because it kinks (and shrinks) right back up around itself, and the kinks just make combing out and out HARD. It's also the most fragile section of my hair - I have an old picture of my hair when I still had some dye in it, and there was a HUGE patch in that 'zone' that had broken off all the color.

So. I was wondering - do y'all have similar 'bands' or 'zones' of hair, and if so - how are they different from each other? Does one section always tangle more than the others? Is that section the curliest and/or thickest and/or shrinkiest? If so - how are y'all handling it?

I have a head full of hair that tangles! Within a minute of detangling a section, the hair has re-tangled and clumped back into whatever curl pattern it decides on at that moment. :rolleyes: But, that in itself isn't really a problem. It's the shed hairs that turn these tangles into knots if I go too long without detangling. Ironically, the back and crown of my hair (4a) tangles a lot, but doesn't knot badly (unless you count single-strand knots). The front and top canopy of my hair (3c) don't tangle as much, but knots like crazy when it comes time to detangle. :perplexed I think the canopy and my crown are the densest parts of my hair as well, as I lose the most hair from these areas when I detangle (shed hairs, not breakage! ;) ).
The front is my loosest texture. It is just big waves. No tangles or knots. The next spot before the crown is medium sized curls. No knots no tangles. The crown section is 4A, tightly curled like death grippish, thick and I get single-strand knots there but no tangles. The back is like the midfront except I get single-strand knots at my nape from rubbing. :look:
In my head kinks --> tangles. Tangles +/- shead hair --> knots. Its like a continuum.

I have 4 zones

zone 1: Front hair line and about 2-3 inches on the sides above my hear. This is the least tangly section. It combs out pretty easily. It doesn't form knots often but when it does I know that the rest of my head must be one huge knot ball.

zone 2: Is the left and right side of my nape. It acts just like zone one, but feels way different when u touch it. My hair strands are the coarsest there.

zone 3: Was taken from someone else head an inserted in the middle of my name and up about 3 inches. It has the finest strands and the greatest density. It is the loosest texture (it forms the largest coils). I can easily comb it straight. It doesn't shrink as much as other parts. It is always tangled and loves to form knots. Its the reason why I cannot where small twists. That area locks up within a couple of days. If I dare to wash while in twists I have to pick out the dreadloc. Since it causes so many problems its the shortest area on my head. It's a good 3 inches shorter than zone 2. If I had straight hair, I would have a W shape going on. I've been trying to grow it out, but its hard going. Notice how its a different colour too!

zone 4 is in my crown area. It shows properties of the other zones. It is intermediate in strand density, it loves to knot and tangle. It has the most shrinkage. Size this is the largest area of my head, most tangles are seen here. It doesnt loc as quickly as zone 3. It is the second area I have to detangle because if I wait to long and get tired, I'll end up just riping out hair:ohwell:

Between Zone 3 and Zone 4 I can't wear my hair down in twists because those sections are shorter than the rest. Since I started detangling these spots first and using extra detangler here, I think things have gotten better. It will still take time for it to grow in evenly though.
All of my hair is very kinky and loves to tangle, especially at the ends. However, my hair doesn't make big multi strand knots often.

Detangling is reasonably easy, usually just resistance at the ends of the section I'm working with. I may run into a small knot here or there (usually started by shed hairs), but those are few and far between and do not happen in every detangling session.

I guess I have 2 zones... the front and back.

The front part tangles more and is mostly coarse with a few normal strands mixed in.

At my nape and the surrounding area back there, it tangles less and is mostly normal strand thickness with fine mixed in.

but there really is just a small difference in the sections.

It definetly does tangle up again right after I detangled it if I leave it loose. :lol:

I get single strand knots... which I'm pretty sure is ineveitable with curly/kinky hair.
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Your post describes my hair to a T. The front is so easy to deal with. The middle I wish I could choke her lil kinky behind. The back is curly and easy to deal with. I'm so frustrated too. My ends are just poppin' off and I see all these tangles & knots. Arrgghh....But if you don't detangle, you're asking for more tangles & knots....*saying a prayer to not relax again*
I have three 'zones' of hair on my head - the front, from my front hairline to the front of my ears. The middle/crown - a band from ear to ear, about as wide as my ears. The back - from the back of my ears, to my back hairline.

Now, while I claim 4/ab for my whole head, each 'zone' acts - differently.

The front, does not tangle, does not knot, and usually isn't all that kinky - I can practically comb it straight. Little to no curl definition possible. Middling density. Middling Shrinkage

The middle, on the other hand, is kinky as hell, and while it does not knot, it tangles, something terrible. Tight, tiny curls. Densest part of my hair. Max Shrinkage

The back, is the softest section, and it's curly, rather than kinky, and it knots like MAD - but it doesn't tangle. Looser curls and sometimes waves. Thinnest part of my hair. Low Shrinkage

This is the exact description of my hair zones Kiya, My nape is quite loose but it gets matted/ knots easily.

At this point my approach is trying to prevent knots (nape goal) by oiling a braiding my hair at night. I do this for the rest of my hair even though the nape is my target. My tightly coiled mid section gets a bit dry so I make sure to moisturize it well. The front which gives no trouble doesn't get anything extra.
justkiya, you basically described my hair..keeping my hair plaited(at night or when it isnt done) and moisturized,sealed with shea butter has helped me cut down on shrinkage and tangles ALOT. im so mad i didn't know this sooner.