Kimmaytube's Leave In V. Afroveda's Totally Twisted


Well-Known Member
I purchased two Afroveda products in the winter and fell in love with the line. The totally twisted, for example, helped to de-fuzz my usually frizzy ends and provided my hair with hold without crunchiness. I purchased the product this again this summer and looked more closely at the ingredients and then it hit me. The only product that has ever been able to smooth out my ends has aloe vera juice as the first ingredient. For you kimmaytube folks you know that the now notorious leave in relies on aloe vera juice as a key ingredient for ph balance.

Am i the only one who noticed that the kimmaytube leave in is, for lack of a better term, a poor man's Totally Twisted? Or have you found one of the two to work better than the other?

btw, i am in NO WAY implying that kim ripped off the idea from any company. I just think it's an interesting coincidence.

Kimmaytube's recipe: creamy leave in of your choice, aloe vera juice, castor oil, jojoba oil

Afroveda's Totally twisted: (from the website)

I never tried kimmaytube version but I love the totally twisted hair butter. I believe kimmaytube version is for any1 to make themselves which I respect b/c she can easily sold her leave-in in a her website & make some money.
btw, i am in NO WAY implying that kim ripped off the idea from any company. I just think it's an interesting coincidence.
Even if she had, doesn't matter to me. There are so many 'homemade' many mixtresses on this site, blogs, at home, youtube. I think its great!

I wish i was creative enough to want to whip some stuff up in the kitchen. More power to ya'll!!

eta: And there ARE FOLKS who will re-dupe a known product and peddle it as their own and put a price tag on it. Nothing wrong with capitalism.