Kimmaytube Is Posting Again! Yeah!!!

I only watched the first video but I like the way she speaks. I'm going to try her leave in once I run out of what I bought yesterday. I'm all for black women winning!
Kimmaytube was great when she offered longer videos than her current 1 minute vids. She offered instructional videos on styling and the science behind hair.

Now that she has her own hair line, her quality of teaching has depreciated. And like others suggest, her current demeanor/tone is offputting.

I honestly prefer napptural85 (sp?). She has a conversation with her followers and is open to feedback. And she diversifies her hair styles (uses heat, color, trims, etc.). I don't think Kimmay does any of that.

Yea, I think that's why she went away for a little while too. People weren't feeling her that much anymore.

But anyway, she's aged in the face, but her body is still on point.

She's got the sassy career auntie fashion on lock.

I can appreciate educational videos but her hair has always been unimpressive to me and I don't mean that in a mean spirited way, either. :sad: But its not noteworthy in any sense.
IIRC I was over Kimmay when she had a detangling video where she used a safety pin on SSK's.

Let it go sis.
She wasn't the first to use this method for removing SSK's though. But yes I can agree that her demeanor and the way she addressed people was not the best. Plus when she pulled her vids from Youtube and started charging for them, that's when I stopped watching. Oh and some of the products she offered, you could just pick up at your local Walmart for cheaper.
That's cool. I know her product line keeps her busy. I rarely watch hair vids these days. I wonder why she is coming back? So many with more detailed info have filled the space she left behind. I agree that she tended to be condescending.
I've heard her name and the raves about her leave-in over the years but never got into her. I may have watched one or two videos tops. I recently watched the video for her leave-in and will make it this week.

I didn't realize there was so much disdain for her until the past couple of days. I saw women talking about her attitude and demeanor on another board. They said pretty much what many of you are saying here. I checked out her Twitter page and she's getting a lot of positive response from tweets about black women needing to stop begging black men to love them. Some women seem grateful for her input.

I haven't been on this side in a very long time, but I see the hate for this woman is still strong. Smh...
Agreed, tone can be haughty but she does have good info.

Does anybody else remember her her hyping up on twitter about how she was developing a hair tool of some sort? Even showing partial pics of the patent pictures? And then.... never heard anything since. This was few years ago.
I get what she's trying to do and respect and like her for what she provides because you can tell she is extremely dedicated. I think that her tone can come off as a bit disingenuous or trying too hard.

I watched all of the videos posted. That postpartum hair loss is no joke! I couldn't wear my hair for months and I remember using castor oil faithfully.

I appreciate her posting the vids because she reminded to get my lazy tail in shape.

Also I feel that she just isn't very creative with her hairstyles and some people prefer her channel for its simplicity and safety.
Her hair never looks polished. She never looks put together.
Really? I think her outfits look put together and tasteful. It's not my style, but definitely something I'd see in a clothing catalogue.

I do agree that she plays it safe with her hair. But hey, that's what she likes.
Really? I think her outfits look put together and tasteful. It's not my style, but definitely something I'd see in a clothing catalogue.

I do agree that she plays it safe with her hair. But hey, that's what she likes.
It's not the clothes. She doesn't look polished. Like, no effort was put into her look. And her hair looks dry and like she doesn't sleep with a scarf. It doesn't look neat.
I wonder why Kim's hair looks the way it does? You'd look at it and think it wasn't healthy, but she's obviously not struggling to retain length. But yeah, her hair looks dull, ashy, and her ends always look like they are damaged and thinning. You'd think after reaching HL, she be over sacrificing style for length. I barely take care of my hair, and have never even gotten a whiff of hip length, but my hair looks better than Kimmaytubes.

And the recycling parts thing she does is dumb. You're that lazy, Kim? I learned that one of the keys to getting nice full twist outs and other natural styles is fluffing those roots! So her "tip" of just taking down your twists and leaving all those parts undisturbed is terrible.
I was also shocked by her devotion to her parts. My hair scoffs at the idea of even parts and even moreso parts that remain after a week.

It does simplify things like prepooing.
I am so tempted to purchase the leave in and hair acidifer but I don't want to pay the shipping fees.....
I always disliked her tone. She comes across very condescending, and not natrual (no pun intended) like she's always reading from cue cards. If she were a house it would be one of those ones where people comment they don't like it because it's very sterile.