Keshia Knight is a liar

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by the way i dont think she is a liar i just wanted a eye catching title

sooooooo.....i was reading curlynikki and came across her interview about her natural hair and some people had this to say...

I think I am smelling bs with this post. She clearly looks like she has a texturizer, my hair was exactly the same with one. There was no fullness, juss merely a curl, with the front mostly straight.

If KNP had "type 3" hair throughout life, then why didn't it appear shinier, straighter and longer on the Cosby Show?

And are you kidding me with the "I condition my hair then wash it out until it feels squeaky clean and then hit the heat"!!!! Really???

I'm sorry but I am really smelling too much BS with her post.

It realy saddens me because some people will do anything for a little extra publicity. And I honestly feel bad for her for not being able to accept her natural self.

Very disappointed Rudy!

I'm sorry, I agree with Anonymous who said that her post is BS. There's no way that she naturally has that curl pattern in the photo she provided and still have that Rudy Huxtable hair that we remember from the Cosby Show. I definitely detect a texturizer also. To Anonymous 12:46, everyone has the freedom to think what they want about her hair, and maybe I'm one of the only people who might agree with the person who brought it up, but I'm not believing it either.

comments were also made about her having heat damage

i personally think this is why when hair typing you need to see hair wet ...with products.... and dry

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Keshia Knight Pulliam: Natural Hair Celeb | Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Styles and Curly Hair Care
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Looks like heat damage to me. She even admitted to the heat taming her curl a little over time in the article. I don't think she's a liar.
Heat damage in the front along with the blonde highlights. Blonde highlights can damage certain hair textures just as badly as heat.
Oh I thought she had a keratin treatment or something but heat trained would make sense too.
Her curls are really different than it was when she was on the Cosby show. I don't kow if it's a texturizer or how she takes care of her hair now.
Her curls are really different than it was when she was on the Cosby show. I don't kow if it's a texturizer or how she takes care of her hair now.

She never wore her hair curly on the Cosby show. It was always brushed out and pulled into ponytails. Or the back was left brushed out to the max with the top in a braided pony.
Yeahh, those are definitely not the curls she was born with. Her hair in the Cosby Show wouldn't have looked like this:


with the type of hair that is in that picture. It would have looked silkier and been less full.

But for people to call her a liar is taking it too far. I read the article, and she never said that her hair was type 3 all her life...all she said was that it was very very curly and that she was always natural, except for a little bit in college. It's entirely possible that she had hair like EllePixie's or Irresistable's, where it's dense and full, but also featured clear and discernible curls. That kind of hair, with the proper manipulation, could become that Rudy Huxtable hair which she was famous for.

I mean...she admits to using frequent heat on squeaky clean hair, without any freaking heat protectant. And as everyone can see, she doesn't do that Kimmaytube press...she shoots for relaxer straight. After years of that, hell yeah she's gonna lose much of her curl pattern. Anyone would. Wonder woman would.

I don't know why people get so mad about other people's hair. Always so quick to try to call someone out on some perceived B.S. or shut them's so not that serious and it's not on their heads. Why do they care so much? :ohwell:
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CN: Word on the street is that you're natural. Is this true?

KNP: I am natural and have been my entire life, except for a short time in college, when I experimented with a perm. I have always had lots of long, thick hair. Everyone remembers me from 'The Cosby Show', with my big, puffy braids. Sometimes I look back and think, "y’all did me so dirty…you didn’t even blow dry my hair right… just slapped it back!" [Laughter] It was funny because I had never embraced the fact that my hair was very, very curly. Whenever they’d style it on set, they’d brush through it and pull it back. And every one knows if your goal is to keep your curls, you never ever brush or comb through them! Frizz city. That’s why my hair was always so big.

It was like a whole new world for me the first time I got my hair really straight. I think I was 13 years old and had never been introduced to the pressing comb. I loved it. At that time, I didn’t like wearing my hair curly. I grew up in the ‘80s when the Jheri Curl was king. So I would get teased a lot because my hair was ringlety curly and really dark, jet black. Even now, on 'The House of Payne', Lance will tease me when I’m washing my hair, saying, ‘uh oh, Jheri Curl in full effect!’ So I had this whole complex around that, and never wanted to wear my naturally curly texture.

But as I got older and went to college, things changed. There is nothing like that Atlanta heat! My freshmen year at Spelman, I lived in Apex and we didn’t have any AC. I would straighten my hair and wake up the next morning to a sweated out mess.

I can totally relate. It was the NC heat and humidity that helped me put down the flat iron. It’ll force you to embrace your curls!

Yes! It’ll make you love your natural look. I had no choice! So, I started wearing my curls because I was just tired of fighting. So even now, when I’m not working, and I’m at home, my hair is curly 90% of the time. And there has definitely been a learning curve. I’ve had to take the time to try different products and styles. Every girl who wears her hair natural knows that it is truly trial and error. Trying different things, different products… Should I blot dry now? Should I comb through the conditioner in the shower?… Should I style it dry?… You have to figure out what works best for your hair and stick with it.

What are your curly hairstyle staples?

My curly hairstyles. It’s funny though because I usually don’t wear it out and curly- my favorite style is a free-formed bun. I wear it like that a lot. Or, I’ll put a headband scarf on to hold back my edges and wear it out from there. I don’t like to wash it everyday and maintaining moisture is very important, so I’ll usually wear it out the first day, and then pull it up into a funny little bun the next few days. Then I’ll wash it again. I usually find that when I deep condition (and put on a cap), the curls have more elasticity and remain defined longer.

Do you ever wear twist or braid-outs?

No I don’t, because that’s more work. Isn’t that horrible?! Plus, my curl is defined without having to twist. I’m fine with it. I just wash, towel dry, apply some leave-in, and keep it moving.

What products are you using?

Pantene makes my favorite shampoo and conditioner. They work really well with my hair- I just pick up whatever bottles of Pantene are on sale at Tarjay. No real preference. I also like Kim Kimble's products. She has a Deep Conditioning Honey Oatmeal Shampoo and Conditioner. Love, love that line. I’ll leave a little Pantene conditioner on and I’ll put the Honey Oatmeal Conditioner on top of that, and sit under my heat cap for like 30 minutes while I watch TV or get on the computer. Then I’ll rinse it out and apply a little bit of KMS' Bounce Back... it works really well. I have sensitive skin and have to avoid greasy, heavy products, or my face will break out. I like Bounce Back because it’s light and it holds the curl without making it hard or crunchy. Sometimes I’ll add a little bit of JAM to smooth my edges… that’s old school.

You frequently wear your hair straight. Do you style it yourself? How do you protect your curls?

I do my own hair most of the time, unless I’m working. What I do is wash and condition it, detangling my hair in the shower while the conditioner is still in, and then rinse it out completely. I think a lot of the problems people have is that they don’t rinse their hair good enough… but if you can run your hair across it and it squeaks… literally… then it’s clean. I then blot dry with a towel until the majority of the moisture is gone. Next, I divide my hair in sections and lightly blow dry with an air concentrator attachment and a brush. Finally, I apply a little Aveda Brilliant Emollient Gloss as I flat iron it. That’s all I do. I’ve learned that less is more- - it keeps my skin clear and the overall result is much sleeker.
Another thing to be mindful of is how often you’re heat styling. I don’t put a lot of heat on my hair. Once I wash it and flat iron it, I rarely touch up. I don’t flat iron it again until I wash it again. As I’ve gotten older, I believe the heat has tamed my curl a little.

What is your nighttime routine? How do you preserve your curly or straight styles?

I usually wrap my hair at night when it’s straight, to keep it smooth. The next morning, all I have to do is brush it down and keep it moving. My hair gets greasy fast, so by day 4, it’s ponytail time! I usually have to wash every 5-7 days because my hair is very oily.

When I’m wearing it curly, I’ll throw a scarf around it to help my edges lay down, so I don’t wake up with my hair all over the place.

What is the best thing about being curly?

I think the best thing about being natural is the versatility. You can achieve so many beautiful and different styles. Although not every natural has healthy hair, I do feel that avoiding harsh chemicals promotes healthier hair. You can do more with it because it’s less fragile.

Tell us about your current or upcoming projects!

'Tyler Perry's House of Pain'! They picked us up again and we’re in the process of shooting 41 episodes. The first one should premier very soon, they’re playing reruns right now, gearing up. Check us out at 9pm on TBS.

Is there anything you'd like to say to the community?

I’d like to say that I’m really happy that exists because so many little girls only know what they see on TV. They don’t realize how beautiful their hair is. I think by showing and being role models to young girls, it will allow them to embrace their curls, and embrace themselves, much, much sooner than women like you and me. They need to realize that we’re all different, but it’s all beautiful. There is no one way or one thing that is more beautiful than the other.
It's entirely possible that she had hair like EllePixie's or Irresistable's, where it's dense and full, but also featured clear and discernible curls. That kind of hair, with the proper manipulation, could become that Rudy Huxtable hair which she was famous for.

Whatever she did to it, I will always love little Rudy (although Olivia was my absolute favorite!!! Love me some Ray).....
Not sure what to think and I met her in person when she was a teenager (13 or 14) and her hair look like a huge type 4 blowout straight. I would have never taken her as a type 3.

She is right about Jheri Curl being king and type 3c was not popular but Vanessa had natural hair and Sandra had natural hair. Lisa had something. I would think they would have promoted the curls if she had them unless they did not want to "define" them because people would be "confuse" by a brown girl with defined curly hair.
I don't think she's necessarily lying. Brittanynic (LHCF member) used to have hair that was *clearly* type 4 hair (mostly 4b IMO). And now, after heat-training her hair, it definitely looks type 3.

So it's possible.
Yall are sillier than silly for caring so much lol... but if it makes anyone feel better- i obviously have 3c 4 a hair IMO - cause im not hair scientist, if there are any hair scientists please disect my statement. When i was a little girl my hair was much thicker and heavier than it seems now... I havenot had a relaxer in over 10 years, i barely use heat on my hair.... Consistant heat usually straightens my curls out alot, my 3c/ 4a curls start to look higher up in the 3s... Also my momma told me, when i started to notice the change in my hair (went from very thick dark hair to fine not so thick lighter brown hair) that it happens every 7-10 years, the hair pattern will change... Either way, she was a beautiful kid with beautiful hair and a beautiful woman with beautiful hair... and its just hair
wait? am I missing it? Despite the somewhat jarring thread title...I don't think this thread is sad. It's actually quite informative. I had no idea too much heat or color can totally alter someone's hair pattern and/or curl. The comment on what Rudy's hair would look like on the Cosby show v today is a good point. Hadn't thought of it like that. And people are bringing up other member's hair for comparison and further explanation. I'm actually learning a lot.

I guess it depends on how you look at things. Either way, just commenting "this is sad" or co-signing doesn't help the convo....except to possibly incite some crazy comment or fighting words. I just don't see the purpose. Especially with people saying really informative things. Just my two cents.
It's probably not even her hair, and she probably wasn't planning on people thinking it was. A lot of time these internet interviewers will just pull a picture off of the net to post with the interview, not really making sure it's an accurate or current picture of the person. That could be her sportin' her vacation weave--who knows.
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wait? am I missing it? Despite the somewhat jarring thread title...I don't think this thread is sad. It's actually quite informative. I had no idea too much heat or color can totally alter someone's hair pattern and/or curl. The comment on what Rudy's hair would look like on the Cosby show v today is a good point. Hadn't thought of it like that. And people are bringing up other member's hair for comparison and further explanation. I'm actually learning a lot.

I guess it depends on how you look at things. Either way, just commenting "this is sad" or co-signing doesn't help the convo....except to possibly incite some crazy comment or fighting words. I just don't see the purpose. Especially with people saying really informative things. Just my two cents.

Im getting the feeling that there is this underlying tone that 3 hair is desirable and worth lying for... when its not.... nicely styled healthy hair is desirable... i cant see someone lying about their natural hair pattern, for what reason? when she looks magnificent... Id be like yo, I have type 10 z hair and i made it do this and i look hot... I mean, really though... Yall wanna see some Shyttty type three hair... i think i got a picture on my fotki, check it out.. it may make someone feel better about their hair some how... lol ( im saying this all with a big smile on my face not intending to hurt feelings just saying... tis all)
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