Keratin Treatment Support Thread

I got bad heat damage the first time I had the BKT and I thought I was doing something wrong. I overcame that setback and will be doing my own BKT from now on. I hope this info helps someone.
Someone else did your first BKT? It seems to me a lot of ladies who had their first BKT done by a "professional" had bad experiences. I'm sure the pros don't do as much research as we do and just figure "I have a license, I'll just read the instructions and I'm good to go" but we do extensive research before doing our BKT and adjust the heat to what we think our hair can handle. Has anyone else noticed this or am I crazy :look:
^^I'd say I had a good experience getting my first treatment professionally done. I did have the scalp issue, but my stylist was responsive when I corrected her about it, and she went out of her way to fix the problem for me (and I know she won't do it again).

Unless something changes, I will probably get the next one done at the salon, too. I've been practicing my flat ironing, but it's too much work to blow out, then iron in small sections. And since MT is rinsed out immediately, I'd have to repeat the whole process twice in one day...that's too much for me.

I will say that my BKT stylist is probably the first professional I've ever met who I would trust to apply this treatment to my hair. I agree with you that most stylists aren't qualified to do this.
I'm excited to see your results!

I used Marcia Teixeira, but since this is my first BKT, I don't have anything else to compare it to. :lol: So I can't wait to hear about your results since you have experience with other brands. Marcia has really done right by my hair. :yep:

ETA: Is yours the one-day treatment?

We've missed you cutenss, welcome back!

Thanks jayjaycurlz :kiss: I missed you girls too :yep: I am so glad to read and see FABULOUS results from new BKT'ers. This stuffis truly as GOD send for our tresses.
ladies: I thought this bit of information was incredibly INCREDIBLY important so here you go.

taken from:

Izunami One Inch Styler is a flat iron that is ideal for straightening and curling. The smooth design is for maximum curling and the ceramic heaters allow for even distribution. This Izunami flat iron has continuous recovery and rapid disengagement system hold the temperature at the preset level. The flash heating gets the iron to your optimum temperature in just 30 seconds!
Izunami 1" Styler

Ideal for straightening and curling.
Smooth design for maximum curling
Hot-Spot free
No recovery time
Flash heating
Heats up to 400 degrees
9 ft Cord length
Ceramic Plates

Izunami Flat Irons are Keratin Treatment Guarenteed!

In order to get all the great benefits out of a Keratin Treatment you will need to use it properly. Here are some very important facts about proper iron use for Keratin Treatments:
Hydrolyzed Keratin reacts at 335 degrees. Hydrolyzed Keratin melts and adheres at 335 degrees. Therefore, the minimum temperature required for the Keratin Treatment is 335 degrees. All Izunami Irons have this feature and also has no hot spots so you won't get uneven heat distribution.

450 degrees is not required for Keratin Treatments. Why this is 450 degrees so often recommended? It's because most irons, when 400 degrees is chosen, drops below 335 degrees during treatment. One way to compensate for this heat loss is to set the starting temperature at 450 degrees. This, however, is with a great risk of burning hair. Izunami Flat Irons do not need to go over 400 degrees, and yet maintains the heat while within the ideal styling temperature range.

The hair is extremely vulnerable at 400 degrees or higher. High heat weakens, breaks and even burns cuticles and causes severe damages including split ends over time. In general, the lower temperature, the less the damage.

The Keratin Treatment is not a heat protectant. This treatment is a replenishing treatment. It does not prevent hair from burning. At 450 degrees, one damages hair and seals the damage at the same time. Heat damaged cuticles will be revealed when the keratin wears off.

Izunami Flat Irons are the perfect for the Keratin Treatment. The ideal temperature range for this treatment is between 335 and 400 degrees. Izunami Irons, by employing their Rapid Engagement and Quick Disengagement Technology, along with their most advanced heating elements, resets temperature five times a second and maintains temperature well above 335 degrees without going over 400 degrees.

Thank you for posting this! I am going to look into this iron. IDK if I agree with them saying that all keratin treatments are not protectants. Most of them have heat protecting cones in them. I have seen some treatments with no cones though but I know QOD gold has both Dimethicone and Cyclopentasiloxane, these are the 2 cones used in Sabino which is suppose to be a super heat protectant.

ETA: Now that I think about it it probably is better to err on the side of caution and assume that the hair is not being well protected by these treatments so that you will take better precautions.
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^^ Thanks for the article, I found this out the hard way.

I would like to add that some treatments are more protective than others. I will be doing BKTs in the future but definately no higher than 375 degrees. I already came to that conclusion based on my own research.

I have some heat damage but it's not that bad thank goodness. My hair seems to respond best to collagen protein right now to help with the heat damage. I will BKT in another month or so right now I am just DCing and hiding under a very beautiful lace front that I restyled myself (I'm so proud) I cut and colored it myself.

I'm not entirely broken hearted about the heat damage because I haven't lost that much hair and I am transitioning. But let this be a lesson ladies ... watch the products and the heat.
I got bad heat damage the first time I had the BKT and I thought I was doing something wrong. I overcame that setback and will be doing my own BKT from now on. I hope this info helps someone.
You helped me. I figured this out but you confirmed it beyond a shadow of a doubt. I think the BKT is fabulous I think the product should be chosen very carefully and the temp dial turned down.

I am growing out my relaxed ends, I'm looking forward to wearing the BKT on my fully natrual hair in the future.
hijabi, thank you soooooooooo so very much for that post, cause i'm shopping for a better flat iron to bkt with (my itty bitty babyliss is ok, but...)

and the info about bkt really sold me. less (& continuous!) heat while still sealing?

what about other irons that have continuous heat, would they work just as well?
Someone else did your first BKT? It seems to me a lot of ladies who had their first BKT done by a "professional" had bad experiences. I'm sure the pros don't do as much research as we do and just figure "I have a license, I'll just read the instructions and I'm good to go" but we do extensive research before doing our BKT and adjust the heat to what we think our hair can handle. Has anyone else noticed this or am I crazy :look:

I had my first BKT done at the salon and am thinking I will do my next BKT myself, once I figure out which product to get. I felt like I was telling her more about BKT then she knew. She had the lady who sells the product come in, and this lady has been doing BKT since 05 or 06 and answered my questions.

I am thankful for LHCF and this thread!
Well...My stylist was certified by Rejuvenol. Unfortunately, ALL BKT companies say the same thing 450-450-450 to seal the keratin, and 3-4 passes at that.

Maybe some hair textures can take that type of sustained heat, but my strands are fine, easily bent, and quick to get snagged in a flatiron. I can't take it.
hijabi, thank you soooooooooo so very much for that post, cause i'm shopping for a better flat iron to bkt with (my itty bitty babyliss is ok, but...)

and the info about bkt really sold me. less (& continuous!) heat while still sealing?

what about other irons that have continuous heat, would they work just as well?

You see that's the million dollar question right? Before finding the info Izunami posted, I was looking into buying the H2Pro 206. I was focused on the quality of the plates, thinking all upscale irons were standard on the heating apparatus. But now, I'm not so sure. And none of the other companies list information about - heat stability. They all talk about heat recovery, but according to the info posted (and this does make sense), the heat is spiking to recover.

I feel like a dog on electrical engineer. :lachen::lachen:
I noticed some ladies apply a BKT every few months, while others do it 2-3 times per month.... how long would you wait after your first BKT to apply another one (a different brand)?

Just trying to time it out right and not overload my hair or go broke!
I noticed some ladies apply a BKT every few months, while others do it 2-3 times per month.... how long would you wait after your first BKT to apply another one (a different brand)?

Just trying to time it out right and not overload my hair or go broke!

You can do it as soon as a month apart if you'd like. You just have to feel out your hair. It is a lot of heat and some prefer to give their hair more than a month's break from the heat.
Did my first wash today. WOW! Why oh why didn't I start out with QOD in the first place?:wallbash: Oh well lesson learned. It didn't revert as bad as DH. My roots are not relaxer straight but has a nice wave more relaxed than before. My ends are GREAT! I did a very light blow dry after washing and it got pretty straight but I decided to go over it with the flat iron for the really polished look. I used my Sedu on 340 and a bit of Sabino and Chi silk infusions. My hair almost looks a straight as when I first did the treatment (with the exception of the roots) and it only took me 30 minutes!!! I was grabbing big chunks to because I was in a hurry.

I am hoping for the roots, since it is new virgin hair, that it will take better with each treatment. I am thinking that with QOD I will be able to go at least 2 months before needing another treatment instead of every month like with DH. So far I am VERY happy with the change.
Why oh why can't I make up my mind?? DH, QOD Gold, or just a plain relaxer (yes, I'm entertaining this thought). Sheesh.
Hello ladies!
I had a quick question, I was getting ready to order my Global 4% and now they want a license.:sad::sad: How are you ladies getting around this? I wonder if it has something to do with my state:perplexed. If someone knows how to get around this I would be forever grateful!

Hello ladies!
I had a quick question, I was getting ready to order my Global 4% and now they want a license.:sad::sad: How are you ladies getting around this? I wonder if it has something to do with my state:perplexed. If someone knows how to get around this I would be forever grateful!


Well you could get sample sizes from lwilliams:

If you PM her maybe she will tell you how she got hers. For the bigger size you may have to stalk ebay. That's how many of us get around the license thing: Ebay.

I thought if you signed up for an account on the global site that you could order w/o a license though.
Well you could get sample sizes from lwilliams:

If you PM her maybe she will tell you how she got hers. For the bigger size you may have to stalk ebay. That's how many of us get around the license thing: Ebay.

I thought if you signed up for an account on the global site that you could order w/o a license though.

If you order online, big bottle only, no license is needed. But if you call in, you must have a license to get the smaller bottle.
I tried to ace my order online and it asked me for a license number :-( I had my Herat set on doing another treatment next week.
if anyone is looking for Global 4% I have some I can let go of. I went to the ISSE show this weekend and bought a kit with the 33.8oz bottle. I found the Marcia Teixeira booth right after and got that. So now I don't really need the Global. I can get rid of the whole bottle or do it by the ounce. It's the Strawberry scent

eta: some ounces have been sold, so it is only available by the ounce, or in 10 oz increments. I also have the clarifying shampoo, and several of the moisturizing poos and cons.
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Also ladies, I spoke with a rep from Global at the hair show. He recommended to use a temperature that works for the specific hair type. They actually even have this printed in their promotional materials. It says 450 degrees will give the best results, but the temperature should be lowered based on the client's (our) hair. If the hair can't handle such high temperatures, then go down to 400 or whatever temperature works for you. The results will be fine, but the higher the temp, the better (up to 450 degrees).
^^ Thanks for the article, I found this out the hard way.

I would like to add that some treatments are more protective than others. I will be doing BKTs in the future but definately no higher than 375 degrees. I already came to that conclusion based on my own research.

I have some heat damage but it's not that bad thank goodness. My hair seems to respond best to collagen protein right now to help with the heat damage. I will BKT in another month or so right now I am just DCing and hiding under a very beautiful lace front that I restyled myself (I'm so proud) I cut and colored it myself.

I'm not entirely broken hearted about the heat damage because I haven't lost that much hair and I am transitioning. But let this be a lesson ladies ... watch the products and the heat.
Oh wow, I didn't know you were turning the heat down that low. I like to pay attention to what you're doing because we have similar hair types.

We did mine at 430, one pass. She asked if she could go up to 450 for a few sections where my hair is resistant, and I said okay. I had TONS of split ends took me about 5 days to do the S&D. I'm going to follow your lead and turn the heat way down next time.
Hey there, Mstar, are you sure those were all new splits? That seems odd to have splits at 430 and 450 for a single pass. That's really no more heat than a regular press for most people.
Hey there, Mstar, are you sure those were all new splits? That seems odd to have splits at 430 and 450 for a single pass. That's really no more heat than a regular press for most people.
You know, I can't be 100% sure, but I think they were all new. I had never noticed split ends on my hair before. I had also gotten my hair pressed the week before, and that stylist was very thorough, he examined my ends and said they looked pretty good and I didn't need a trim.

It could've just been the combination of two heat services in one week, but the splits didn't show until after the BKT.
Did my first wash today. WOW! Why oh why didn't I start out with QOD in the first place?:wallbash: Oh well lesson learned. It didn't revert as bad as DH. My roots are not relaxer straight but has a nice wave more relaxed than before. My ends are GREAT! I did a very light blow dry after washing and it got pretty straight but I decided to go over it with the flat iron for the really polished look. I used my Sedu on 340 and a bit of Sabino and Chi silk infusions. My hair almost looks a straight as when I first did the treatment (with the exception of the roots) and it only took me 30 minutes!!! I was grabbing big chunks to because I was in a hurry.

I am hoping for the roots, since it is new virgin hair, that it will take better with each treatment. I am thinking that with QOD I will be able to go at least 2 months before needing another treatment instead of every month like with DH. So far I am VERY happy with the change.
I knew the QOD Gold would work out for you. You can see what I'm talking about between the DH and the QOD Gold, you can tell your hair is coated and protected in a good way with the QOD.

Do not use the QOD Max. People hate that BTW. Stick with the Gold. :yep:
You know, I can't be 100% sure, but I think they were all new. I had never noticed split ends on my hair before. I had also gotten my hair pressed the week before, and that stylist was very thorough, he examined my ends and said they looked pretty good and I didn't need a trim.

It could've just been the combination of two heat services in one week, but the splits didn't show until after the BKT.
I'm sorry to hear about your split ends. After doing some research I found out that I should not have been using the high heat on my relaxed ends especially. Natural hair may be able to take slightly higher heat.

In the future, I'm using the lower temp on my ends and perhaps a little higher on my roots.

Talk to your hair stylist about the split ends. I never had a problem with my ends until after using the DH.
I knew the QOD Gold would work out for you. You can see what I'm talking about between the DH and the QOD Gold, you can tell your hair is coated and protected in a good way with the QOD.

Do not use the QOD Max. People hate that BTW. Stick with the Gold. :yep:

Yup JJ now I see. You are right it feels way more protected than DH. I did hear that QOD Max sucked. I wonder why. I think Cuteness used QOD Max and didn't like it.

Cuteness is it true? Did you use it? If so what didn't you like about it?
Sheba, I saw that you put your DH up for sale. Have you decided which one you are going to use instead?