Hello Ladies,
Next week I am going to visit my mom.
Last year my mom had to do a BC because her natural hair had heat damaged VERY BAD after about a year of progress. She was recovering from perms that were thinning her very fine hair. She was very sad Fast forward my moms hair is should length natural AGAIN with no heat except dcing. She has had braids (micros) in since her BC. She loves straight hair and does not like what she calls "nappy" hair. (Uggghh I hate that word because of the connotation she uses it in). Anyway recently she decided she was going to try and take care of her natural hair by herself. In the past this has lead to frustration and heat damage.
I am thinking BKT might be for her and all the threads I found have not been updated in awhile. Is there anyone still out there who has had long term success with this treatment? Can anyone recommend a stylist in the Maryland area who can do this for my mama? After reading the last 30 pages of this thread I am open to being a DIY for this first treatment but afterwards I wont be near so I need someone I can trust. I am looking at the Rejuvenol and Soft Liss Chocolate. Any suggestions? BTW I dont know my mom hair type (4a,4b,ect) is because I have never really seen it unaltered but I do know she has fine, thin strands. THANK YOU
Sorry for the long post I just want to help her achieve long healthy hair