Keratin Treatment Support Thread

I know that I have not been here since my last BKT. I had planned my next one for the end of the the year. Well today it was 85 degrees and humid, and my hair said O HELL NO! BKT please. :giggle: So I will be doing one tonight. I will be using the Marcia T chocolate 4 day wait treatment. I will post pics if you guys would like to see. I plan to start around midnight or so. Hey, I am a night owl. :grin:

I miss being in this thread and sharing. :wavey: to my old BKT beauties like Bronze, VeeJee, Natural Glow, Dak, MyAngelEyes, sheba1 and all of the rest of your girls :grouphug2: I hope you are well and happy with your hair journey. And to all the new BKT'ers :wave: to you as well.

Hi pretty girl,

I know I need to post in here more. I'm still LOVING me some BKT I am about 3-4 inches from waist length can't wait to get my hair back longgg...I love it longer! It's hard to believe I've been BKTing over a year! I am also almost 12 months post (June 14 last tex-lax)!!! My hair is BONE STRAIGHT out the shower and I lubs it!:yep:

I can't WAIT to see your pics with the Marcia T! Your hair is similar to my mother's hair so it will give me an idea of what to use on her hair next. :)
have any of you done keratin after coloring your hair? how were the results? kind want to do keratin, but nervous enough about my new hair color and its possible damage on my hair...anyone????
bkt actually works better on color treated and relaxed hair. my highlights are shinin away after my bkt. and they are brighterr

will it strengthen and make my hair less prone to breakage or being brittle or whatever? i want to loosen my curl pattern a little, but i mostly want to get my hair healthy! (realllllly worried about having colored hair. make that, really paranoid!)
It's hard to believe I've been BKTing over a year! I am also almost 12 months post (June 14 last tex-lax)!!! My hair is BONE STRAIGHT out the shower and I lubs it!:yep:

@ the bolded:
I see you were texlaxed before you did BKTso I'm not surprised to hear your hair is straight out of the shower but, when you say "bone strait", do you mean relaxer-like, bodiless straight, or straight with body/life? YKWIM?

I'm curious because even though my texture ( on my all natural parts) gets looser with each treatment (i.e, previously treated hair looks straighter) I still get major shrinkage/reversion when my hair gets wet. I've been toying with the idea of slightly texlaxing to get straighter results but i'd only do it if I can confirm that straight BKT can give me straightness with body.

Please share your knowledge/experience. TIA!

P.S. Pictures please?
:update: Well I last BKT-ed in January - longest I've gone since I started. My hair HAS fully reverted, no sign of BKT anywhere, the feel of it, curl definition etc are all back to pre-BKT.

I'll be BKT-ing (using Global 4%) in the next week ISA...this would mark a year of BKT-ing.
will it strengthen and make my hair less prone to breakage or being brittle or whatever? i want to loosen my curl pattern a little, but i mostly want to get my hair healthy! (realllllly worried about having colored hair. make that, really paranoid!)

I used softliss formaldehyde free formula... My highlights were done with 30 point developer which is pretty strong. They have yet to break or snap like my hair usually does. My hair was completely virgin before those highlights aside from some color/heat damage on the end. Even those over processed peices on the bottom felt really strong. I decided to cut those afterwards though, just b/c my curl pattern looked so nice and those end peices got really straight after the bkt. I've been dragging my brush through my hair with VERY FEW shed hairs/breakage in the brush.
Also, when I did my bkt, we did 3 passes with the flat iron at 390, we did not do 6 passes at 450. that is just too much heat. Slo when you get it make sure the person who does it, or you, understands exactly how you will feel safe during the procedure, whether it be high heat or low heat.
Also at my hair school one of my teachers bkt's regularly and she said that her color treated clients always say their hair feels amazing afterwards. I think if you look through the thread there are a bunch of ppl on here that color prior to the bkt so that the product will take better. It works best on porous hair and processed hair usually has a high level of porosity. Do a google search on it, I think you will find some good stuff about that.
:update: Well I last BKT-ed in January - longest I've gone since I started. My hair HAS fully reverted, no sign of BKT anywhere, the feel of it, curl definition etc are all back to pre-BKT.

It's good to have an official report on this. Many people wonder about that. I personally don't lose sleep about my curls being looser. But I do worry when I hear reports about straight out of the shower hair. I want to find out if that ever reverts.

Were you fully natural before you started BKT? I've heard that if your hair has been previously processed that interferes with reversion. Do you have any pics?

Thanks for the info.
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@ the bolded:
I see you were texlaxed before you did BKTso I'm not surprised to hear your hair is straight out of the shower but, when you say "bone strait", do you mean relaxer-like, bodiless straight, or straight with body/life? YKWIM?

I'm curious because even though my texture ( on my all natural parts) gets looser with each treatment (i.e, previously treated hair looks straighter) I still get major shrinkage/reversion when my hair gets wet. I've been toying with the idea of slightly texlaxing to get straighter results but i'd only do it if I can confirm that straight BKT can give me straightness with body.

Please share your knowledge/experience. TIA!

P.S. Pictures please?

I have never had bone straight tex-laxed/relaxed hair so I really can't speak to that. I tex-laxed my natural hair after 9 years so my hair was still 3A before the BKT. My hair has tons of body and is very healthy - not like it's been "broken down".

When I say I am bone-straight out the shower I am really speaking of my new growth because the telaxed hair got straight instantly. I'm just glad my new growth since last June is straight with the BKT. I love it!

You can look at my Fotki I have quite a few pictures in there. I'm going to do an update in June when I'm 12 months post.
It's good to have an official report on this. Many people wonder about that. I personally don't lose sleep about my curls being looser. But I do worry when I hear reports about straight out of the shower hair. I want to find out if that ever reverts.

Were you fully natural before you started BKT? I've heard that if your hair has been previously processed that interferes with reversion. Do you have any pics?

Thanks for the info.

I sure hope mine never My 6+ inches of new growth stay silky and smooth even in extremely high humdity NO FRIZZ WHATSOEVER. If I wanted to keep the curl though I think I would go with Coppola because it didn't make my new growth straight.
I did my 3rd BKT on Monday and I love it. (some history) The 1st BKT was Coppola (salon) and since I was in braids for 3 years, I had A LOT of dead ends, but the stylist didn't want to cut them off, lasted 5-6 weeks. The 2nd was Marcia T. (at home) and it helped with my ends a little, and it lasted 3 months. I probably could have gone a little longer with the Marcia in my hair, as I was going to the salon for silkening once a month, but the humidity and my plans to start working out needed a new treatment.

On Monday, I tried QOD Gold, that I purchased from eBay. The process was easier this time, it still took some time though. I LOVE the way my hair feels with QOD on it, I don't want to do the 1st wash yet, I love it so much. Oh and while putting it on my hair, I really like the curly look of my hair with it on, I hope when I wash it on Saturday, it looks like that.

Unlike the M.T. BKT, my hair is coated and feels fuller and stronger!

I will get my act together and post photos soon.

I will be using QOD Gold from now on, until my hair tells me otherwise. I hope this will last 3 or 4 months. Oh yeah, and I'm 100% natural, no color or anything to help the treatment along.
I tex-laxed my natural hair after 9 years so my hair was still 3A before the BKT.

This explains a lot! My nape area and under my ears are silky 4a or 3c and these areas respond very differently than my 4a, 4b parts. They still curl up when wet, but a much looser curl. And I can air dry it straight just by pulling the hair (like in a pony) while drying. So I can see if you were 3a texlaxed, the treatment would turn out like the best relaxer in the world!

Thanks for the clarification!

P.S. My type 4 new growth just LAUGHS at BKT during the first treatment--I only see the change in texture after treatment 2-3 (of the new growth).
On Monday, I tried QOD Gold, that I purchased from eBay. The process was easier this time, it still took some time though. I LOVE the way my hair feels with QOD on it, I don't want to do the 1st wash yet, I love it so much. Oh and while putting it on my hair, I really like the curly look of my hair with it on, I hope when I wash it on Saturday, it looks like that. Oh, please, I still have 2/3 of a liter of DH (which I love) and now you're tempting me to try this! Please, stop!:lachen:

Unlike the M.T. BKT, my hair is coated and feels fuller and stronger! REALLY tempting me!

I will get my act together and post photos soon. Pretty Please?
On Monday, I tried QOD Gold, that I purchased from eBay. The process was easier this time, it still took some time though. I LOVE the way my hair feels with QOD on it, I don't want to do the 1st wash yet, I love it so much. Oh and while putting it on my hair, I really like the curly look of my hair with it on, I hope when I wash it on Saturday, it looks like that. Oh, please, I still have 2/3 of a liter of DH (which I love) and now you're tempting me to try this! Please, stop!:lachen:

Unlike the M.T. BKT, my hair is coated and feels fuller and stronger! REALLY tempting me!

I will get my act together and post photos soon. Pretty Please?

I haven't tried DH yet. I'm not looking to have my hair relaxer stright w/o heat. I had to, and wanted to cut my hair from raggidy shoulder length to maybe right above collar bone legnth with pretty layers (my hair needs them) last month and now my hair is kind of touching my shoulder. Once I grow it out a little I will wear it curly more.

With this QOD, my hair feels like silk! I don't follow the directions to a 'T", as the morning after doing the treatment, I did my hair the normal way, with a style. I have to curl my hair with a flat iron, so I may not put head bands on my hair, I don't keep it straight during the waiting periond.

In all, I like QOD best. I can only imagine how my hair would have come out if it was done at a salon... I would swinging and swaying all over Atlanta.
I want to do my first BKT. I want to know what you guys think of Sunliss. I'm interested in them because they sell kits for just 1-2 treatments and it's just $60, and they had a great video step by step guide. :yep: I'm thinking it'll be good for a first-timer. I don't want to shell out $250+ for some product my hair hates. :ohwell:
This explains a lot! My nape area and under my ears are silky 4a or 3c and these areas respond very differently than my 4a, 4b parts. They still curl up when wet, but a much looser curl. And I can air dry it straight just by pulling the hair (like in a pony) while drying. So I can see if you were 3a texlaxed, the treatment would turn out like the best relaxer in the world!

Thanks for the clarification!

P.S. My type 4 new growth just LAUGHS at BKT during the first treatment--I only see the change in texture after treatment 2-3 (of the new growth).

Like I said before I'm not necessarily talking about the TEXLAXED or chemical treated hair. I am saying I have 6+ inches of NEW GROWTH that's bone straight. It's goes without saying that texlaxed will go straight (at least with my texture of hair). I wondered if my 3b/3c NATURAL hair would get bone straight and it did. That's what I love. I'm glad my hair texture responds well to the treatment because it's a Godsend...growing right back to WL/HL.
Like I said before I'm not necessarily talking about the TEXLAXED or chemical treated hair. I am saying I have 6+ inches of NEW GROWTH that's bone straight. It's goes without saying that texlaxed will go straight (at least with my texture of hair). I wondered if my 3b/3c NATURAL hair would get bone straight and it did. That's what I love. I'm glad my hair texture responds well to the treatment because it's a Godsend...growing right back to WL/HL.

I think hairtype must have alot to do with BKT results on virgin hair. The reason I stopped BKT'ing my natural hair was because it left most of my hair extremely straight after the first treatment - but not the horseshoe of 4a that grows at the perimeter of my head. The rest of my hair is 3-something waves (or very loose 4a?). The 4a at the perimeter got silkier, but not bone straight, and it reverted quickly. Needless to say, my previously relaxed hair is straighter than any relaxer could ever be. I thought my 3 hair had reverted completely, but now that I have much more new growth to compare it to (non-BKT'd new growth, that is) I can tell that it hasn't reverted completely.

My daughter's (4a/4b highly textured) hair laughed at BKT! She had a treatment a few months ago, but we'll continue BKT in the future because she has retained every bit of hair she's grown since. No DC, PS, low manipulation, or any other technique has resulted in her retaining this much length. So, even though it didn't straighten her hair, it obviously protected it quite well.

BTW, we use a formaldehyde-free formula.
I think hairtype must have alot to do with BKT results on virgin hair. The reason I stopped BKT'ing my natural hair was because it left most of my hair extremely straight after the first treatment - but not the horseshoe of 4a that grows at the perimeter of my head. The rest of my hair is 3-something waves (or very loose 4a?). The 4a at the perimeter got silkier, but not bone straight, and it reverted quickly. Needless to say, my previously relaxed hair is straighter than any relaxer could ever be. I thought my 3 hair had reverted completely, but now that I have much more new growth to compare it to (non-BKT'd new growth, that is) I can tell that it hasn't reverted completely.

My daughter's (4a/4b highly textured) hair laughed at BKT! She had a treatment a few months ago, but we'll continue BKT in the future because she has retained every bit of hair she's grown since. No DC, PS, low manipulation, or any other technique has resulted in her retaining this much length. So, even though it didn't straighten her hair, it obviously protected it quite well.

BTW, we use a formaldehyde-free formula.

Hair texture definitely determines the outcome. I think the strand density does too. My mom's hair is 4a but it is EXTREMELY fine and her new growth got bone straight after one treatment (OK Keratin). Right now I am really loving QOD MAX they are technically formaledhyde -free 0.02% but it has gotten my hair as straight as 2% formula. :yep: I feel better not using the formaldehyde formula unless I'm outdoors doing the treatment.
I just did my 5th treatment with QOD Gold...and so far i dont like it. I had to do a 1 inch trim :nono: after blow drying and flat ironing on 410 at 4-5 passes. The final result was hair that looked blow dried without any moisture. I had high hopes for this brand but hey...
Good news is:
nothing *bad* happened (outside of that unplanned trim)
My 5 weeks post new growth is straight
I'm glad i finally tried it after wanting it for months

I'll report in again after my first wash, maybe it takes a while to see good results. So far, DH seems to be the best BKT for my hair.

I did my first wash after QOD Gold and my hair looks fabulous!!! :yep: Straight, swinging with body, and its touchably soft and moves like crazy! QOD's "cure" period on my hair sucks, but I'm loving my hair now. I plan to increase my BKT's to once every 6-8 weeks now and i'll be using the QOD next time too.
I want to do my first BKT. I want to know what you guys think of Sunliss. I'm interested in them because they sell kits for just 1-2 treatments and it's just $60, and they had a great video step by step guide. :yep: I'm thinking it'll be good for a first-timer. I don't want to shell out $250+ for some product my hair hates. :ohwell:

BUMP ..................
Wow...ladies, I have just been through a terrible hair ordeal, and the BKT basically saved my strands. All I can think is THANK GOD I have this keratin treatment on my hair, or else I'd probably be bald-headed right now.

I just got back from paying my old stylist to take out my weave cornrows from another stylist. My hair was completely matted...I had dreadlocks. :nono: She had to apply some force to get the locs out, and we both agreed that my pre-BKT hair would not have survived the process. It was too thin and fragile, and I would've basically lost all my hair. :nono: It also would not have been strong enough to support the poorly installed weave without breaking off.

My old stylist was marveling at how much thicker my strands are as a result of BKT, how my edges are starting to fill in, and how much healthier my hair is in general from this treatment. She was so impressed that she's now going to look into doing keratin treatments in her salon. :yep:
BUMP ..................

I want to do my first BKT. I want to know what you guys think of Sunliss. I'm interested in them because they sell kits for just 1-2 treatments and it's just $60, and they had a great video step by step guide. :yep: I'm thinking it'll be good for a first-timer. I don't want to shell out $250+ for some product my hair hates. :ohwell:

I've never used sunliss but it's possible someone on this thread has. Have you done a search? Also, there's many other brands (Dre@m H@ir, QOD, OK, etc) available on Ebay as samples (2-4 oz, $30-60). You might want to consider that.
I did my 7th BKT today, rejuvenol. The first two treatments were at the salon (Lasio One Day and then Rejuvenol) and I've done 5 treatments at home. I am not changing brands until I use up the last of my Rejuvenol. I have about 2 treatments left in the 16 oz bottle that I bought around June 2009 (full kit with after care shampoo & conditioner from ebay).

The number of passes definitely make a difference. I had reversion much faster in March with only 2 passes. I am hoping this treatment lasts a bit longer since I used 4 passes at 450 degrees.


I have lead hairs at the 5 inch mark, looks like the same hairs that were at the 4 inch mark in March. Looks like I'm averaging 1/2 an inch per month.

My hair this morning:

My hair this afternoon:

more photos:

ETA - I went over my hair with 2-3 more passes per section since I noticed some reversion after a very hot/humid/rainy day in NYC.
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Looks like I'm about to get a BKT. I mentioned it to my mom and she and out and got me one. I wasn't expecting to get it this visit so I left my flat iron at home. Can you use a pressing comb?
Looks like I'm about to get a BKT. I mentioned it to my mom and she and out and got me one. I wasn't expecting to get it this visit so I left my flat iron at home. Can you use a pressing comb?

Are you talking about for the application process? If so, I'd say probably not. You need a flat iron for consistent heat and sealing IMO. I hope others chime in. Good luck!
@ naturalmanenyc, are you happy with Rejuvenol because I was thinking about buying some from Amazon, but I need opinions from people who are experienced with it...
I am about 80% natural and about ready to jump back into the BKT game. I have been working out almost daily and wearing protective styles. I think i have at least 4.5 - 6 inches of natural hair all around with some BKTed ends.

I'm excited! In the meantime back to my workouts. I have lost 15 lbs of fat and I'm starting to look like a fitness chick again! :clap:

The fact that I'm working out every day is the only reason why I haven't BKTed yet but I am going to do one soo because I know it will help protect my hair as it grows in now that I am nearly relaxer free. I did a mini BC last month, cutting off about 6 inches of relaxed/BKTed hair.