KeraSmooth, similar to BKT but better!!!

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New Member
Ok so I went to a salon with the motive of the getting a BKT done. However, I left getting a treatment called KeraSmooth. The hairdresser, Juana, suggested it to me (she is also a member here as Juanita). The results were great. I don't have any pictures though. But believe me. I have 4z hair and my hair is soooo soft and straight. My hair has never been this straight or soft.:grin: My hair was actually blowing in the wind, which it never does. I am currently 10 weeks post relaxer. When I went to work everyone asked if I finally relaxed my hair. I told them no. No one believed me. That's how straight and soft my hair is.

I figured a BKT would be helpful with my 5 month stretch. But this KeraSmooth came out so good. It is formaldahyde free (sp). The process is similar to the BKT treatment. But it only takes about half the time as the BKT. The results lasts up to 12 weeks. And it only costs $90. The best thing is that I haven't had ONE broken hair since I had this treatment :yep:, literally. I am prone to breakage, because my hair is naturally hard and dry. I usually have breakage and it is very hard to comb my hair. But since this treatment the comb just glides through and there is zero breakage. I encourage those who get the BKT to try this treatment as well. Its supposed to be safer and doesn't give the hair that weighed down, heavy feeling. Also, for those ladies who are stretching, this would help manage your NG much better. I plan on relaxing in December. But I know that wouldn't be possible without getting this treatment, my NG was that bad. I have about 2 inches of NG that I now can comb through as if it is relaxed. I am soo happy.

The salon I got this done at is in Brooklyn. Juana also does the BKT treatment if anyone is looking for a place that does it as well. Juana is a professional and great hair stylist. I would recommend her to anyone. She's very hospitable and conversational as well. She also knows hair. I stopped going to hair salons because the of the lack of education surrounding AA hair care. But I really wanted a BKT done and come to find out I not only got a better treatment, I also found a new, knowledgeable hair stylist. If anyone wants her information just PM me. Thanks
Yay PurAngl1!! I remeber your previous posts and I am sooooooooooooo glad you found something that works for your hair!!

Now... are you going to leave us hanging or are you going to post some PICS!!!! :-)
I'm not finding a whole lot of information online about it but I did find this link that says it has thio in it.
I think someone recently had a nice experience with this product. There are BKT treamtments that are formaldahyde free, they just use another form of formaldahyde. As some one else asked how is it different/safer?
I watched that video but he didn't convince me. If it is an all natural product than why can't it be used over a relaxer?
Probably the fact that it doesn't contain life threatening chemicals.:perplexed

Y'all kill me..
So you all don't wear nail polish.. use only natural organic things to clean your house... smell smoke, walk on polished woodfloors..

FORMALDEHYDE is IN almost everything.. PERIOD! You can try to avoid it.. but its gonna be pretty hard if you live and BREATHE!

I'm trying to see why BKT gets it so much harder than a relaxer here...?

It's done nothing but wonders for my hair..and a whole bunch of other heads here...but it gets so much venom it's not even funny..

Please tell me what the BKT haters have against it? It's all good you don't want to put it on your head.. but please stop coming into everybody's BKT thread saying the same thing.

A BKT lover and supporter

And yes I'm talking to you "thankers" too... :look::lachen::lachen:
let the flames begin! :lachen:
Y'all kill me..
So you all don't wear nail polish.. use only natural organic things to clean your house... smell smoke, walk on polished woodfloors..

FORMALDEHYDE is IN almost everything.. PERIOD! You can try to avoid it.. but its gonna be pretty hard if you live and BREATHE!

I'm trying to see why BKT gets it so much harder than a relaxer here...?

It's done nothing but wonders for my hair..and a whole bunch of other heads here...but it gets so much venom it's not even funny..

Please tell me what the BKT haters have against it? It's all good you don't want to put it on your head.. but please stop coming into everybody's BKT thread saying the same thing.

A BKT lover and supporter

And yes I'm talking to you "thankers" too... :look::lachen::lachen:
let the flames begin! :lachen:
i'm not against BKT. I actually subscribed to the BKT thread to learn about it. I am lukewarm about it. I think it looks great and does wonderful things on peoples hair, especially those who are active with working out and want to straighten their hair as well.
The one thing that scares me is that it is so new and there is no long term track record or research on it. I also don't like that it is not clear that formaldehyde is the active ingredient and they use deriatives of it in the formaldehyde free versions, so people really think there is no formaldehyde in it. Also yes I know that there is formaldehyde every damn where, but it's not directly on my hair and scalp and then creating fumes directly in my face. I think hearing about the whole mask, fumes, eye watering thing is kinda scary to some. It could be totally harmless and really just paranoia, but for now I think I just want to keep hearing reviews and wait. The results I see are beautiful and I like the fact that it wears off, so you can go back to how your hair naturally was. But it sounds a little scary:look:
Y'all kill me..
So you all don't wear nail polish.. use only natural organic things to clean your house... smell smoke, walk on polished woodfloors..

FORMALDEHYDE is IN almost everything.. PERIOD! You can try to avoid it.. but its gonna be pretty hard if you live and BREATHE!

I'm trying to see why BKT gets it so much harder than a relaxer here...?

It's done nothing but wonders for my hair..and a whole bunch of other heads here...but it gets so much venom it's not even funny..

Please tell me what the BKT haters have against it? It's all good you don't want to put it on your head.. but please stop coming into everybody's BKT thread saying the same thing.

A BKT lover and supporter

And yes I'm talking to you "thankers" too... :look::lachen::lachen:
let the flames begin! :lachen:

No, some of yall kill me for what you will do all in the name of "beauty". Just about everything we use on a day to day basis has some chemical that can potentially be dangerous and harmful to our health. But I have a serious problem with a chemical, that while being applied to my hair, I have to wear a mask. How crazy is that? Seriously? I don't have to wear a mask to paint my nails. Nor do I have to wear one to clean my house or go outside or breathe period.
This thread started out as a rave and turned into comedy in about 2.4 posts flat :lachen:

Sorry OP!! I'm glad you had a good experience. It's always best to research a treatment before you try it ... just for future reference.
No, some of yall kill me for what you will do all in the name of "beauty". Just about everything we use on a day to day basis has some chemical that can potentially be dangerous and harmful to our health. But I have a serious problem with a chemical, that while being applied to my hair, I have to wear a mask. How crazy is that? Seriously? I don't have to wear a mask to paint my nails. Nor do I have to wear one to clean my house or go outside or breathe period.

You could let us BKTers take our calculated risks in peace.... or not! :lol:
No, some of yall kill me for what you will do all in the name of "beauty". Just about everything we use on a day to day basis has some chemical that can potentially be dangerous and harmful to our health. But I have a serious problem with a chemical, that while being applied to my hair, I have to wear a mask. How crazy is that? Seriously? I don't have to wear a mask to paint my nails. Nor do I have to wear one to clean my house or go outside or breathe period.

If you have ever gone into a nail salon with out a mask your point is null and void. If the staff has on mask you probably should too. Just because we don't wear mask with relaxers does not make them any more safe, check out that scene from "Good Hair" and see what that relaxer does to an aluminum can - and we put that on our heads! Put your nose up close to a relaxer tub and see if your eyes don't burn. We have seen 1st hand what a bad relaxer can do to ones skin and hair. I've yet to see any results like that from BKT. I have done BKT twice, didnt need a mask, it smelled less offensive than any chemical hair service I've ever had. From highlights, permanent color, relaxer, etc.
Thanks, if I had a dollar for every negative comment and thanks about BKT, I could start my own BKT company. Chemicals are chemicals you should always take precautions, but I don't see any of you running up in a thread where someone has just ended a long stretch, talking about harmful chemicals, fall back or GTFOOH with the negativity! Sorry if I truly offended anyone, but I had to get that out of my system.

NeeSee like FAB said almost everything we come in contact with to has some sort of chemicals, so what was your point exactly?

Again someone who actually knows; how is this suppose to be safer/different, or is it just a formaldahyde free product? I looked at the site briefly, but could not tell a difference.
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i'm not against BKT. I actually subscribed to the BKT thread to learn about it. I am lukewarm about it. I think it looks great and does wonderful things on peoples hair, especially those who are active with working out and want to straighten their hair as well.
The one thing that scares me is that it is so new and there is no long term track record or research on it. I also don't like that it is not clear that formaldehyde is the active ingredient and they use deriatives of it in the formaldehyde free versions, so people really think there is no formaldehyde in it. Also yes I know that there is formaldehyde every damn where, but it's not directly on my hair and scalp and then creating fumes directly in my face. I think hearing about the whole mask, fumes, eye watering thing is kinda scary to some. It could be totally harmless and really just paranoia, but for now I think I just want to keep hearing reviews and wait. The results I see are beautiful and I like the fact that it wears off, so you can go back to how your hair naturally was. But it sounds a little scary:look:

Not you Kurlee... you are just doing your research..and I appreciate that.
I'm trying to see why BKT gets it so much harder than a relaxer here...?

I'm not sure why that is. I'm equal opportunity with my dislike so...maybe it's just that BKT is a "new" treatment, which makes it seem more scary than a relaxer.

Please tell me what the BKT haters have against it? It's all good you don't want to put it on your head.. but please stop coming into everybody's BKT thread saying the same thing.

About the's not like NeeSee came in the thread with an agenda. Someone asked a question and she answered it. What's the big deal about that? People do it in every thread, every day.

The real question is, why do you take it so personally? If you like what you're doing to your hair, then why the diatribe every time someone says the least little thing about BKT? It's not like they're talking about you, directly or indirectly.

(general you-bkt users)
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