KeraSmooth, similar to BKT but better!!!

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Y'all kill me..
So you all don't wear nail polish.. use only natural organic things to clean your house... smell smoke, walk on polished woodfloors..

FORMALDEHYDE is IN almost everything.. PERIOD! You can try to avoid it.. but its gonna be pretty hard if you live and BREATHE!

I'm trying to see why BKT gets it so much harder than a relaxer here...?

It's done nothing but wonders for my hair..and a whole bunch of other heads here...but it gets so much venom it's not even funny..

Please tell me what the BKT haters have against it? It's all good you don't want to put it on your head.. but please stop coming into everybody's BKT thread saying the same thing.

A BKT lover and supporter

And yes I'm talking to you "thankers" too... :look::lachen::lachen:
let the flames begin! :lachen:

No, some of yall kill me for what you will do all in the name of "beauty". Just about everything we use on a day to day basis has some chemical that can potentially be dangerous and harmful to our health. But I have a serious problem with a chemical, that while being applied to my hair, I have to wear a mask. How crazy is that? Seriously? I don't have to wear a mask to paint my nails. Nor do I have to wear one to clean my house or go outside or breathe period.

Ok... stepping away from the original comment.. You don't have to wear a mask unless the fumes bother you. When people smoke; the fumes are left in the air not only for the smoker :rolleyes: Nail polish has fumes and you obviously are okay with inhaling it.. you could wear a mask; but you choose not to. Some people might want to wear a mask when they apply a have you never had one of those? It has fumes.. I am not here to start beef but it gets pretty annoying for me when someone tries to post a new treatment or a rave and then the "no that" committee comes a knocking.. That's not the point of the post..all this is for those who want to try it or use it! It's all do you.. I don't go into the threads saying "I ain't washed my hair in 6 months and its down to the floor..." because I know that's something I'm not going to do. And if I do, I'm not leaving a comment because what's the point. THe same with BC..I don't agree with it.. but when someone posts that they did it..I just ignore those threads and move on to something that I would do.. like buy products... LOL.

But you are right... I will do anything (within my own reasoning) for beauty. So you got me there... :lachen::lachen:
Erm.... Op sounds like you went to Dominican Essence. Glad you found a good stylist that actually listens and knows what she's doing. Hopefully we see some pics soon! Lol.
You could let us BKTers take our calculated risks in peace.... or not! :lol:

Go right ahead

If you have ever gone into a nail salon with out a mask your point is null and void. If the staff has on mask you probably should too. Just because we don't wear mask with relaxers does not make them any more safe, check out that scene from "Good Hair" and see what that relaxer does to an aluminum can - and we put that on our heads! Put your nose up close to a relaxer tub and see if your eyes don't burn. We have seen 1st hand what a bad relaxer can do to ones skin and hair. I've yet to see any results like that from BKT. I have done BKT twice, didnt need a mask, it smelled less offensive than any chemical hair service I've ever had. From highlights, permanent color, relaxer, etc.

I am well aware of the risk with relaxers as well but if BK is what you prefer then by all means go right ahead. The poster asked a questioned and I answered. Just like you have the right to be Pro BK, I can be Anti BK. I am not that discontent with my hair/looks to take such a risk. But do you.
I'm not sure why that is. I'm equal opportunity with my dislike so...maybe it's just that BKT is a "new" treatment, which makes it seem more scary than a relaxer.

About the's not like NeeSee came in the thread with an agenda. Someone asked a question and she answered it. What's the big deal about that? People do it in every thread, every day.

The real question is, why do you take it so personally? If you like what you're doing to your hair, then why the diatribe every time someone says the least little thing about BKT? It's not like they're talking about you, directly or indirectly.

(general you-bkt users)

She didn't really answer the question..which is HOW is it different from a BKT. She doesn't know. And from what I read; we all don't know yet.

Because this is not a communist society! This is all part of the natural vs relaxed vs BKT stigma that is soo sickening on this board. And today I chose to speak on it. Pretty hair is pretty hair .. relaxed; natural; BKT'ed.. or whatever. And like I've said before; if you have not tried it and don't want to learn about it.. don't speak on it. I think that's a reasonable request.
Ok... stepping away from the original comment.. You don't have to wear a mask unless the fumes bother you. When people smoke; the fumes are left in the air not only for the smoker :rolleyes: Nail polish has fumes and you obviously are okay with inhaling it.. you could wear a mask; but you choose not to. Some people might want to wear a mask when they apply a have you never had one of those? It has fumes.. I am not here to start beef but it gets pretty annoying for me when someone tries to post a new treatment or a rave and then the "no that" committee comes a knocking.. That's not the point of the post..all this is for those who want to try it or use it! It's all do you.. I don't go into the threads saying "I ain't washed my hair in 6 months and its down to the floor..." because I know that's something I'm not going to do. And if I do, I'm not leaving a comment because what's the point. THe same with BC..I don't agree with it.. but when someone posts that they did it..I just ignore those threads and move on to something that I would do.. like buy products... LOL.

But you are right... I will do anything (within my own reasoning) for beauty. So you got me there... :lachen::lachen:

Well why did you do it then, if it annoys you so? Because that's what happened. I thanked her for her review and she compared it to BK. Another poster wanted to know the difference, I gave a suggestion. You in turn came and took things to a whole nother level. Again, if it annoys you so, why did you come in here and take this thread and make a left turn when things were going fine? Oh and I don't hang around smokers nor do I relax. I am fortunate to have a hair texture that simply requires a flat iron to do the trick if I chose to go straight. So no, no mask needed in my world.
She didn't really answer the question..which is HOW is it different from a BKT. She doesn't know. And from what I read; we all don't know yet.

Because this is not a communist society! This is all part of the natural vs relaxed vs BKT stigma that is soo sickening on this board. And today I chose to speak on it. Pretty hair is pretty hair .. relaxed; natural; BKT'ed.. or whatever. And like I've said before; if you have not tried it and don't want to learn about it.. don't speak on it. I think that's a reasonable request.

Well she's right, it doesn't have formaldehyde. So apparently she does know.

I don't see how this is part of the natural v. chemical debate. It's not that deep, IMO. And I don't see why everyone gets so offended because people don't like something. If you like it, that's all that matters.

And, I don't think someone has to have tried something to be able to speak on it. I probably know far more about bkt and relaxing than most people who actually use them...just because I haven't tried them doesn't mean my opinion (or anyone else's) is any less valid.

Anyway, do you. No one gets defensive when folks are talking about air drying v rollersetting v flat ironing. This really shouldn't be any different.
She didn't really answer the question..which is HOW is it different from a BKT. She doesn't know. And from what I read; we all don't know yet.

Because this is not a communist society! This is all part of the natural vs relaxed vs BKT stigma that is soo sickening on this board. And today I chose to speak on it. Pretty hair is pretty hair .. relaxed; natural; BKT'ed.. or whatever. And like I've said before; if you have not tried it and don't want to learn about it.. don't speak on it. I think that's a reasonable request.

You don't know what I know and pretty hair is not pretty hair if their are some serious risk involved. When I researched this product when it was first mentioned here, I determined then, it was a risk I was willing to take. Simple as that. Just because you like a certain product and see nothing wrong with don't mean everyone else will. It's like vanilla ice cream vs chocolate ice cream. We all have different preferences.
I'm not sure why that is. I'm equal opportunity with my dislike so...maybe it's just that BKT is a "new" treatment, which makes it seem more scary than a relaxer.

About the's not like NeeSee came in the thread with an agenda. Someone asked a question and she answered it. What's the big deal about that? People do it in every thread, every day.

The real question is, why do you take it so personally? If you like what you're doing to your hair, then why the diatribe every time someone says the least little thing about BKT? It's not like they're talking about you, directly or indirectly.

(general you-bkt users)

I'm a BKTer and I don't take the comments personally nor do I diatribe about them.

Feel free to comment to your heart's content in my threads and all the others about the BKT. I have an automatic filter for posts that are of no use or interest to me.

I only answered this post because I happen to be one of the people who use BKT and posted in this thread. Carry on...
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But some people, in an effort to be completely safe, do wear masks to do nails, clean their homes, etc, etc....

No, some of yall kill me for what you will do all in the name of "beauty". <<is it that offensive to you what others do with their bodies??? Just about everything we use on a day to day basis has some chemical that can potentially be dangerous and harmful to our health. But I have a serious problem with a chemical, that while being applied to my hair, I have to wear a mask. How crazy is that? Seriously? I don't have to wear a mask to paint my nails. Nor do I have to wear one to clean my house or go outside or breathe period.
I asked the question to the OP, the one who had the service done, thanks for your help, though.

Go right ahead

I am well aware of the risk with relaxers as well but if BK is what you prefer then by all means go right ahead. The poster asked a questioned and I answered. Just like you have the right to be Pro BK, I can be Anti BK. I am not that discontent with my hair/looks to take such a risk. But do you.
Well why did you do it then, if it annoys you so? Because that's what happened. I thanked her for her review and she compared it to BK. Another poster wanted to know the difference, I gave a suggestion. You in turn came and took things to a whole nother level. Again, if it annoys you so, why did you come in here and take this thread and make a left turn when things were going fine? Oh and I don't hang around smokers nor do I relax. I am fortunate to have a hair texture that simply requires a flat iron to do the trick if I chose to go straight. So no, no mask needed in my world.
Feel free to comment to your heart's content in my threads and all the others about the BKT.

Thanks for your permission, I will.

Your siggy makes me wonder if MJ had a bkt...clearly he wouldn't be worried about the chems. I guess I'll never know...
You don't know what I know and pretty hair is not pretty hair if their are some serious risk involved. When I researched this product when it was first mentioned here, I determined then, it was a risk I was willing to take. Simple as that. Just because you like a certain product and see nothing wrong with don't mean everyone else will. It's like vanilla ice cream vs chocolate ice cream. We all have different preferences.
I'm not sure why that is. I'm equal opportunity with my dislike so...maybe it's just that BKT is a "new" treatment, which makes it seem more scary than a relaxer.

About the's not like NeeSee came in the thread with an agenda. Someone asked a question and she answered it. What's the big deal about that? People do it in every thread, every day.

The real question is, why do you take it so personally? If you like what you're doing to your hair, then why the diatribe every time someone says the least little thing about BKT? It's not like they're talking about you, directly or indirectly.

(general you-bkt users)

I'm not a BKT user, but I am very interested in the products and results. BKT is not "new" its have been around a lot longer then you may realize, I am more interested now because it is whole lot safer then it use to be. My problem is the non-users, or people who have no intent on using the products seem to always throw knowledge out about it. If it is a "BKT what is your opinion?" thread that is one thing. The OP was just excited about her results and came to us to share.

So Thio is safer then Formaldehyde :rolleyes:, ok.

Looking into product recommendations says nothing about whether a person likes their hair or not; most of us are here to learn and experiment. I love my hair, and don't want to change it(if I didn't I'd relax). One of the best things to me about BKT, is it's not permanent, and I'd rather have BKT hair then heat damaged hair.

Maybe I don't read far enough into certain threads, but I don't see people going into progress threads after someone has relaxed telling them how dangerous or scary a relaxer is even though that may be true. So why not show the BKTers a little courtesy when the are sharing their experience, instead of just saying the "least little things about BKT".

I'm not a BKT user, but I am very interested in the products and results. BKT is not "new" its have been around a lot longer then you may realize, I am more interested now because it is whole lot safer then it use to be. My problem is the non-users, or people who have no intent on using the products seem to always throw knowledge out about it. If it is a "BKT what is your opinion?" thread that is one thing. The OP was just excited about her results and came to us to share.

So Thio is safer then Formaldehyde :rolleyes:, ok.

Looking into product recommendations says nothing about whether a person likes their hair or not; most of us are here to learn and experiment. I love my hair, and don't want to change it(if I didn't I'd relax). One of the best things to me about BKT, is it's not permanent, and I'd rather have BKT hair then heat damaged hair.

Maybe I don't read far enough into certain threads, but I don't see people going into progress threads after someone has relaxed telling them how dangerous or scary a relaxer is even though that may be true. So why not show the BKTers a little courtesy when the are sharing their experience, instead of just saying the "least little things about BKT".

1. I put "new" in quotes because I recognize that it's not new in the world, just relatively new to the boards. It doesn't have a proven track record yet so I can see why some people might be anxious about it. I don't think thio is less harmful than a BKT. All of these things are bad, IMO. But I think the combination of it being a "scary" chemical combined with no track record makes it less palatable for some people.

2. I don't see how what NeeSee said was discourteous at all and it definitely wasn't out of the norm for this board, regardless of the topic. People will post a review of conditioner a and other folks will go in and ask "what's the difference between a and b". Someone will answer "b doesn't have parabens which are horrible cancer causing chemicals". No one seems to find anything wrong with that...because it's all just a part of the discussion that's happening on this discussion board. For some reason, people are just super sensitive about bkt and I don't get why.

There's nothing wrong with people voicing their opinions...and in this case NeeSee didn't down the OP or anything like that. She literally was speaking on the product, not the person. Why is that so hard for folks to understand? It's not discourteous to say something about a product, even if it is negative.

3. Seeing as this is a discussion board, I don't see why people who have knowledge of something should be shut out of a discussion just because they haven't used the product. So what if a person doesn't plan to bkt ever. What does that have to do with discussing the product? Nothing. They can still give their view of the research, or the ingredients, or whatever else. It doesn't make their input less valid just because they haven't, or don't plan on using the product.

If I went into a bkt thread to post about this great shampoo/conditioner I found with no sodium chloride in it, would that knowledge be inappropriate to share? Of course not.

4. No one came in this thread saying anything bad about what the OP was using...just like no one goes in a relaxer thread and says anything bad about what they're using. And no one does it to the bkt'ers that post their results either. Why would anyone do that? It would be rude. Like I said before, it's one thing to discuss a product, and another to discuss a person.
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