Nay Nay, i'm hoping to achieve similiar results. I'm finally getting my hands on some. i'm also going to try out their leave in (hopefully i can add a positive review). I'll also try out their silken seal serum later on
I didn't buy the leave in since it was so pricey and I have never really heard anyting positive about it. I did try the Silken Seal and it was okay. My hair is much thicker then BRH and Tracy's so I didnt really expect the same results. Have I noticed much difference when using it probably not but I doest help with a smoother setting, I have been putting a small amount on each piece of hair, BUT since my hair is thicker and coarser I probably need more. I will experiment with it post relaxer!
naynay, thanks for the review. I got the leave in on a "deal", so i hardly spent anything for it.. I'll thank one of the lovely ladies on the forum for that.
I have combination hair, and its really thick on top and thinner on the sides and back. Most of my hair is fine textured, so i'm hoping to report similiar raves as BRH and tracy, they have me obssessing over the silken seal! I cant wait.
Nay nay, what other products have you had success with??
Keep in mind that Cholestrols are a deep conditioning treatment, which usually are thicker.

Its a totally different product.
Yes, me to Nay...

I wonder if those that don't like how did they use? With heat? My cousin said she used it with heat (even though the instructions don't say that
) and she said she hated the way her hair came out. Go figure..

I also wonder if just like shampoos and other things, some products dont mix well together and it could be not that it's not a good product but when used with certain things doe'snt work well.

Everybody hair is different, so I just chalk it up to that, it's not that the product is not good, cause it's GREAT. But because of all our different hair types, texutures, etc we can expect different results, like wood polish is good for wood furniture but if you put it on glass, Yuck.. LOL

I'm just Glad I found something that works great for me finally.....
Hi Mindy

Why would you say its a totally different product? I mean they're both meant to condition the hair. They both give moisture. I just find that the results I get from the Keracare (from what I remember --I could be wrong) are not significantly different from the results I get from the cholesterols I've been using (Wella and Queen Helene).

I'm heavy-handed with my conditinoers so it just makes more semse for me to use choesterols----I'd be buying so much Keracare because it's just so thin. Ya know?
kia, sorry to hear that. everything doesn't work for everyone. so i'm not surprised. shall i give you my address?

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
adrienne0914 said:
kia, sorry to hear that. everything doesn't work for everyone. so i'm not surprised. shall i give you my address?


[/ QUOTE ]

LOL Adrienne
I'm going to give it one more try next week. I'll keep you posted....
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
adrienne0914 said:
okay, maybe it will work for you. i hope so!

[/ QUOTE ]

If it doesn''s yours
It'll go in the trash anyway...I rather give it to someone that will use it.
Hi Davine.. I was thinking and I could be wrong too, that Cholestrol, (I've used Queen Helene) was a strenghting coniditioner, like my UBH which is also a strenghter and they are thick, and the first ingredient was a thick substance to coat, like the UBH is Aloe Concentrate and whereas a moisturizing conditiner like the Humecto and I have one by Aubrey seem to be thinner as the first ingredient is water.

So I always thought that they were different products
One a strenghting Conditioner
The other a Moisturizing conditioner.

I don't know if any of what I said makes sense but it was my theory.
Oh--I don't know--well the first ingredient in the QH cholesterol is water too. I hope the cholesterol is strengthening as you say....I love to use it. I'm trying to straighten up my financial situation so I am slowly (and somewhat sadly )trying to wean myself off of higher end products.

So basically for the purpose of conditioning, cholesterol is cost-effective.

I think I am going to back to using my Mizani near touchup time (even though my Cholesterol is still working), and after protein treatments. That way I can make it last longer. I don't know.

I think the Keracare is comparable to the Mizani Moisturefuse so I may end up picking up the Keracare again in the far future when the "original" Moisturefuse is eventually phased out (or whatever is going on.)
Man, I still want to try that original formula Mizani, but can't find it, *sigh* I guess it's just as well cause if I liked it and it's discontinued, that would be not good, but it would last me a while..

I feel you on the price thing. I'm gonna have to lock up my products casue my daughter is heavy handed too and just helps her self to my stuff
I bought Kercare's Leave-in conditioner. It is not a good daily leave in conditioner. It is best when applied to towel dried, moist hair . I usually apply it after rinsing out my conditioner. It is really thick and "gobby-looking." It is not a wonder product on its own. It may very well be the weakest product in the line. I mix it in my hands with ORS Carrot Oil and rub it into my wet hair. I either do a wet rollerset under the dryer or just comb my hair back and dry under the dryer. Either way, the mixture soaks into the hair and leaves it silky, shiny, and soft. My hair feels moisturized. However, I think the carrot oil helps it out a whole lot. Just my two cents.HTH
I sucuumed and bot the humecto too. I liked it but unfortunately I don't have rave reveiws for it. I think u can get simar results with products that cosiderably cheaper. It reminded me a lot of Motions Moisture plus, a conditioner that is also cone heavy but much cheaper.
Other people who don't like KeraCare Humecto!
Daviine Guuuurllll if u liked KeraCare I would say go buy u a 5 lb tub for $23 in NYC! Now that is economical.
Hmm ladies how long are u keepin the product in the hair and
are u using heat? I have never used heat and I admit that if I keep the product in for a short period of time it is okay. The longer I keep it in the hair the better it does in my hair. I have kept other deep conditioners (Nexxus, cholesterol, Mizanni) in my hair for long periods of times and haven't gotten the same results. I say before u throw it away try leaving it on damp hair for 1 hour or so! I am still a FAN!
But I know products work differently for different people! Good Luck
Maybe that's the trick, to leave it on for a long time. I left it on for about 5 minutes and it didn't do

for my hair. I'll try using it as a deep conditioner.
I used it on damp hair for over 2 hours with a plastic cap on and my hair was sooooooooooooo soft I had to IM Adrienne to tell her.
Give it another try.
Faith I am with u! Did it detangle your hair. It did for me. My comb SLIPPED thru my hair and it is much better than Aussie slip!!!!!!

I braid my hair into 4 to 8 sections when I wash and I don't unbraid to comb till mostly dry (I apply Aussie Slip) so I can't comment on the humecto for slippage...if felt like I could get a comb right through it though
My hair felt really soft after even before I applied my leave-in concoctions, usually it's not.
Faith I keep it in for 3 hours and I am 3 months post relaxer and when I say it totally detangles it does. So try it! I don't need Aussie slip or anything when I use it.
Ummmm......where is this at again NayNay?

I read somewhere that the one in the tub is thicker than the one in the bottle. Is this true?

Anyways.......why don't y'all just leave me alone.....I'm trying to get out of debt here......
Gurrrrlll it may be but to me it seems the same. I thought it was thick and I too put a lot of it on my hair. It is at Ra-Ma at 105th &amp; Amsterdam. I say go for it if you like it. I am searching for some Mango Butter now! This board is awful for purchases LOL! I say GO FOR IT! Join the PJness with me! LOL U cannot find a better deal then a FIVE POUND TUB for $23!!!!!!!!!

I'm ur PUSHA BABY!!!!
I guess it is very true.... that different products take to different people's hair differently. I've been using Keracare Conditioner for a little over 6 moths now and it always does a great job detangling my hair. I usually leave it in for about 15 minutes, but I may keep it on longer since other members have good results doing so.
Dang, NayNay! KeraCare, Elasta QP - don'tcha know I'm just a sistah trying to get by? I can't keep up with you!!!
Can I tell you ladies I love this product! My hair is coarse and I have a lot of it. I get relaxers every 3 months and I use Humecto 2x per week. Well when I got my touch new growth and I battle some and when she parts my hair there is usually some pulling. There was absolutely none! This product softened my new growth so much!!!!!
I think everyone needs to buy it!!!! LOL! I love this stuff. It keeps my hair soft and detangled after the conditioning. I only washed my hair once last week Sunday and got it done on the next Tuesday!!!!!
Girl, I see me and you are gonna have a knock down drag out fight for the position of Humecto, Poster Child...


I feel like crying when i think how long I went without trying this product.

I'm telling you yesterady my new growth was hard and dry I used it for 25 min and it's a mircale, I AM NOT LYING, I combed my hair with a rattail comb. Small, tiny, ratail comb and it is so soft.

OK, I'm finna cry. And me like a STUPID Fool is still trying to find Tropical Avocado...

I said earlier if they Pull a Mizani on me, I will blow up the company. IN fact I'm gonna write them., and stock up just in case....
Hey Mindy!
Gurrllll go buy that 5 lb tub of Humecto from Ra-Ma. It is $25.00 with tax. I love this stuff. My beautician said it was good stuff too!!!!!
Guurrlllll it keeps my hair soft even after application. I could kick myself too for waiting so long!!!!!
I was thinkin I could transition easy with this stuff.

But I don't want to get crazy..