Kemi Oyl...


New Member
On a lark today at CVS I picked up a bottle of this oil for my ends, as they are rather frayed looking.

It smelled so sweet and yummy I decided to put it on my ends in lieu of my Cantu Shea Butter leave in.

I'm now sitting with my rollers under the dryer.

Have any of you done this with Kemi Oyl? What were your results?
I'm hoping that it leaves me with nice soft ends, because it's cheap, smells great, and is readily available in most drug stores.

Please share!
I like Kemi Oyl. It does smell good enough to eat. But, sorry I've never noticed anything exceptional. It does what olive oil does, but smells a whole lot better. I always keep a bottle in the house.
I really love Kemi Oyl too. I know it isn't supposed to moisturize but it really feels like it's moisturizing.

It's really thick without being heavy. I remember one time I was experiencing some breakage (back when I didn't know about too much moisture/protein) and I applied Kemi OYl to it and it stopped the breakage immediatly. I don't know why or how, since they don't list their ingredients, but it did.

Good stuff.