
New Member

I know I've been quiet for a bit.

It's freakin' FINALS around here and it SUCKS!!! I need to get back to studying for my securities exam...BUT...before I do that I wanted to say this.

Keep hope alive. Keep striving for your goals. See this as a metaphor for all areas of your life. If you keep at something, keep up your spirits even when times get rough, then you'll be amazed at what you can achieve.

I've been on LHCF (both officially and unofficially) for 8 months. My hair grows anywhere from 0.25 to 0.5 inches per month. So, I should have about 2 to 4 inches of new length right?


At best, my hair is about 1 inch longer than when I started.

But am I discouraged? Nope. Somewhat frustrated and wistful? Sure. But discouraged from continuing my journey? HECK NO!

And I will tell you why.

I went home for Thanksgiving and was chilling in my room. I decided to let down my hair for a bit. And then I glanced in the mirror and saw an interesting comparsion.

My mother loves to keep lots of old pictures of me in my old room. Lots of old newspaper clippings from school, etc. And I saw two pictures of me.

My hair was SOOO damaged. Frayed damaged thinning ends. It was barely shoulder length.

And then I looked at my hair now.

By comparison, it was like I had this HUGE, LUSH, THICK mane of hair (my hair is APL now). And I thought, "Oh my god! Look at my hair now!" I realized right then that even though my hair wasn't yet the length that I wanted, it was FAR more beautiful than any kind of hair I could have imagined back in the day when I struggled with my hair (and before I became a weave addict to compensate for it!).

What my hair hasn't gained in length, it has most certainly gained in health. And I know that if I keep this up, the length will start to come :yep:

So keep hope alive ladies...

I know I will...

Thanks for this....My hair hasn't grown like it should have, but its the healthiest it has been since I got a relaxer at age 13 (im 21).
Your whole post is on point. I am ggoing through a major setback right now but im not going to let it depress me. i'm just going to keep on taking care of my hair and know that in time, i will get to my goal. I promised myself no matter what it is or how hard it may be, giving up is not an option.
Lovely thread...ITA with you completely, especially about this hair growing thing being a metaphor. Good luck with your exam, I'm sure you'll do great!:yep:
Your whole post is on point. I am ggoing through a major setback right now but im not going to let it depress me. i'm just going to keep on taking care of my hair and know that in time, i will get to my goal. I promised myself no matter what it is or how hard it may be, giving up is not an option.

Good luck and (((hugs))) locabouthair, I didn't know you were going through a major setback--a year from now all of us will be amazed at our progress.
Good luck and (((hugs))) locabouthair, I didn't know you were going through a major setback--a year from now all of us will be amazed at our progress.

Awww:kiss:thanks Hopeful. I remember when I first came here I noticed you are always so sweet and encouraging.:)

i already declared in another year I'll have a new head of hair. it's on my countdown.

im going to add you as my friend.:yep:
Awww:kiss:thanks Hopeful. I remember when I first came here I noticed you are always so sweet and encouraging.:)

i already declared in another year I'll have a new head of hair. it's on my countdown.

im going to add you as my friend.:yep:

You're welcome. 2008 is going to be a wonderful year.
Thanks for the uplifting thread! By focusing on improving our hair's health, we will definitely achieve our goals in due time.
Wonderful post!! Health before length is usually the case :yep: Thanks for the encouraging words and I wish you continued success. Patience is a virtue and before you know it, your hair will be long, strong and swangin!
Thanks for that bit of inspiration. Dealing with your own hair at times can be so frustrating. Good luck on your exams.
BUMP!!!!! :bump:

Shameless promotion of my own thread...hehe

BTW - the securities exam was a time crunched sh*tshow, but I finished it and it's graded on a curve sooooo...I think I'll be okay :grin: