Just have to vent


Live, Laugh, Love
My ex and I broke up in Nov. 08 (mutual break). We still talk from time to time, just about family and whatnot. He has told me on more than 1 occ. that he misses me. So last Monday he called cause he lost the mortgage intrest statement for his house and asked if I could set his account up on-line and print a new one. I did and when I took it to him he was all touchy/feely asking for a kiss and such. So I decided to end contact with him since I'm still not quite over him. So today he calls and tells me that he has moved his new girlfriend in with him. I don't know why but it hurts, I wish it didn't but it does. I know I'll get over it but the fact remains that I'm a lil hurt. Ok vent over. Wooosahhh
My ex and I broke up in Nov. 08 (mutual break). We still talk from time to time, just about family and whatnot. He has told me on more than 1 occ. that he misses me. So last Monday he called cause he lost the mortgage intrest statement for his house and asked if I could set his account up on-line and print a new one. I did and when I took it to him he was all touchy/feely asking for a kiss and such. So I decided to end contact with him since I'm still not quite over him. So today he calls and tells me that he has moved his new girlfriend in with him. I don't know why but it hurts, I wish it didn't but it does. I know I'll get over it but the fact remains that I'm a lil hurt. Ok vent over. Wooosahhh

He has a new girlfriend that he is close enough to to move her in already?? :ohwell: He should have asked her to set-up the account then! I'm sorry. I got inner anger. I need to woooosaaahhh my damn self.
He has a new girlfriend that he is close enough to to move her in already?? :ohwell: He should have asked her to set-up the account then! I'm sorry. I got inner anger. I need to woooosaaahhh my damn self.

ITA, I'm like then let her do your errands.
He's trying to make you jealous :rolleyes:
Are you trying to get back together? If not, yes, move on.

Nope, I don't want to get back together but I am hurt that he moved someone in so soon after our break-up. Weird but true, Idk why it hurts, it just does. But time heals all wounds right?
This jerk just wants to play games. He wants to waste your time asking you to do favors for him and be kissy with you, then he calls you up the next day to tell you about his girlfriend. He did it on purpose and he's trying to be cute or something.
I'm sorry that happened, OP. It sounds like he is manipulative and is trying to keep your attention. He might need an all out cutting off. Block his text messages through your carrier, put "Do Not Answer" instead of his name on your cell phone, and block his email messages. And don't do jack skippy for him in terms of a favor or anything again....don't even waste your spit if he was on fire. Keep it moving!.....yeah, i'm with weaveologist, I might need to woosah too, reading your post just pissed me off!
I'm sorry that happened, OP. It sounds like he is manipulative and is trying to keep your attention. He might need an all out cutting off. Block his text messages through your carrier, put "Do Not Answer" instead of his name on your cell phone, and block his email messages. And don't do jack skippy for him in terms of a favor or anything again....don't even waste your spit if he was on fire. Keep it moving!.....yeah, i'm with weaveologist, I might need to woosah too, reading your post just pissed me off!

Yeah I'm done with him, I thought we were better friends than this so... What's weird is that we've known each other for over 10yrs and I would've never thought he'd be so jerky. But we learn something new everyday.
Yet ANOTHER reason why exes get the clean slice out my life. They'll do nothing for you afterwords but cause you confusion by jumping from 'it's cool we can be friends after being lovers..we're so MATURE :rolleyes: " to trying to get back in your drawers, to throwing their 'new' situations in your face and making you feel the hurt all over again. Men are the biggest on being friends with females afterwards and it's for selfish reasons such as this only. The whole 'friends after' thing is suppose to have this air of 'maturity' around it, like it's so widely accepted when people hear "Oh you brokeup? Oh but your still friends? Oh good" No, I feel the exact opposite. "You're still friends?..WHY?" People even think it helps them cope with the break-up better..nah, it's just prolonging the reality of the situation, further prolonging the time it'll take to get over them. The knife has already been driven through the heart, staying friends is just turning it and turning it and turning it..

He's a jerk, there was no benefit of you knowing his new girl is moving in. Just be to him what you should have been to him the moment after you broke up...nothing.
To be honest, it sounds like you figured that since he was calling you and bothering you so much, that you were still the apple of his eye. Then you give him the rejection, and suddenly he has someone "new" in his life. :rolleyes:

Sweetie he's just trying to stick it to you and get a rise out of you. Don't give him the satisfaction.
LOL, silly me for thinking we could still be friends. This also sucks cause he works weekends at his brother's auto shop and does all my and my families' auto repairs for free. I'll miss that but can't let my frugelness keep me from moving on. And I could always go during the week when he's not at the shop, his brother said he'll do any repairs I need cause he feels like my ex is a jerk as well. :lachen: In the end I'll just get my brother or cousin to fix my car if needed, I just have to catch them when they have time.
To be honest, it sounds like you figured that since he was calling you and bothering you so much, that you were still the apple of his eye. Then you give him the rejection, and suddenly he has someone "new" in his life. :rolleyes:

Sweetie he's just trying to stick it to you and get a rise out of you. Don't give him the satisfaction.

That's exactly what my mom said, she was like "girl please, he's just trying to get a rise out of you, ignore him". :lachen:
please do not contact that fool again.

once he sees he's on straight ignore mode, trust me, he'll be feeling real crunchy and you'll be :yawn:
I'm not bothered that he moved on. I'm more salty that he felt the need to call you just to tell you that information. He probably just wanted you to set up the online account so new chick would not see some paper lying around to see how much he is paying. That's why he didn't ask her to do it.

Your mutual breakup reflects that you both had issues prenew girl anyway so her entering the picture is neither here nor there.

Him being a scumbag to pour salt on your wound is.
That was just heartless to contact you just to tell you that he's moving in with someone else. Why? The only reason was to hurt your feelings and to be able to tell himself that he could have you back if he wanted. Why would he hurt you just because he can? He sounds like a jerk. You don't need his stupid *** anyway!
Yet ANOTHER reason why exes get the clean slice out my life. They'll do nothing for you afterwords but cause you confusion by jumping from 'it's cool we can be friends after being lovers..we're so MATURE :rolleyes: " to trying to get back in your drawers, to throwing their 'new' situations in your face and making you feel the hurt all over again. Men are the biggest on being friends with females afterwards and it's for selfish reasons such as this only. The whole 'friends after' thing is suppose to have this air of 'maturity' around it, like it's so widely accepted when people hear "Oh you brokeup? Oh but your still friends? Oh good" No, I feel the exact opposite. "You're still friends?..WHY?" People even think it helps them cope with the break-up better..nah, it's just prolonging the reality of the situation, further prolonging the time it'll take to get over them. The knife has already been driven through the heart, staying friends is just turning it and turning it and turning it..

He's a jerk, there was no benefit of you knowing his new girl is moving in. Just be to him what you should have been to him the moment after you broke up...nothing.

This is such a true statement... it's like poetry. The 'friends' thing is so overrated.